Monday, December 30, 2013

Using a war to Cover up a Crime: Hitler's Big Lie Theory in action.

Atta's many driving licenses

Tell a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

Planes without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd Edition)
“This week, Congressional representatives Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) have officially requested a congressional resolution demanding President Obama declassify the heavily redacted Congressional Investigative Report on 9/11. The two representatives had just been given authority under penalty of ‘national security secrecy’ to read the censored 28 pages of the 800-page report that had not been seen. What has been made clear is that President Bush was fully aware that neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were involved in 9/11 and that military action against those two nations was done to cover involvement of his administration in 9/11, involvement that included support from foreign intelligence agencies.
 The representatives, while reviewing the report, came to the portion titled ‘Specific Sources of Foreign Support.’
A 28-page section here had been ‘butchered’ by the White House on the personal orders of President Bush. On the original report given to Congress, an estimated 5-10,000 words were omitted from this section with page after page of dotted lines replacing text.”

Planes without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd Edition)
My latest book, "Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History" goes right to the essence of why I write books. I have noticed a pattern of how we receive news of crisis events such as 9/11 - television images convey emotion, panic and grief; while we recoil in horror and fear, evidence pops up briefly then fades off; then our attempt to secure the truth takes years to catch up to the emotions which have already set in.
"Rumors Fly, Truth Walks" comes out on Amazon January 4, 2014.
The truth is not always easy to find, nor is it well received. But searching for it is my passion. I am an introvert who listens closely. I am not afraid to stand against a majority. And my mind is focused on the long term rather than the short term.
I hope you enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy writing them!

You can also download programs which tell you what happened if anything to the photo.

Download Photo
NYPD 9/11 Drone Photo Film Roll #3
JPEGsnoop is the Fake fabricated solution!!!

JPEGSnoop Sniffs Out Signs of Editing

Results .... Video Reply via Youtube

The epic single reason why millions of photos are never seen about 9/11. News editors, web site admin just  block, remove and delete the truth out until you left with the official story. Privately talks are also  forbidden until the masters say its fine and good behavior.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Keven Ryan Exposes NIST contractor James Millette With NYPD Museum FOIA from

James R. Millette Progress Report
Nanoengineered explosives Makowiecki

Keven Ryan Exposes NIST contractor James Millette  With some help from the NYPD Museum and FOIA videos from

The Nano Energetic materials was found in the lungs and defined as carbon nano tubes or CT. Both the Anthrax letters and the Nano aluminum nano carbon tubes are manufactured  by the military.  Case closed.

Dust: The Inside Story of its Role in the September 11th Aftermath By Paul J. Lioy
Page 154 "Some new chemicals were mentioned by Dr. Cahill fused iron spheres"

"Case Report: Lung Disease in World Trade Center Responders Exposed to Dust and Smoke: Carbon Nanotubes Found in the Lungs of World Trade Center Patients and Dust Samples"
“Nanoenergetics.” It’s a word that might sound like a new body-enhancement product, but it’s really all about the opposite: ripping bodies apart.”

"Nanothermites exhibit vastly differing characteristics compared to their well known micron scale relatives and through the use of various preparatory chemical techniques can be tailored to have a
wide spectra of chemical and energetic properties. This may allow use as superior replacements
of conventional energetic materials in various applications"

Homogeneous mesoporous nanoenergetic metal oxide composite fabrication methods"Example applications of the invention include military, mining, demolition, detonation devices, fuses, smart ammunitions, propellant initiators, propellant systems, biomedical devices and power generation devices."

Nanoengineered explosives

NIST contractor James Millette produced an unreviewed paper that purports to replicate the finding of nanothermite in the WTC dust. This was apparently organized in the hope that doing so would discredit all of the evidence for thermite at the WTC.

Millette is well known for having helped create the official reports on the analysis of WTC dust. He was responsible for creating the form that was used to pre-screen all materials found in the dust prior to any analysis by official investigators. Those official reports did not mention any of the evidence listed above, in particular failing to report the abundant iron microspheres scattered throughout the WTC dust. Additionally, Millette’s official report team did not find any red-gray chips, let alone nanothermite.

Planes without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd Edition)

NIST was working with LLNL to test and characterize these sol-gel nanothermites, at least as early as 1999.

As he worked to debunk the WTC thermite research, Millette was still unable to find any iron microspheres. But he did claim to have finally found the red-gray chips. Curiously, he did not attempt to replicate the testing that would determine if those chips were thermitic.

Claiming to have found the chips, Millette perfomed an XEDS analysis for elemental composition but failed to do any of the other tests including BSE, DSC, the flame test, the MEK test, or measurement of the chip resistivity. Having inexplicably “ashed” the chips at 400 °C in a muffle furnace, thereby proving that they were not the materials of interest (which ignite at 430 °C), Millette ignored the remainder of the study he had set out to replicate. Because he did not do the DSC test, he could not do XEDS of the spheres formed from the chips. Since he had still not found spheres in the dust, he could not test those and this allowed him to ignore the testing of spheres from the thermite reaction.

Millette rested his case on FTIR, which I have also performed on chips from WTC dust but with a much different result. Like Millette’s paper, my FTIR work is not yet part of a peer-reviewed publication and therefore should not be taken as authoritative evidence. There has been less urgency to this supplemental work because what has been done to date has received no legitimate response from the government or from much of the scientific community. That sad fact should be the central point of discussion today.
In any case, Millette attempted only one tenth of the tests in his struggle to replicate (or refute) one tenth of the evidence for thermite at the WTC. His un-reviewed “one percent approach” was nonetheless very convincing to many people, including some of the people who produced the official reports for 9/11. But it is obvious to others that Millette’s work was not a replication in any sense of the word.

I’m looking forward to the peer-reviewed scientific article that finally does replicate the nanothermite paper or any of the other peer-reviewed scientific papers that document the evidence for thermite at the WTC. Hopefully, we can approach those efforts without concerns about the sources and without recalling all the deception and manipulation that preceded them.

Until then, it is important to recognize the difference between the superficial appearance of science and the actual practice of science. Ignoring 90 percent of the evidence is not scientific. And replication of the 10 percent means actually repeating the work. If thermite debunkers and alternate hypothesis supporters can find the courage and focus to step through that challenge, maybe they can begin to add to the discussion.

Jeff Prager, James Henry Fetzer both talk about issue with velocity


Nanothermite, actually called Metastable Intermolecular Compounds and also Nanoenergetics, is a non-starter. Folks key in on temperature when in fact, it's velocity that's important here.

"T. Mark Hightower and I have reported that the highest detonation velocity for nano thermite is 895 m/s, which is close to 1,000 m/s, the figure you cite. But neither can destroy materials that require velocities of 3,200 m/s (for concrete) and 6,100 m/s (for steel)."

"what I've read for something to destroy steel it has to break the speed of sound in that material so that is were velocity comes in."

Always remember that the first WTC bombing completely invalidates this concept.

None of the core columns were replaced. I have a video someplace were someone, maybe it was  Leslie Robertson talking about how the bomb(s) did nothing to the steel and its my guess is the those weapons did have the velocity requirements.

This is a classical straw man argument to say X did not contain Y when that was never an issue . The requirements have always been three or more steps. Cut!, Blow! & Move i.e  The Blow, Move, Push, was X or explosions, both large and small  and the cut, weaken, unbolt was Y or the Nanoenergetics

What the 9/11 Criminals did was decouple the requirements into multiple different sources, space all the requirements over a longer period of time.

Confessions of a 9/11 truth activist.
Confessions of a 9/11 truth activist. This guy is kind of shilling for Judy Wood. He mentions the alternated theories but focuses on Judy Wood. As though Judy Wood is supposed to represent everything not A&E. This makes me suspicious that it's just another part of the A&E vs Judy Wood diversion. Truthers are being funneled to one or the other & they are both misleading us.

I don't see either of them as anything but controlled opposition. They're both trying to cover up, disinform and/or downplay tritium as it's a smoking gun that so few know about..

16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them and suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke -- Mini Nuke -- Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue -- ZERO ANOMALIES. Also: The Collapse of the Spire

An Impossible "Fire" (Combustion Process). See Laws of Physics for Fire/Combustion Process and Dr. Cahill's data on 'anaerobic incineration'. -- Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke -- Mini Nuke -- Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue -- ZERO ANOMALIES.

Five Acres (1.2 Billion Pounds = Weight of Residue of 3 WTC Buildings (WTC 1, 2, 6 and 7) of WTC Land Brought to Searing Temperatures in a Few Hours by an 'Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled "Fire" -- Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See us gov Thermal Images proof -- Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke -- Mini Nuke -- Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue -- ZERO ANOMALIES. Best, See: Update

9/11 Nano thermate Dust study early developments Gery Warner
9/11 Scientist Sergei Dudarev, : "Unusual Magnetic Forces"
General Aquino Satanic Cult Mk ultra is 9/11 Operation Phoenix  
9/11 Dean Warwick's WTC demolition and Solution

I was just thinking about how everything is exactly the way it always was. The Truthers are like the Jesus types questing and bothering people. The Romans are the duped masses and the Jews are back exactly where they were before.

9/11 what you might have missed

James Millette

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The curious Case of the Missing Flight 175 media FROM NYPD Helicopters

The curious Case of the Missing Flight 175 media FROM NYPD Helicopters

Small side note
"FBI agents, who asked him about a 2-way radio that had been found in the hotel, a radio designed for communication with aircraft

What the heck kind of radio are they talking about and do pilots have radios like this? 

 My FOIL Qwest for Any Recorded Media via  NYPD Air Units FOR Flight 175 related media.

I Emailed so far

1.  c, 2. Committee on Open Government i.e 3. 
Michael Ratner at 4. Centre for Research on Globalization

FOIL Now and Make Sure Second Plane is Flight 175

Dear Michael Ratner

     I believe a FOIL request is required now for ALL the up close photographs of the second plane which might contain the tail number and other details. These photographs and video would help identify aircraft.   

FOIL  is required now because no one has seen exactly what Flight 175 should have looked like which is 50% dark blue, 45%, Gray, 5% red. 

You need to ask for a clean copy of that all photographic and video and maybe first ask for a video inventory from

NYPD Unit #3 - Tail Number N204PD
Officers Schub and Kelhetter,

NYPD Unit #6 - Tail Number N206NY
Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone,

NYPD Unit #12 - Tail number N412PD
 Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan,

NYPD Unit #14  - Tail number N414PD
Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier on 9/11/2001. 

So far NO  photos and videos of this flight from those Helicopters have not been released to the public. Do you think you put enough pressure on the NYPD so they can publish whatever they have. 

Thanks Dan  

    • Avatar

      "I believe a FOIL request is required now for ALL the up close up 
      photographs of the second plane which might contain the tail number and 
      other details. These photographs and video would help identify aircraft."
      So, what's stopping you?
      "You need to ask for..."
      "You," who?

        • Avatar

          So, what's stopping you?
          I think they want to get someone else to do it. So it looks like a grassroots effort or something...
          Also, IIRC some truthers already did this years ago?

            • Avatar

              "I think they want to get someone else to do it. So it looks like a grassroots effort or something..."
              Maybe you're right, BVH .
              I suspect that it is more a factor of laziness combined with a bone-chilling fear on their part that the release will only serve to prove what they fear the most: the "official story."
              Better to keep this all conspiratorial and the like by claiming that the pictures are being withheld by a sinister cabal.
              After all, troofers can't make money off of the "official story" being proven right... whatever it is they think is the "official story."

        So far I have

         "I request all videos and photos roll inventory from these air units 3,6,12,14 because those air units were seen in the same location as flight 175.  

        I need to ask for a clean copy of that all videoa and an video inventory  from  NYPD Unit #3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter, NYPD Unit #6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone, NYPD Unit #12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan, NYPD Unit #14  - Tail number N414PD  Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier on 9/11/2001

        Thank You

        I printed out their forms.

        Can you send in my request for me? 
        What footage? NYPD helicopter's 9/11 footage? It's unknown if they did capture the plane on camera. One can make a FOIA ("FOIL" in NYC) request to NYPD and ask for a clean copy of that video or ask for an video inventory first.
        To make a FOIL request, please complete the request form found below for

        A clean copy of all Helicopter Aviation videos from 9/11

        It all rest on me.. Stay Tuned!
        Case of the Missing NYPD Helicopter Photos

        Mar 6 (3 days ago)
        to me
        Thank you, but we’re an office of two people and don’t have the authority or the resources to make requests on behalf of others.  This office is charged with giving advice about how the law applies – which you’ll see in the advisory opinions available through our website.

        I just looked at the New York City Police Department’s website and I don’t see a way that a FOIL request can be submitted by email.  It looks like it has to be printed out and mailed in.  It’s clear in the law that if the agency has the ability to receive email, it must receive and respond to FOIL requests via email, but so far, no one has challenged this agency on that issue.


        Dear Camille, 

                 Does anyone keep a record of other FOIL's requests to the NYPD, NYPO, NYFD. Maybe the request for records regarding Flight 175 has already been made and of course denied or these video and photos would have public news by now.  


        Can you help craft the request for records? Here is what I have now. 

        Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request a copy of records of all portions thereof pertaining to (or containing the following) All 9/11 related Photos, Videos and Audio recorded from the NYPD Air Units on 9/11/2001. NYPD Unit 3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter NYPD Unit 6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone NYPD Unit 12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan NYPD Unit 14 - Taill number N414PD Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier" with regard to Flight 175. 

        I can't imagine anyone complying because the whole point of 9/11 is complying with the story of 9/11 and revealing details of a different  airplane would send shock waves internationally. This requests is a basic attempt at pulling at a single grenade pin of largest scandal in the history of mankind. It's funny that the whole process of revealing the truth rests on shoulders of a single citizen typing away at his computer.

        NYPD Unit #3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter
        NYPD Unit #6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone
        NYPD Unit #12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan
        NYPD Unit #14  - Tail number N414PD  Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier 


        Dear Dan Plesse:

        This email is to acknowledge receipt of your request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law received on 2/18/2015 4:42PM, for the following records:

        "Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request a copy of records or portions thereof pertaining to (or containing the following) All 9/11 related Photo, Videos and Audio recorded from the NYPD Air Units on 9/11/2001. NYPD Unit 3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter NYPD Unit 6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone NYPD Unit 12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan NYPD Unit 14 - Taill number N414PD Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier" with regard to Flight 175. 

        Please note that although the Mayor’s Office receives a significant volume of FOIL requests, the Mayor’s Office strives to respond to all FOIL requests in a timely manner in the order in which they are received. Upon receiving a FOIL request, the Mayor’s Office endeavors to identify records responsive to your request. The time required to perform this search typically depends on the breadth of records requested. If records are identified that are potentially responsive, the Mayor’s Office must review those records to determine if any are not subject to disclosure under FOIL. For more information about what records are and are not subject to disclosure under FOIL, please see:

        We are currently investigating your request. We will provide an estimate of when we will be able to make a determination once we assess the scope of the request. Please make a note that to check the status of your request in the future, it has been assigned tracking number 2015-0053.


        Kiren Gopal
        Special Advisor to the Counsel
        Records Access Officer

        Dear Mr./Ms. Plesse,

        This is a response to your request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) received on 02/18/2015 for:

        “Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request a copy of records or portions thereof pertaining to (or containing the following) All 9/11 related Photo, Videos and Audio from the NYPD and NYFD. NYPD Unit 3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter NYPD Unit 6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone NYPD Unit 12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan NYPD Unit 14 - Tial number N414PD Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier"

        Please note that FOIL requests submitted to the Mayor’s Office are only fulfilled for records maintained by the Mayor’s Office. To seek records maintained by another agency, you must submit a FOIL request with that agency. 

        If you wish, you may file FOIL requests with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and/or the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) at the following links:

        You may appeal this determination in writing within thirty days by addressing such an appeal to Henry Berger, Records Appeals Officer --


        The Office of the Mayor

        Committee on Open Government,

        9:26 AM (4 hours ago)

        to me

        Please note that while the NYPD has a form available on its website, it is not necessary to use the form, only to make a request in writing to the address provided.  Nevertheless, yes, I will print their form and mail it to you later today, along with a sample request form that my office offers.
        You’re welcome!  Have a great day.


        Mr. Plesse:
        You should reach out to the Committee on Open Government, which advises the public on the Freedom of Information Law.
        Sample Form WRONG FORM
        Dear Mr. Plesse:

        This is in response to your request under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) for State Education Department (SED) records regarding 9/11 videos and audio from NYPD and FDNY.

        Please be advised that SED does not possess or maintain the records you requested.  The Freedom of Information Law does not require an agency to prepare any record not possessed or maintained by the agency (Public Officers Law Section 89[3]).  Therefore, your request is denied. 

        Every state agency or government entity handles their own FOIL requests. The State Education Department would not be the appropriate entity for your request. Your request would fall under the jurisdiction of both the NYPD and FDNY. To file a FOIL request with NYPD, go to:
        To reach the Records Access Officer at FDNY, you may call 718-999-0293 to inquire about instructions.

        I hope this information is helpful.

        Chris Halpin

        Amy Goodman (Social Engineered Fire Department, Amy Goodman WTC 7, 9/11 Files Susan Lindauer) was another example of a broadcaster completely escaping all 9/11 Truth activists because somehow being at WTC 7 has zero meaning whatsoever. Also not reporting anything about building 7 that day or after and keeping silent somehow makes sense too. Must be a Gatekeeper, O well. Time for sleep, good night Alex Jones, RT, whoever else.

        Judge Richard Wesley said "a trial should have been conducted to at least establish from expert testimony why Tower 7 collapsed".

        Somehow most 9/11 Truth Activists pass over WTC 7 Flashes, NYPD Drone, Thermite explosions and agree with with rock formations was do to compression theory  without a second thought. How is this possible? Who are these people and what happened to my people?

        The CNN flashes are fast. I try to slow them down so everyone who has missed them before can see these flashes for the next 12+ years.  9/11 Truthers are horrified. 1. Maybe because they missing all the smoking guns 2. maybe they were never looking in the first place. 3. Maybe a little of both. What I do is find what has been missed and expose the truth... The down side is the movement is they will not see anything new or figure out a way hide it away from everyone else.  My reach is as far as my nearest disciple and that reach has been choked off by ego and infighting, backbiting, you know the drill. Welcome to a movement like no other.