Monday, August 29, 2016

Is the 9-11 Zapruder Video Missing

+911TruthNOW are they saying that this will be the main video shown to support the proof of a conspiracy? Similar to how the Zapruder film is to the Kennedy conspiracy? For some reason I can't get anything to load on the page after the link comes up. I'll have to view it when I get home. I know that the Zapruder film that we all see today isn't the original. The guy that worked on it before it was edited verified that. 

How would it come up missing? An insider job....keeps insiders in ..unfortunately...
LikeReply24 mins
Daniel M. Plesse Renee Bashaw Marshall Missing like so many other videos of the second plane from the NYPD..
LikeReplyJust now

Is the 9-11 Zapruder Video Missing? I looked inside 9/11 Maps and I don't see an icon in the water.. Is there a video from a boat someplace between Statue of Liberty and Battery Park?
"One man on a National Park Service boat to the Statue of Liberty got what Jordan believes is the most close-up version. That footage, or some like it, will probably become the Sept. 11 parallel to Abraham Zapruder's 8-millimeter film of John F. Kennedy's assassination, or the photo of the firefighter carrying a child out of the wreckage in Oklahoma City."
"Carmen Taylor was about to board the Staten Island ferry when the attack began. She immediately started shooting digital still pictures, said her husband, Lynn Taylor, photographing the second plane just before it hit the south tower.
Unable to get in touch with her husband, who was home in Lavaca, Ark., she e-mailed photos to KHBS-TV in nearby Fort Smith, Ark., the TV station he watches, Lynn recalled."


History Recorded by Amateurs; Media: Bystanders toting video cameras capture some of the most viewed footage of the World Trade Center attacks.: [Home Edition]

Rauzi, RobinLos Angeles Times [Los Angeles, Calif] 18 Sep 2001: F.9.

Dan! Thanks for sharing your puzzle. I've got the missing piece.

The Jordan guy being from CNN was my first clue. I don't know where he got
the detail about National Parks whatever. But sure enough, the first thing
on the Hezarkhani tape is the Statue of Liberty. And he was in fact on a
boat, albeit docked.

There were other boats in the bay, but none shooting as far as I know.


Part II 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

FEMAs 9/11 UFO Photo


FEMA's 9/11 UFO Photo 
Published on Aug 20, 2016
9/11 FEMA PDF UFO photo 4K 2K Resolution Bring on the bird trolls Ultra 2K/4K High-Definition Movie

Sources Files
FEMA 403-- Chapter 1 - Federal Emergency Management Agency

Release 29\International_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIA\Release_29\Release 29\42A0327 - G29D13\WTCI-414-STB WTC Photos Roll 3

NO WAY..NO WAY did anyone kick in the doors of those cockpits Even if they had pilots and fo's have crash axes within a arms length..Two words they kept saying which would of been paramount to pull this off..Coordinates & Knowledge of Protocol...We sat and listened to these experts for over 3-4 hours..Alcohol was being served big-time/pig-time..I don't drink and that night only cared about the truth.. I along with many Logan International Airline employees have researched this event since 9/12/01..Between Jan 1st, 2001 & Sept 10th, 2001 how many times did NORAD scramble jet fighters here in the united states? How many times between those dates? What was the average intercept times? It's madness to know american's are impervious to the truth..I"m sorry I'm taking up your time..I have seen first hand rivers of blood from innocent people we thought we were helping in my youth..I've personally talked to over 200 people who lost loved ones at ground zero..WELL me and some other folks who are researching this event..Another soul-stunting monstrous fact is the amount of deaths that has been directly related to this conspiracy..Since 2001 how many children in Iraq and Afghanistan have been murdered by our forces? How many innocent men and women in those two countries have been slaughtered since 2001-2003? How many bombings from the civil war in Iraq has happened since 2001? How many more U.S. Military bases are in the middle east as a result of 9/11? I have family members buried at Arlington National Cemetery..I was only going to spend one day visiting my family buried there last year..I stayed for 11 days interviewing and helping the best we could family members who lost loved ones fighting this fiction called "War on Terror". I've never typed to anyone here on Face Book about this event called 9/11..Next month will be 15 years since this event..The amounts of war profiteering and crimes pulled off against Iraq and Afghanistan will never be known to the average U.S. citizen..The war machines biggest threat their selling now is IT terror..Parasites like Mr.Michael Chertoff are making millions from this supposed new threat against the internet..Chertoff LLC..Bush Sr and his sons make hundreds of millions every year from this global terrorism..I could go on for hours and hours..How about you read the real reason why this was ever pulled off in the first place? All for free! On e-books read any of Mr.Jeff Prager's books about 9/11..ALL FOR FREE...Here are two stunners.( Murdering Liberty Killing Hope ) & { 911 DUST } 19 boogie men with box cutters weren't the only culprits on this day called 9/11..Good Day..Mj

"Violence of Truth" about this conspiracy. The headlines you read today is directly related to the catalyst of 9/11 and the lies about WMD..I was on north cargo ten terminal E at Logan Airport on the morning of 9/11. All Northwest Ground Support Services Agents were asked by Massport-FAA-FBI and the bosses in operations if we would help park planes all over logan..At 11:30pm on 9/11 we couldn't fit a puddle jumper on Logan Airports property..All Northwest ground support staff were all together and all wanted to leave the property together..I and around 32 NW personal had to punch out up in operations aka war room..As we walked through the aircraft hangar we heard people arguing very loud upstairs in operations. In order to punch out one had to go upstairs past the operations center..As we all were walking up this huge stairway my boss stuck his head in the operations center doorway and stated..Is everything OK..Our biggest boss Mr.Harry Pease yelled "All of you come in and take a seat." In that room were around 140-70 people..All were pilots,fo's from airlines all over this planet..Military personal,Air Traffic Controllers,Emergency personal,etc! Standing at the podium as we walked in were pilots from United and American and everyone stated.