Saturday, November 30, 2013

2017 World Trade Dust Study: Shirt Has WTC Structural Steel

counterparts, the shape of these particles indicates they were  molten at the time of their formation. 
EDX analysis of these particles showed iron or iron oxide, albeit 
with varying degrees of surface contamination from concrete dust. The Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel. It follows that these particles were heated to at least 1500 °C at the time of their formation. . surface contamination .from concrete dust of The Mn/Fe particles Shows The Mn/Fe particles were created at the time this photo was taken 

World Trade Dust Study: Shirt Has WTC Structural Steel but will other controlled demolitions contain the same?

2017 World Trade Dust Study: Shirt Has WTC Structural Steel but will other controlled demolitions contain the same contents? If not then this means the World Trade Center is beyond even Military Controlled Demolitions. 

Sam Haschets Daniel M. Plesse Plasco was just fire damage, no evidence of explosives, the fact you see flashes just shows what fire can do in a collapse

Reply10 hrs
Daniel M. Plesse Wrong Again Sam Haschets video of other collapses have never shown these flashes and dust collected from all other controlled demolition excises will never show the core infrastructure as nano particles on clothing or any location those dust samples are tested .. Frank Greening has done it again and almost matched NIST's BIGGEST LIE Yet "its contract with the finite elements analysis subcontractor was now terminated" and can't develop "visualizations of global structural collapse" which should have been the main goal from the beginning. So what the hell were they doing over there without software and only 1 percent of World Trade Core column infrastructure ? If the answer is watching porn, I would believe it.

Reply1 minEdited
World Trade Dust Study: Shirt Has WTC Structural Steel but will other
controlled demolitions contain the same?

Bob Byron last time I talked to him, he was still working on a new mass distribution information for the load he tries to claim was there.....that was...two years ago.....

he all but admitted his is totally wrong.
Shirt forget about Frank and his bizarre summary saying it was activity taken over 40 years ago given the particle's
Mn/Fe ratio, small size and concentration in the sample he should ruled this out. He thinks its 40+ year old elements in the dust, I wonder if you can use carbon dating on those elements to find out for sure. Chris "When cement is pulverized tadah it's there" So the 40+ year old element fell into the cement mixers and then released because of why? Was any of these 40+ year old elements also found encased in concrete? Chances are NO!  All this just to say the elements was not created on 9/11. The mental gymnastics is incredible.. The amount of 40+ years dust required at the start of the blast to then be dispersed and fall on a shirt as brown sand 1000 feet away was never estimated given the amount still on a shirt and the distance..

She seems motivated by hatred of the 9/11 Truth Movement
I spoke to Greening. We are considering a 3rd party to receive a sample. Yes I have more sample. I found Greening when I saw him on a 9/11 documentary saying he wished he had a sample. So being I had dust I contacted him. Given truthers have such a dedicated agenda we think it's best if there was a 3rd party. The samples you guys cite have origins outside the affected 9/11 dust range. That's weird.

At no time does Frank any video ask for a dust sample your story does not seem to pan out

You need to stop. This is becoming pathological on your part. Greening and I went into this with open minds. In fact he says he would have been excited to find thermite. But he didn't. You need to accept his finding. You cannot change it no matter how much you whine like a mule. Now stop.
How does she know about thermite and why bring that up? She assumes that's reason for my interest. This is pure partisan language supporting the findings of governments, History Channel, and the Smithsonian
Leave me alone. I don't care what you think. You are a nut case.

Chris Anastasy Whatever freak. You weren't there. You have no degree. Greening is a billion times more qualified than you ever could even imagine. Yanno being he's a chemist, a professor, a PHD and you are nothing.

Reply12 minsEdited
Daniel M. Plesse Clearly he is against the idea of core super heating on 9/11 and he clearly states its NOT his opinion but "therefore suggested" which means he is a coward and a loser and a traitor to this country..

ReplyJust nowEdited
Chris Anastasy He's from Canada you moron

Reply9 mins
Daniel M. Plesse Traitor to mankind then

Reply6 mins
Chris Anastasy Whatever. As I told you during your endless barage of harassing messages: SEEK HELP.

Reply4 mins
Daniel M. Plesse You are writing to me you moron.. You seek help..

Reply4 mins
Chris Anastasy Disputing your foolish, erroneous statements is not "writing to you". Don't flatter yourself.

Reply3 mins
Daniel M. Plesse Responding with "freak", "seek help" is not disputing anything.. You have never been on topic.. just name calling. which is embarrassing for an adult.. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

ReplyJust now
Daniel M. Plesse  I had to fix my blog too.. His last paper in August 2017 summary says or "some suggest" that mn/iron core column particle were formed 40+ year ago.. My question to you is Bob Byron wouldn't oxidation destroy these nano particles and turn them into pure iron oxide? And I don't think there is any dating method to determine the true birth date as being 9/11/2001 via the degree of oxide if any on the these small particles.. Your thoughts..

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ReplyJust nowEdited
Bob Byron are talking WAY above what I can tell you....Im just a builder whom knows fire and gravity did not do what we see.

all I can add is why would this happen only on 9-11 to those core columns and never once the culprit in any other incident from fire prevention history?
"the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel." is not from welding they because they use different materials designed for welding.. Then he says grinding operations..I wonder how many tons of 40 year elements would have to exist to fall on someone 1000 feet away..
"the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel. (It follows that these particles were heated to at least 1500 °C at the time of their formation.) 2732 degrees Fahrenheit at least.. but he is really talking about much higher temperatures then melting points. He should talking about is vaporized core columns, you know the photo with big yellow sphere in the middle you have been thinking about, yea that photo. zoom in and fest your eyes. So Vaporized steel google search says "Iron melts at 1538 °C and turns into a gas at 2862 °C. " So the core columns as a gas, flung out of the towers and onto a shirt 1,000 feet away. I am guessing the 1,001 feet cooled the core columns enough to land as brown sand between the threads of Christine Sakoutis shirt..Does not sound like jet Fuel to me boys. Stranger things have known to happen just not inside a scientific paper about Trade Center dust.. " 
proof pos·i·tive 
  1. evidence taken to be final or absolute proof of the existence of something.

    Chat Conversation Start
    1 mutual friend: Stuart Crosbie
    Lives in North Pole, Alaska

    1. Do you have any more sand samples? 2. Did You find Greening or did he find you? 3. Greening knows about other Red Grey chips reports and you can see them in his report.. He knows about giant flash photos and I have sent him a copies for years and he is Nuke Guy and so is Dr. Won-Young Kim of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, so you figure all of this would be included in his report but no he actively avoids the chips, the fireballs and comes to unique conclusion which validates the truth more then other report so far has and key phrase is "the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel." So 1000 feet away a giant flash is photographed with brown circle around it and white in the middle.. The key finding AND the photograph has to be showing the core columns being process into your sand sample. I don't know if you can process this but the next step is finding what can do that and it is NOT JET FUEL..

    Chris Anastasy accepted your request.

    I spoke to Greening. We are considering a 3rd party to receive a sample. Yes I have more sample. I found Greening when I saw him on a 9/11 documentary saying he wished he had a sample. So being I had dust I contacted him. Given truthers have such a dedicated agenda we think it's best if there was a 3rd party. The samples you guys cite have origins outside the affected 9/11 dust range. That's weird.
    Only 1 sample cited is within the affected area. The other 3 are not.
    Do you understand what this means ""the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel."?
    Sure do.
    His conclusion is that in the process of welding the iron, those particles were formed
    Steel etc
    He researched a dust sample and wrote of his findings. Why is that freaking you out so much?
    Yeah he says you're wrong
    Who says?
    He does.
    Your shirt was locked away right?
    It's in the report.
    Yes or no please
    What do you mean by locked away? In a va ult?
    Free from contamination as the first paragraph in the report says..
    When I changed out of my clothes I put it in a plastic bag and there it sat. Sure as hell has better providence than samples you guys used.
    So the answer is yes?
    The dust was from the collapse of the first tower only. After being covered in dust I left the area and eventually was able to change. So yes.
    So how can it welding the iron operations 20 or more years ago ? He said therefore "suggested" by who?
    Because after welding the re is no mop crew to mop it up. The fragments remain. When cement is pulverized tadah it's there
    How can be welding and iron operations of 20 or more years ago just to get out of saying it did not happened during the creation of the fireballs on 9/11?
    again who says welders created the dust? Welding creating molten welding materials not the same materials as the core columns anyway..
    welders don't use MN/Iron radio the same as core columns
    You guys are NOT welders period..
    He is an expert in this field. PHD and everything. He routinely does chemical analysis. Don't you think it's rather silly of you, who is not an academic to question his finding? This is what he thinks. Deal with it. I'm not going to forever debate something already explained to you. His conclusion is that it's from welding. That's his professional opinion.
    He is NOT a welder. Never spoke to welder and he has no idea what he is talking about..
    Ok. Believe what you want. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.
    his bio says nuclear whistle-blower..
    Go talk to iron worker ..
    I already know the truth so why would I?
    They don't use the same ratio .. period sorry..
    Ok whatever Mr no degree
    You don't need to use the same materials..
    I weld so I know ...
    Good for you.
    the dust is NOT 40 years old
    No but elements within it apparently are
    apparently he didn't carbon date those elements?
    I wonder how many tons of 40 year elements would have to exist to fall on someone 1000 feet away..
    extrapolating consentrations in the dust and walking back to source how many tons?
    You need to stop. This is becoming pathological on your part. Greening and I went into this with open minds. In fact he says he would have been excited to find thermite. But he didn't. You need to accept his finding. You cannot change it no matter how much you whine like a mule. Now stop.
    He did not carbon date correct?
    You stop
    I'm done. I don't feel well from my chemo.
    I have the photos which you deny
    open minds my ass ..
    Was any of these 40+ year old elements also found encased in concrete?
    . The amount of 40+ years dust required at the start to then be disperse and fall in on a shirt as brown sand 1000 feet away was never estimated?
    Seek help.
    open mind?
    I'm done with you for today. Have other things to do.
    your behavior is like 2 year old.. name calling "seek help" etc too bad you can't past my questions or the photo..
    I'm having dinner with my husband. Either stop harassing me or get blocked.
    block away, works for me go name call other people on your list..

Leslie Crofford The local EPA office sidelined the regional EPA office. Dr. Cate Jenkins, a whistle-blower EPA scientist, said that on September 12, 2001, a regional EPA office offered to dispatch 30 to 40 electron microscopes to the WTC PIT to test bulk dust samples for the presence of asbestos fibers. Instead, the local office chose the less effective polarized light microscopy testing method. Dr. Jenkins alleged that the local office refused, saying, "We don't want you f—ing cowboys here. The best thing they could do is reassign you to Alaska."" wikipedia This is a little off topic....All these dust studies weren't done in the PIT. Notice the word "PIT" next time bunkers want to argue with me that there wasn't craters or pits that the WTC were sitting in.

There has been growing concern over the health…

5 hrs
Bryan Boden Our current establishment Puppet Rod Rosenstein head of the DOJ is part of the problem. He hired Muller to investigate because he is the Puppet that has a proven record of burying the truth like he did on the 911 investigation. tRump needs him out next if he is going to truly drain the Swamp.

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Reply48 minsEdited

Daniel M. Plesse Bryan Boden Frank Greening is not Conspiracy theorist and no Conspiracy Theorist are NOT using their Brains and the can't even read Frank's report or any report or see photos or videos which have always been validating their claims the whole time.. Case in point.. The "further collapses seismic signals " and missing seismic attributes have always meant further explosions and cover up.. All these report have always been clear as day wins for 9/11 Truth .. I guess if no media outlet covers this, it will as dead as dead can be and the zombies will head to the next shooting headline..


911TruthNOW This channel and yours are the BEST 9-11 Channels on YouTube. Most in depth and informative...


This celebrity obsessive compulsive disorder taken over ALL news and "the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel." lacks sex, porn, celebrities etc will be covered, known about or understood in a society who has gone to hell..

easier to clean up then giant heavy beams

Undoubtedly the most intriguing particles found in the WTC 2 sample were the spherical magnetic particles. As with their glassy counterparts, the shape of these particles indicates they were molten at the time of their formation. EDX analysis of these particles shows they are iron or iron oxide, albeit with varying degrees of surface contamination from concrete dust. Furthermore, the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel. (It follows that these particles were heated to at least 1500 °C at the time of their formation.)  2732 degrees Fahrenheit at least.. but he is really talking about much higher temperatures then melting points. He should be talking about is actually the vaporizing core columns, you know the photo with big yellow sphere in the middle you have been thinking about, yea that photo.  zoom in and fest your eyes. So Vaporized steel google search says  "Iron melts at 1538 °C and turns into a gas at 2862 °C. " So the core columns as a gas, flung out of the towers and onto a shirt 1,000 feet away. I am guessing the 1,001 feet cooled the core columns enough to land as brown sand between the threads of Christine Sakoutis shirt..Does not sound like jet Fuel to me boys. Stranger things have known to happen just not inside a scientific paper about Trade Center dust.. 

easier to clean up then giant heavy beams
If I was a military guy and someone said here's what your towers will look like after we're done, I'd say Operation Phoenix Approved !!!

 Manganese or MN mixed with steel has something to with the core.. 

Frank Greening own results of 
2732 degrees Fahrenheit contradict earlier statements i.e

"spherical particles observed in WTC dust were formed in the WTC fires  – has been ruled out by considering the maximum temperature attained by the WTC concrete which was certainly less than 900 °C and therefore insufficient to melt, let alone sphericize ".. 

but other tests

"The museum hired specialists to perform forensic testing and analysis of two large composites and several smaller pieces that had broken off. Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit."

But what! There's more!

Time to change course Frank Shameless Greening 9-11 U-Turn time..  

Fire tests carried out by NIST on reconstructed WTC workstations and floor assemblies, (see NIST NCSTAR 1-5B), showed that steel members reached a maximum temperature of only about 800 °C, which is well below the melting point of steel. 

It is therefore suggested that the iron-rich spherical particles in the WTC 2 sample are from on-site cutting and grinding operations that were carried out  during the construction of the Twin Towers 

all fixed.. Holy crap, I hope they don't remember a few paragraphs ago... 

 It is therefore suggested by who ? Other people who didn't read the first half of your report about how it can't be on-site cutting and grinding operations??? Are people this stupid? We'll see.. He thinks so.. 

Here is review of three part U-turn in Yellow, white then blue.. Every part of 9/11 is like this.. 9/11 Insider trading, not a single name given but Sydney White said all the trades was from Israel..

   Now using "Characterization of a World Trade Center Dust Sample" we can link said 1001 foot away  fireball  back to Frank Greening Brown Sand Sample using his own heat estimates.

Characterization of a World Trade Center Dust Sample

Closer view of the fireball shows a brownish ring around a white center

HTML Color Picker says its this color 

HTML code:#A27C80
RGB code:R: 162 G: 124 B: 128
HSV:353.68° 23.46% 63.53%

PDF Meta Data
PDF meta data says Author: Frank Greening Creator: Microsoft® Word 2016 Producer: Microsoft® Word 2016 CreationDate: Tue Aug 1 22:34:05 2017 CEST ModDate: Wed Nov 15 07:39:24 2017 CET Tagged: yes UserProperties: no Suspects: no Form: AcroForm JavaScript: no Pages: 44 Encrypted: no Page size: 612 x 792 pts (letter) Page rot: 0 File size: 2017059 bytes Optimized: no PDF version: 1.7
he made an edit in November 15th 2017
I wonder what he changed

NIST Frank Greening debunked Video

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Aug 2017
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08-30-17 @ 09:10 PM
Hi all. I'm Christine Sakoutis from Greening' S paper. If anyone has any questions regarding my involvement down there, please feel free to ask. I spent 10 days down there.

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Aug 2017
Last Seen
08-30-17 @ 09:10 PM

The paper was just published. Completed in July.

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Aug 2017
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08-30-17 @ 09:10 PM
As for my story it's too long to post here in one shot. It is on facebook. 

 Matt Tartaglia's testimony or death from radiation sickness, and it does not change the fact that the pictures Kurt Sonnenfeld took for FEMA reveal damage grossly inconsistent with the claim advanced by NIST.

So, whether there was thermite used or not doesn't matter to me. The larger point is that the entire official narrative is false, contradicted by all the facts and evidence.

Aerosol Post Sept 11, 2001 Shows Silicon, Aluminum, Iron in the air

9/11 Molten Sample FDNY Scott Schrimpe Sample Question On Facebook

9/11 Molten Sample FDNY Scott Schrimpe Sample Question On Facebook

"It took roughly 25 minutes for Schrimpe to dig himself out of the debris. He immediately began assisting with the recovery effort. Schrimpe was a firefighter with Squad 41 in South Bronx, which lost six firefighters. He said that it wasn’t until later that afternoon that he realized members of his squad were missing,”We didn’t know where they were on the site. It wasn’t until two months later that we realized that they were in the South Tower, once they released the tapes. We found three of the six in March of 2002.” The other three were never found.
He assisted in the recovery effort until the day it was called off on May 28th, 2002."

Holy crap Youtube is now locking up my videos as private.

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