Sunday, August 31, 2014

World Trade Center High Energetic Materials Weapons of Mass Evidence

 James Millette was the original contractor for NIST and that should be red flag and also should have disqualified from that study automatically  and his study found another form of High energetic material that lacked pure aluminium which everyone knows  High energetic Materials are tuned using both particle shape and content. Also High energetic materials  are made with high ignition temperatures so they don't self discharge. This was major requirement.   I asked Energetic Materials & Products if this explosion was there doing and they didn't reply. 

+danp5648 That paper in the Journal of Chemical Physics was so bad from a science aspect, several editors from the magazine wound up resigning. I also suggest you look up Dr. James Millette, a renowned forensic scientist. He examined the dust samples from the WTC and came to a very different conclusion.
Also anything with Stephen Jones supporting it should be an automatic red flag. He is a complete fraud, and is the perfect example of inductive reasoning. He believes 9/11 was an inside job so he looks for ways to prove his beliefs. He isn't interested in finding out the truth, only his version of it. When he burst onto the truther scene I spent some time researching his background. He published an academic paper claiming he proved Jesus Christ came to America by studying native american art. He isn't a guy who can look at things objectively.
The civil engineering dept at BYU, his own university published a paper stating his science was crap and they in no way supported his claims.

12:33 PM

 Stephen Jones is one person of many. Current studies are continuing with explosive results which shows the original results are correct. All your other information about Steven Jones is gossip which makes you look like a preteen.  

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9/11: The pyrotechnic and explosive link

Yesterday 2:35 PM
An article published in a Journal of Chemical Physics, signed by no less than nine experts, analyzing the results of studies on particles taken from the 9/11 event at the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001 makes the most shocking conclusion: "highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material" was discovered.

Our strageties:

  • Maintain expertise in novel energetic materials

PDF]Development of Nanothermite Projectile for Improvised weapon 

impact of projectiles containing small amounts of a reactive material. ..... This is an 
Energetic Materials and Products, Inc proprietary material similar to LAX-134 originally developed at Los
Phase I. The formulations will be developed for composites of nanothermites with polymers, explosives and electrically conducting polymers. The novel materials should produce desired combustion performance and safe handling level. The integration of nanothermite composition with advanced materials like carbon nanotubes, graphite nanoparticles etc will also be carried out. The phase I plan will include development of the right combination of materials’ compositions and
optimize their synthesis procedures to solve the most important problem (high ESD sensitivity of bare nanothermites) limiting the practical use of the nanothermite compositions.  The synthesis of self assembled nanocomposite consisting of oxidizer and fuel will produce nanoenergetic materials with superior combustion characteristics. One of the key problems preventing the extensive use of this kind of energetic material is the extremely high sensitivity of nanothermites to electrostatic discharge (ESD).

Mark Basile Progress Report, August 2014

I presently have seven samples of World Trade Center dust and am going through the material screening for particles of interest. Five samples have been screened completely. Two are still ongoing and expected to be completed in about a month. A number of the samples have red/gray chips of various size and composition using EDX (energy dispersive x-ray) for analytical comparison. Some images are attached as Figures 1a through 1d which show chips from a few of the samples with scale bars to show the size range of the chips being found The samples all contain materials that were melted including iron based microspheres and/or spheres and droplets of silicate based materials such as glass and asbestos fibers Once visual screening and sorting is completed the red/gray chips will be evaluated for the presence of reactivity with production of molten iron. A video of one chip reacting and producing molten iron products is available on the web. Iron droplets from that chip are shown as Figure 2a and 2b. A number of chips have been screened, but more need to be evaluated. The goal here is to find the best candidates for outside facility work

What are these aluminum and magnesium silicates?

"Of the patients with interstitial disease, all had large amounts of aluminum and magnesium silicates in an unusual platy configuration, ranging from 27,600 to 184,000/g wet weight of lung. As a comparison, we reexamined for the presence of carbon nanotubes in 40 samples taken from unrelated workers from diverse construction trades suspected for asbestos-related disease. These patients were known to have been exposed to asbestos, and most of these 40 patients had a high lung burden of asbestos fibers. Less than 10%, however, had platy aluminum and magnesium silicates similar to those seen in WTC patients.  Furthermore when they were seen in the control samples,  they were present in small quantities (< 1,000/g wet weight of lung)."

Microspheres Carry Signature of LAX 138 or LAX 128

LAX 138 or LAX 128 HTA Arson profile then the Red Gray chips
Download ZIP file (18 MB)

molydbenum-rich Spherical

Nano-thermite (thermitic nanocomposite energetic material) has
been studied in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.
A TEM image of a thin section of that material was published by R. Simpson in 2000 and 9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112web
shows material that is made up of approximately 2 nanometer iron oxide particles and approximately 30 nanometer aluminum metal spheres (Figure 22)

9/11 Professional Arson Investigation with Thermate - The King of Arsonist

9/11 Professional Arson Investigation with Thermate - The King of Arsonist Pre 9/11 thermite Arson investigation - King of Arsonist ...

LAX 138

Development of Nanothermite Projectile

81 mm mortar shell was struck by only 6 g of nanothermite mixture. The resulting deflagration caused the shell to split open.

What does LAX 138 signature look like and what is the disk below?

LAX. This is an EMPI proprietary material similar to LAX-134

originally developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Its density is approximately 2.1 g/cm 3

It is comprised of perfluoropolyether mixed with aluminum. In the EMPI APEX-17/17 formulation, the aluminum component of this material has been modified to increase reactivity.
Ground Zero noted the presence of 1,3-diphenyl propane (1,3-DPP) -- a compound that had never previously been detected in ambient air sampling. The compound was measured in concentrations that, according to EPA's Eric Swartz, "dwarfed all others", and, according to American Scientist, was "pervasive".

The authors of Environmental Anomalies go on to examine a more plausible explanation for the high levels of 1,3-DPP: that the gas was a product of the combustion of energetic nanocomposites.

1,3-diphenyl propane (1,3-DPP) is in  Fifty Years of the Deep State

  • 12 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

  • Norma Rae I agree they may have used it as an added insurance to help pull it off. But it wasn't the main event. 

    If and when we ever get a new investigation, they will brush the real weapon under the carpet and they show me no indication of any intentions to expose that No Commercial Planes hit the towers.
    12 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Dan Plesse World Trade Center Core columns and lateral connections had to cut into truck size pieces before or during 9/11 to make the removal process smooth.. The main objective AFTER was to cut wholes for the cranes. However some pieces were just too large and lots of the outer walls remained connected. The core of the North Tower also remained. 

    By Oct 5th 2001 the materials were already shipping out and packaged for China and India via FEMA C-Span 2. 

    The C-Span 2 video is three hours long.

    The rush was ON. So while the Jersey girls were protesting, local and federal officials already made contracts, possibly BEFORE 9/11 or soon after. How soon is anyone's guess. 

    In Judy Wood's mind none of these activity existed.

    Frédéric Henry-Couannier via 

    3:13 PM (6 minutes ago)
    to me
    Who did Mark Basile get his dust samples from ? [answer directly] if it's somehow from S Jones team[NO], then whatever he finds in the dust will not convince me. How does he exclude that somebody added fresh nanothermite in it before sending it to him? [Not sure] Does he know about the aging properties of nanoaluminum? [Not sure]  is he aware that being able to activate nanoaluminum after many years exposition to the air is just a miracle? [Not sure]
    If he tells me that he personally found the person who provided him with the samples i will not buy his results either because i dont personally know Mark Basile.[If you knew Marc that would be problem too] He might belong to the same team of liars that want to promote nanothermite to hide another much more secret technology which has to do with a real scientific revolution (related to cold fusion) and is given the highest degree of secret by the DoD because it means weapon and technology supremacy for those countries which are able to monopolize this for themselves. I know of course that iron melted at the WTC, but most of the concrete also and even steel from the core of the towers evaporated and what i know for sure (and i can be more quantitative on this issue if you want) is that this is not a nanothermite job nor any more conventionnal weapon job, nor nuclear: it's something else and from what i know it's something which could justify all the efforts to try to make us believe in nanothermite...  

    and  after discovering Oystein page i am less than ever willing to consider this nanothermite story anymore: this is just a story to all make us loose our time: this is now obvious for me! 

    As for the thermite signature in the micro-spheres, i have analyzed myself the spheres in the dust and what i can say is that very few of them have Aluminum, most of them are only iron and even pure iron. 

sorry : for the concrete i meant pulverized rather than molten even though i strongly suspect that most of the fibrous component of the dust is actually concrete turned into what the labs  have identified as rockwool .... but remember that rockwool is made of slag fibers the same as the ones produced in volcanos when hot gases pass through silicon rich lava !

Le Jeudi 4 septembre 2014 21h13, Frédéric Henry-Couannier <> a écrit :

Dan Plesse

4:31 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Frédéric
The NYPD had concrete turned to lava on display. They took down that sign after Super Storm Sandy.

The only known examples I found are located in Russia after testing of nuclear weapons. 
***Collection of Molten Steel Evidence*** 
"Fires burned and molten metal flowed in the pile of ruins still settling beneath my feet." -Sarah Atlas

"You'd get down below and you'd see molten steel! MOLTEN STEEL, running down the channel rails!
Like you're in a foundry! Like LAVA!"
"Underground, it was still so hot that MOLTEN METAL dripped down the sides of the wall..."
"streams of MOLTEN METAL... flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole."
"In some pockets now being uncovered, they are finding molten steel."
"Feeling the heat, seeing the MOLTEN STEEL, the layers upon layers of ash, like LAVA, it reminded me of Mt. St. Helens" (like a volcano!!!)
"He remembers seeing in the darkness a distant, pinkish glow-molten metal dripping from a beam"
"One firman told us that there was still MOLTEN STEEL at the heart of the towers' remains."
"Your boots would melt in certain areas, that's how hot it was! the steel was coming out red in certain areas, for the first couple weeks at least!"
"Steel toed boots is one of the biggest things... Out on the rubble it's still I believe 1100 degrees. The guys boots would just melt within a few hours, and they are burning their feet."
Here's an equipment operator saying:
"The fires got very intense down there and actually melted beams where it was molten steel that was being dug out!"
Here's a pic of molten steel being dug out:
"It's unbelievable, and this is 6 weeks later, and as we get closer to the center of this it get's hotter and hotter! It's probably 1500 degrees!"
"We've had some small windows into what we saw was the floor zone point and it looked like an oven, ya know, it was just roaring inside, it was a bright bright reddish orange color"
"See that stuff he's pulling out? We're going to hold off on the water. See that stuff he's pulling out? It's RED HOT! If we hit it there will be too much steam he won't be able to see what he's doing!" -Chief
"One of the more unusual artifacts to emerge from the rubble is this rock like object that has become to be known as the 'meteorite' "
"This is fused element of steel, MOLTEN STEEL, and concrete, and all of these things, all fused by the heat into one single element."
8 Ton, 6 inch I beam bent like a horse shoe with hardly any cracks, "it takes thousands of degrees to bend steel like this."
"And there was like a little river of steel flowing."
"Thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day showed underground temperatures ranging from 400 degrees F, to more than 2,800 degrees F"
"Vitcher's crew picked up 40 to 60 foot-long pieces of steel impaled in the pile, where the bottom 20 feet would be glowing red hot"
Guns encased in concrete: [NYPD Museum] Update! Sign was removed and trashed - problem solved 
"Fire temperatures was so intense that concrete melted like lava around anything in its path."
Side note:
[The concrete does not have point melting. When the temperature is high (more than 1000°C) the concrete one crumbles like the sugar. Their components have different behavior. Stone and sand melts to 2600°C, the steel melt to 2500°. The same happens to the components of the cement.]
Sept 16, 2001 thermal images reveal 1400°F temperatures at the surface of the WTC 1,2 & 7 debris piles - yet there were no fires at the surface after the collapses. These surface temperatures indicate much higher temperatures below the surface.
The microspheres must have been formed at extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center’s destruction – temperatures exceeding the melting point of iron (~2,700° F). The spheres must have been molten when they were created in order to take their spherical shape.]
Molten metal pours out of the South Tower several minutes before the collapse.
9/11 longest burning structural fire in history!
4 million gallons of water were dropped on Ground Zero within the first 10 days after September 11, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories:
Approximately three million gallons of water were hosed on site in the fire-fighting efforts, and 1 million gallons fell as rainwater, between 9/11 and 9/21 ....

The spraying continued for months afterward (the 10 day period was simply the timeframe in which the DOE was sampling). Enormous amounts of water were hosed on Ground Zero continuously, day and night:
"firetrucks [sprayed] a nearly constant jet of water on [ground zero]. You couldn't even begin to imagine how much water was pumped in there," said Tom Manley of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, the largest fire department union. "It was like you were creating a giant lake."

And yet the fired continued to burn for months, it wasn't until December 19, 2001 when the NYC fire marshall declared the fires extinguished.

12:33 PM
+David Smith   James Millette was the original contractor for NIST and that should be red flag and should have disqualified his paper automatically  and his study found another form of High energetic material that lacked pure aluminium which everyone knows the material is tuned using both particle shape and content. Also High energetic materials  are made with high ignition temperatures so they don't self discharge. This was major requirement.   I asked Energetic Materials & Products if this explosion was there doing and they didn't reply.

 Stephen Jones is one person of many. Current studies are continuing with explosive results which shows the original results are correct. All your other information about Steven Jones is gossip which makes you look like a preteen.

Mark Basile Progress Report, August 2014
Mark, Thanks for responding. I am not sure which issues you are aware of or not so here it GOES!  

Figure 4-19 Standard Steel Joist Paint looks like NIST was knew about the reactions at the World Center and might have published a fraudulent document or a red herring or covered any future problems with HTA arson.

If anyone was to find the chips they could dismiss it using Figure 4-19.
LaClede Standard Primer should have been addressed by the 9/11 Thermate community and I have written to A&E but have run into two minders who protect the shop.
oystein 9/11 Thermite paper  

    I am coming at this from the opposite direction. I believe I found videos of a reactions you might already have seen and might have found military weapons which talk about reactions using nanoenergetic materials which could do the job of cutting the towers up nice size pieces so by October 5th the pieces can be shipped and recycled. Harrit I believe created this slide. Thomas Cahill said the reactions were not thermate. Howevermaybe it was a wording issue for him. Maybe he knows its APEX 17/17 or LAX 128. 

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 12:57 PM, mark basile <> wrote:

The spherical metallic materials indicate extreme temperatures existed in the WTC events. Contact with combustible materials while molten or while still hot could cause fires.  The molten metals could even cut through steel beams.

The real question is what heated the materials to these temperatures.  Normal fires do not create molten iron or steel as is seen by even the hottest fires in a wood stove for example.

The metal needs to be heated to melt or can be a reaction product, such as from thermite.
So the metal itself is not an accelerant but is a product of an extreme condition or reaction.

Let me know if this answers your question or if I am misunderstanding you.

Take care and thanks for your interest.

  • Jeremy Rys US Patent 6183569 - Feb 6 2001
    "Components such as Beryllium and lead oxide might yeild more substantial thermal energy but also have toxicity problems associated with their general use." - Source: Page 11 left colums, second to last paragraph. Berylli
    um causes cancer, and Lead causes nerve damage.
    Battelle (the company that filed this patent) has connections to 9/11 and the anthrax attacks. It managed national labs like those where nanothermite was first made, as well as Fort Detrick, where the anthrax originated. Arden Bement, the NIST director, was a Battelle director too. See Kevin Ryan's Article for more info:
    The explosive propulsion agent used in this patent which forces the molten thermite plasma ejection through steel columns, is a compound called "nitrocellulose".
    From Page 11 (middle of the left column:
    "Nitrocellulose is preferably used in the composition, but could also be substituted by another suitable, high-temperature application explosive, to provide the propellant component of the composition."