Sunday, March 30, 2014

Outstanding 9/11 Questions List

"Each mark on the above map represents within a 75 foot grid the location of remains recovered at the WTC site from October through May, 2002." (Coalition of 9/11 Families)

We are only as good as what choose to repeat i.e 

DU at WTC = Military planes. 9/11 Truth Protecting Amy Goodman and the Mystery of Stairwell B. 
9/11 Conspiracy Solved without Mossad is like like NOT seeing the hole JFK's head.

Outstanding 9/11 Questions list.

Future Chapters of 9/11 Outstanding Issues.

1. Who was the 12 names on the FAA no fly list? 
2. LDEO Location and depth data. Missing
3. Who edited Bob and Bree home movie?
4. Who took the fireball footage Post 9/11?
     FEMA Reply: I don't see a fireball.
5. Missing Gold Issue 
6. Who edited the released FOIA NIST footage? impacts and file names?  Google Earth KML
7. Who edited the 9/11 oral histories?
8. NIST raw data files which modeled the collapse.
9. Scientific analysis or HTA Arson Investigation of  NYPD 9/11 Police Museum meteorites.

10.Pre Flight Advertising of Flight 11
    A.  The Twin Flight Flight 11
    B. Colors of Flight 11 Exposed
11.  What caused those fused Iron Spheres in the Air Spike October 26th and one mile away
12. 9/11 Black Boxes From Flight 11 and Flight 175.
13. Who suppressed 28 pages of the 2002 Joint Congressional Report on 9/11 and why?
14. Film recordings by Amy Goodman WTC 7 Demolition  

15. What caused those Rumbling Reports
16. What caused those CNN Televised WTC 7 Flashes 
17. What caused so many people and items to turned to dust?
18. How Did Fire Fighters fly 1306 feet on 9/11?

19. Pancake Theory With Stairwell B Does not work 20. Windsor Tower Madrid WAS AN Arson, Evidence Restored Video
20. Connect Radar Data to Drone Photo

21 WTC 7 Photograph of North face
They don't say were the "impact Damage" (roof level, middle or ground level) was however they do locate the other damage as mid-level or roof level. Could the damage be sub level and connected to WTC 6 and who drew this map?
22. Why did
9/11 Truth Protect Amy Goodman?
1. 911maps Google Earth Map Every Video

2. 7060 Page Oral Histories for searches   
     "I said, do you realize they just blew up our triage sector? " (WTC 7)
3. 911datasets

Current Court Cases reinvestigate initiative
1. Florida Federal Judge Orders 9/11 Re-Opened 
 "The activities involved apparent visits to that address by some of the deceased 9/11 hijackers."
2.  Declassifying 9/11 Bill H. Res. 428

News Reporters EXPOSED List
1.  Alex Jones EXPOSED (Forgot about reasons behind being at NYC).
The Corbett Report EXPOSED (Edited out all Israeli Connections to 9/11)
3.  Amy Goodman (Filming at WTC 7) Not Exposed Exposes 9/11 Truth Movement

9/11 Fire Fighter Body Part Distance Map

Other Issues HTA Arson

Erik Larson, "High-Heat Arson Fires Swiftly Raze Buildings But Leave Few Clues," Wall Street Journal, October 7, 1993, A1.