Thursday, August 27, 2015

September 11, 2001, Documentary Project - Review

September 11 Television Archive

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Anna Moore Lafazanis

1. 2:00 Traffic Cameras Pointed at The World Trade Center

Carmen Mojica, New York, New York 100 church street husband called it was a bomb. Radio said it was a plane. (Sounds like 1010 WINS)

Carol Paukner, New York, New York, NYPD one block away.
Seen First Plane After impact

People said "Its (first plane) over there, its (first plane)  over there" Carol Paukner said

"Saw a plane sticking out of a building and on Fire.."  She was In subway system..
"things were exploding"
"Jet Fuel caused giant explosion"
"multiple explosions second impact.. Got Blown out of the tower.. "

9/11 First Plane Two witnesses bounced off

9/11 First Plane "Saw the plane on the side of the building"

Interview with Daniel Dominguez, New York, New York, 
teacher told two planes crashes  moving on
Interview with Denise Weiss, New York, New York, 
notes: Student Pace seen another 
plane Second plane..
No details so far.. 

Interview with Eric Offner, New York, New York
notes watched T.V moving on

Interview with Heather Rodriguez, New York, New York
Notes Student in School 2 class.. moving on
Interview with Gregory Powell, New York, New York,
Notes: Federal reserve Bank
Notes: Rumble Sound, Raining Paper
Reporter said it was an terrorism during the First Plane..
Watched T.V and I am moving on..
earthquake windows shaking shaking..
black dust...
Interview with Irene Sadko, New York, New York,Notes: train station delay fire drill what in going on. 
Explosion at the World Trade.. 
North of City Hall 

Radio Hijacked Planes saw top of building explodes.South Tower.. Didn't see second plane.. elk street North of City Hall..
Interview with Kristin Vogel, Queens, New York,Notes first plane on radio
Didn't see second plane moving on
Interview with Lakshman Achutan, New York
Notes: When to North Tower.. Ball room breakfast meeting.. Two Explosions
Bomb or Earthquake Ran West to River.. Look South witness Plane flying low
closer and closer sure it would miss.. many bombs alarms.. 
Interview with Lillie Haws, New York, New York, November 12, 2001 

Notes: Guest in friends house.. Red Hook missed Second plane opened bar Firemen came they had bad smell and burns.. Moving on..
Interview with Linda Shliker, New York, New York, November 13, 2001
Notes: listening to NPR radio turned on T.V moving on 

Interview with Loriann Messerschmitt, Manhattan
Notes:  heard Boom.. Paper high up.. T.V 75 Broad Street and Beaver Street
Giant Explosion Big Boom  missed second plane.. in NJ sees special forces guys

Interview with Michael Quintero, New York, New York
Notes: Student NYU  First class in shower.. Something Fell.. 99 John Street missed
both planes.. moving on

Interview with Michaela Leslie-Rule, Queens, 
Notes: Moving on Seen second fireball

Interview with Monique Mojica, New York, New York
Notes: Student Daughter of Mother above
Boss Saw first plane from Social Security Building.
Father saw First plane driving FDR..
Second Plane circling.. sees giant engine of plane..

Interview with Nilson Rosado, New York, New York,
Spanish can't hear.. says boom

Interview with Nkechi Okoro, New York, New York
Notes heard first plane sounded like train.. Heard second plane.. Moving on
rumbling everyone on the floor.. moving on

Interview with Rosemary Ross, New York, New York,
Notes Went to Pace University 8:50 Get Application heard big bang..
Thought it was a Big Bomb..Explosion..running Running moving on clueless

Interview with Tatyana Lisachenko, New York, New York,
Notes: Student at Hunter College.. Tuesday works near Trade Center on
M train was late..Missed both planes and explosion moving on.

Interview with Tenisha Semidey, New York,
Notes: . At house Sister called

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Re: 9/11 Passengers' DNA, Remains (WTC)

Dan aka questionitall aka 911TruthNOW on YouTube, for example, asserts Candace's mother must be mistaken about the pocketbook landing spot.
9/11 Passengers' DNA, Remains (WTC)

A comprehensive list of names of 9/11 passengers whose DNA and/or remains were identified hasn’t been made to my knowledge.

If anybody wants to work up lists for non-WTC-bound flights, be my guest.

As of April 30, 2004 per the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City (OCME), of the American Airlines Flight 11 total 87 dead (not including 5 terrorists), 52 were ID’d, 45 of those by DNA. Including IDs made after 2004 there are 4 more, named below. United Flight 175: 60 died (not including 5 terrorists): 27 ID’d, 26 by DNA. (Robert C. Shaler, Who They Were – Inside the World Trade Center DNA Story: The Unprecedented Effort To Identify the Missing, Free Press, 2005, p. 302) To the Flight 175 IDs in made by 2004 we can add two.

Several passengers' belongings were found in the rubble also (2 names at bottom of this post, where no remains were found). With no positively identified/serial numbered airplane parts, proving planes and flights matched (see "9/11 Plane Engine [Mis]Identified"), the best physical evidence recovered is the DNA, remains, and belongings of the victims reportedly aboard. Certain conspiracy theorists quietly claim this evidence was planted in addition to the many plane parts. See collected images and links (including a section on the terrorists’ DNA) in my e-book “9/11 Debris: An Investigation of Ground Zero.” (PDF 60MB)

As seen in a museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, 2012

Take for example Lisa Frost from seat 22A on United Flight 175. “In the end, a bone fragment, a skin-tissue sample, part of the right hip, and part of a collarbone were found.” (Alejandra Molina, “Rancho family honors daughter lost in 9/11,”, 8/21/2013.) That means these four pieces of Lisa were each identified by DNA. Then somebody somewhere found Lisa’s frequent flyer “United Mileage Plus” card. When Lisa’s father received it in an envelope from the Fresh Kills sorting site, he sent it off to be kept in the New York State Museum in Albany. (Karen Bjornland, “9/11 Always Hits Home at the New York State Museum,”, 9/1/2011) If somebody planted all that evidence to prove Lisa’s flight hit the WTC – that was overkill, literally.

Also aboard Flight 175 was Ruth McCourt and 4-year-old daughter Juliana. Never mind Los Angeles and Disneyland. Ruth’s red pocketbook was recovered from the ruins, as the Newseum exhibit video describes. “Ruth’s remains were identified by dental records a year after the attack. It took three more years before little Juliana’s remains were identified using DNA.” (Eoin English, “’What did it achieve?’ ask Cork brothers who lost sister and niece,”, 9/12/2011)


Alberto Dominguez

Seat 11J. His ID happened thanks to "new DNA technology."
(Stephanie Gaskell, "9/11 Plane Passenger ID’d,",4/11/2007)

Judy Larocque

Seat 26J. Speaking of Judy’s daughter: "She could be having dinner, and get a phone call that they found another piece of her mother’s remains."
(Tovia Smith, "Daughter Channels Sept. 11 Grief Into Film, Activism,", 9/7/2011)

A driver’s license and credit card turned up from AA11 passenger Judy Larocque, Smithsonian says. "The FBI recovered these cards from the debris," which means Fresh Kills. (Other cards were found for passengers. See bottom of the post.)

Daniel Lewin

Seat 9B. "Daniel Lewin, a former Israeli soldier, had been a successful dot-com businessman. He was also most likely the first to die…[…] by a twist of fate he was one of the last we identified, an identification that we did not complete until June 3, 2004. The family was notified after that…."
Remember Shaler’s book was published in 2005. Lewin wasn’t one of the last identified.
“The small piece of tissue we eventually identified as coming from him had been recovered in 2002. Orchid performed SNP typing and sent us the data in April 2004. Using DNAView, Elaine’s [last name Mar] staff performed an SNP kinship analysis and then confirmed the identification by STR typing of the toothbrush.”
(Robert C. Shaler, Who They Were – Inside the World Trade Center DNA Story: The Unprecedented Effort to Identify the Missing, Free Press, New York, 2005, p. 312.)

Sara Low

Flight attendant. No DNA specifically mentioned; only her hand and/or "remains." It's possible her 2 found rings were used to ID the hand. “Mr. Low, the self-made owner of a small limestone mining company in Batesville, Ark., sometimes wears a silver and lapis lazuli ring he gave to his daughter that was found in the wreckage.”
(Anemona Hartolollis, “Little-Noticed 9/11 Lawsuits Will Go to Trial,” New York Times, 9/4/2007)

Her mom wears it around her neck on a black cord. “Recovery workers found the ring with another of Sara’s rings in the World Trade Center rubble and returned them to the Low family in New York last month.” …
“‘When she worked, Sara wore both of the rings together on her right hand,’ Bobbie Low said.
“The Low family chose to cremate Sara’s remains while in New York. They carried her ashes home to Batesville wrapped in one of the 28-year-old’s flight attendant uniforms and an American flag.”
(Melissa Nelson, “Family remembers American Airlines flight attendant,” 2002)

Karen Ann Martin

Flight attendant. “The New York medical examiner’s office said in a statement that it had now identified remains of Karen Ann Martin, the 40-year-old head flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11, which slammed into the trade center’s north tower. Remains of Douglas Joel Stone, 54, who was a passenger on the same flight as Martin, were also identified.”
("Remains of two 9/11 victims identified,", 11/2/2006)

Laura Lee Morabito

Seat 2D. "Now, Morabito, 45, formerly of Framingham, is getting back her remains, just identified this week, and her wedding ring.
Although his wife’s hand was pulled from the ashes of the north tower six years ago, with the ring on it…."
(Brian R. Ballou, 9/16/2007)
“wedding ring still intact on her hand”

Sonia Morales Puopolo

Seat 3J. No DNA identification was specifically reported. Only the “miracle” ring found on the one hand.

“[J]ust one year after the attacks,” … “[w]orkers at Ground Zero recovered Sonia’s left hand with the wedding ring her husband had given her 40-years ago still attached – unaffected by the 1.6 million tons of smoldering steel, rubble and rock that had laid on-top for all that time.”
(James Nye, “Wedding ring of 9/11 victim and Clinton family friend found under 1.6 million tons of Ground Zero rubble to provide hope to daughter who almost died in hit and run a decade later,” Daily Mail, 11/10/2013)

“Like so many who died on Sept 11., Puopolo’s full remains were never found. But 11 months later, the wedding ring her husband had given her 40 years earlier was found intact, beneath 1.6 million tons of rubble.”
(Mary Saladna, “‘Miracle’ ring found under World Trade Center rubble: Unlikely discovery inspires Sept. 11 victim’s daughter,” WCVB Boston News, 11/5/2013)

Douglas Joel Stone

Seat 25B. “Remains of Douglas Joel Stone, 54, who was a passenger on the same flight as Martin, were also identified.” (see Karen Ann Martin)
(“Remains of two 9/11 victims identified,”, 11/2/2006)

James A. Trentini

Seat 30A. “A hand found in the rubble at ground zero was matched through DNA testing to Trentini, a 65-year-old retired schoolteacher from Everett, Mass., it was reported. Trentini and his wife, Mary, 67, were flying to Los Angeles Sept. 11 on Flight 11 to visit their grandchildren. It is the first time DNA has been able to verify the identity of any victims aboard the two planes that were flown into the World Trade Center, according to the report. The fingerprints matched Trentini’s, and his college ring, believed to be his Wofford ring, was still on his finger, Trentini’s sister, Patricia Malatesta, said.” (“Wofford Alumnus First WTC Victim Identified Through DNA,”, March 19, 2002)

Candace Lee Williams

Seat 24A. Her mother Sherri A. Williams speaks in a video interview Sept. 9, 2002 found at — entitled “Voices of 9/11.” Partial mirror at

At video run time 11:58 (3:10 YouTube version): “Two weeks after that, a Sergeant from my home town came to my door and they had to identify parts of her body. They have 16 trailers full of body parts at the coroner’s office. And they did identify Candace.”

See about 10:00 (1:37 YouTube): June 1, when they got permission to search the Deutsche Bank Building, Candace’s wallet was found “in excellent condition” (Perhaps inside her pocketbook “that was flown” a block into that building). Coincidentally in the search party who found it was Sherri’s cousin Bobby, a Bronx fireman who volunteered that day. At 10:20 (1:37 YT): “Her backp– pocketbook (slurred speech) was very badly damaged.”

Another source for the “16 trailers full of body parts” comment: “A year later, the quest to identify those who died in the calamity carries on… […] …relatives who visited the huge white tent outside the office, on E. 30th St., where 16 refrigerated trailers hold the remains recovered from Ground Zero and the Fresh Kills landfill.”
(Patrice O’Shaughnessy, “More Than Half of Victims ID’d,”, 9/11/2002)

Flight 175

Alona Avraham

Seat 22G. Thanks to new processes and updated technology, in 2007, the remains of Flight 175 passenger Alona Avraham were identified by DNA analysis. Also it was thanks to relatives who gave/found DNA. Her remains went back to Israel for a big funeral.,7...501421,00.html
Shmulik Hadad, "September 11 victim laid to rest," Ynetnews, date unk.

Lisa Frost

Seat 22A. “In the end, a bone fragment, a skin-tissue sample, part of the right hip, and part of a collarbone were found.”
(Alejandra Molina, “Rancho family honors daughter lost in 9/11,”, 8/21/2013.) That's in addition to her frequent flyer card found at Fresh Kills landfill (see top of this post).

Peter Hanson

Seat 19E. Spoke to his dad on the phone from the plane, twice. (at 8:52 a.m. for 99 seconds and at 9:00 for 192 seconds.

"9/11 horrors replayed in Virginia courtroom"
4/11/2006, Capitol Hill Blue

C. Lee Hanson, 73, testified that his 32-year-old son, Peter, phoned him twice from California-bound United Airlines Flight 175 before it hit the south tower. Hanson said Peter spoke softly about the hijacking as he sat with his wife, Sue Kim, and 2 1/2-year-old daughter, Christine Lee.

Hanson said he eventually got a call from the Massachusetts medical examiner informing him that some remains of his son had been found. Weeping, he said he was led into a room with a box containing a six-inch bone.

“That’s all I had of my beautiful, red-headed son.”

Ruth McCourt

Seat 26B. “Ruth's remains were identified by dental records a year after the attack. It took three more years before little Juliana's remains were identified using DNA.” (Eoin English, “'What did it achieve?' ask Cork brothers who lost sister and niece,”, 9/12/2011)

"The ring, a pearl and diamond-encrusted band survived the fiery crash in pristine condition and was returned to Mr. McCourt five years on from the tragic events.
"Mr. McCourt provided the ring’s exact specifications to the police in 2004, thanks in part to the jeweler who made the sacred band.
"But Mr McCourt never thought he'd find the ring, which unbeknown to him had been recovered amid the rubble in 2001 and safeguarded ever since, awaiting a claimant." (unknown)

Juliana McCourt

Seat 26A. 4-year-old daughter of Ruth McCourt, ID'd by DNA 4 years after the attacks.
(Eoin English, “'What did it achieve?' ask Cork brothers who lost sister and niece,”, 9/12/2011)

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Personal property of passengers found with no remains:

Berinthia "Berry" Berenson-Perkins

Seat 19A, Flight 11. Listed on plane as Berinthia Perkins. No DNA mentioned. Only the ring.

"The elegant, distinctive ring stood out in a photo in Tuesday’s Post of precious personal items recovered at Ground Zero.
"And two of Berenson’s closest friends – actress Donna Dixon and photo-studio and gallery owner Nuni Boylan – recognized it as soon as they saw it."
(Larry Celona, "Ring of Love: Amazed Pals Hail Miracle Relic Found Amid WTC Rubble," New York Post, 1/17/2002)

Waleed Iskandar

Seat 31A, Flight 11 - no DNA mentioned. "Credit cards" (4) found.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What was 9/11 Operation Phoenix

What was  9/11 Operation Phoenix?

2001-09-11 13:11:22 Arch [1421665] A ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Ce

2001-09-11 13:12:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 75084

2001-09-11 13:12:58 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode

2001-09-11 13:13:01 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
<2 of 2> explosions. **Update** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>

2001-09-11 13:13:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA
<2 of 2> explosions. **Update** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>

2001-09-11 13:14:48 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Center/Pentagon<1 of 2>

2001-09-11 13:14:46 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix -

2001-09-11 13:13:59 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA
e** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>

Sunday, August 23, 2015

9/11 White First Plane eyewitness list

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

2002 Pirelli Tower Airplane Crash Looks like 9/11 Impacts

  • Tom Brewer Apples to Oranges Daniel?
  • Daniel M. Plesse Not really if you believe witnesses to the first plane which stated it was a white plane small corporate jet with American Eagle written on the side.. 2002 Pirelli Tower Airplane Crash aircraft was slower and smaller then 9/11 plane.. 9/11 Plane was said to be fully loaded with explosives by top people in Reagan Star Wars Project and Sr. Bush Administration insider confession..
    18 mins · Like · 1
  • Tom Brewer I believe in no planes so it's irrelevant to me.
  • Daniel M. Plesse No planes at all leads to a domino effect leading to 90% discounting of all evidence... or greater.. 

    Serial numbers (not found) 
    Black boxes (not found officially not found for First and second plane ) 
    White Plane parts (not matching any of the flights) 
    Witnesses (not matching any of the flights) 
    ELT details. (not disclosed) 
    Tracing Phone calls routing (not completed) 
    Cockpit Keys and crash axes (not found) 
    NYPD Sea and Air Rescue Photos of Second Plane (not disclosed)
    Home Videos (edited)
    Sending 7500 hijack code up to normal flights
    Not sending 7500 codes to hijack planes.. 
    Not verifying planes before labeling on radar.
    Serial numbers (not found) 
    Black boxes (not found officially not found for First and second plane ) 
    White Plane parts (not matching any of the flights) 
    Witnesses (not matching any of the flights) 
    ELT details. (not disclosed) 
    Tracing Phone calls routing (not completed) 
    Cockpit Keys and crash axes (not found) 
    NYPD Sea and Air Rescue Photos of Second Plane (not disclosed)
    Home Videos (edited)
    Sending 7500 hijack code up to normal flights
    Not sending 7500 codes to hijack planes.. 
    Not verifying planes before labeling on radar.

    All this happened on 9/11 and more and discounted by No Planers 

  • Tom Brewer Witnesses have claimed large white plane with blue writing, large black or gray plane with no windows, small black or gray plane, missle(s), ball or sphere, no planes at all. You pick one.
  • Daniel M. Plesse Tom Brewer Who said "large white plane with blue writing, small black gray plane and ball and sphere and the missile(s).. Every single eye witness comment was record on 911maps.kml..
    7 mins · Like
  • Daniel M. Plesse Tom Brewer no tom I am not interested in discounting which leads back to the doorstep of White House.. Also Dr. Judy Wood forgot to look at the dust in any meaningful way and normally Wood people and No planers go together and both lead back to the White House..

+danp5648 it's your opinion that I am hurting the truth movement. I believe 100% that No Planes were used. So I will continue to do what I think is right. There is no evidence of a plane in the hole.

+Norma Rae Norma 2002 Pirelli Tower Airplane Crash Looks like 9/11 Impacts.. I.e No plane can be seen anyplace however I have not researched this too much.. The down side of CGI lovers is the NYPD never had to answer questions about the plane.. NIST only asked for building photos from the air.. So FOIA only produced photos of the buildings.. Therefore 9/11 Truth became ineffective from that time on.. Questions about Black Boxes and serial went out the window too.. Witnesses were never followed up on and trashed. The government seem to have won..
have won this time.. do to ineffective research by the 9/11 truth movement..

2002 Pirelli Tower airplane crash

"On April 18, 2002 at 17:48 (local time), a Rockwell Commander 112 crashed into the upper floors of the Pirelli Tower in Milan, Italy, for reasons still unclear. The crash killed the pilot and two others in the building. Sixty more people sustained injuries in the building and on the ground.
The crash raised fears of a terrorist attack because of the similarities with theSeptember 11th attacks, which had occurred only a few months earlier. A subsequent investigation ruled out terrorism as a motive."