Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Brain Scans Discredit Vaccine Causality by Michael Dobie?

Brain Scans Discredit Vaccine Causality by Michael Dobie

Brain Scans Discredit Vaccine Causality by Michael Dobie?


How many of the children 6 months to 1 year were vaccinated in the study? If 100% of the children were vaccinated, a requirement by law then how could that discredit vaccine causality?  A brain scan of unvaccinated children of unvaccinated mothers would be a blow to the theory of vaccine causality. Maybe you haven't reviewed the vaccination schedule for babies in usa. or ask critical enough questions in your lifetime which seems to be job saver in this nation of morons.  But maybe the test did leave out children who are being attacked by how many injections within that 6 to 1 year period? Chances are no replies from you are forthwith.. 

"Doctors found that brain scans of children at 6 months and 1 year old could predict with 80 percent accuracy whether they would develop autism by age 2 — a breakthrough and another blow to the discredited theory of vaccine causality."


Birth to 15 Months

Vaccine Birth 1 mo 2 mos 4 mos 6 mos 9 mos 12 mos 15 mos
Hepatitis B1 (HepB) 1st dose ←2nd dose→ ←3rd dose→
Rotavirus2 (RV)
RV1 (2-dose series); RV5 (3-dose series)
1st dose 2nd dose See footnote 2
Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis3 (DTaP: <7 yrs) 1st dose 2nd dose 3rd dose ←4th dose→
Haemophilus influenzae type b4 (Hib) 1st dose 2nd dose See footnote 4 ←3rd or 4th dose,
See footnote 4
Pneumococcal conjugate5 (PCV13) 1st dose 2nd dose 3rd dose ←4th dose→
Inactivated poliovirus6 (IPV:<18 yrs) 1st dose 2nd dose ←3rd dose→
Influenza7 (IIV) Annual vaccination (IIV) 1 or 2 doses
Measles, mumps, rubella8 (MMR) See footnote 8 ←1st dose→
Varicella9 (VAR) ←1st dose→
Hepatitis A10 (HepA) ←2 dose series, See footnote 10
Meningococcal11 (Hib-MenCY ≥ 6 weeks; MenACWY-D ≥9 mos; MenACWY-CRM ≥ 2 mos) See footnote 11
Tetanus, diphtheria, & acellular pertussis12 (Tdap: ≥7 yrs)
Human papillomavirus13 (HPV)
Meningococcal B11
Pneumococcal polysaccharide5 (PPSV23)


Range of recommended ages for all children Range of recommended ages for catch-up immunization Range of recommended ages for certain high-risk groups Range of recommended ages for non-high-risk groups that may receive vaccine, subject to individual clinical decision making No recommendation

18 Months to 18 Years

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Why was Adam Lanza eliminated as a DNA Contributor for the Sandy Hook Shooting?

Adam was eliminated as a DNA Source 2018

 “the DNA profiles from items #3G1 (swabbing of envelope flap) and #4-2S2 (swabbing .22 caliber cartridges) were searched against the Connecticut and National DNA Databases. On January 7, 2013, a hit was obtained with the Convicted Offender DNA profile from New York State Police Investigation Center DB#Y10011106A. No matching profiles were found for item #4-2S2

According to the Police investigation “the DNA profiles from items #3G1 (swabbing of envelope flap) and #4-2S2 (swabbing .22 caliber cartridges) were searched against the Connecticut and National DNA Databases. On January 7, 2013, a hit was obtained with the Convicted Offender DNA profile from New York State Police Investigation Center DB#Y10011106A.”


Wow, the DNA of a “Convicted Offender” in New York was found on the envelope; that was found in the Lanza home; that was addressed to “the young students of Sandy Hook Elementary School.”

The envelope addressed for the young students of Sandy Hook Elementary School

Adam was eliminated as a DNA Source from both long guns and thus both murder weapons across all material areas of the guns used with other people's DNA found unknown DNA found on the.22 caliber cartridges.
Familial DNA Search for Sandy Hook shooter or person #2 should be at the top of list for Governor Malloy.. 
Adam was Eliminated List 1. Pistol grip 2. trigger 3. shoulder stock 4. cartridge chambered round 5. feed area side of magazine 6. 22 caliber cartridges (DB#Y10011106A)  7. Swabbing handle area of rifle 8. Door Handle drivers side 9. Door Handle Rear DNA profile from New York State Police Investigation Center DB#Y10011106A and or not found profiles found i.e still looking.  1.  #3G1 (swabbing of envelope flap)
2. #4-2S2 (swabbing .22 caliber cartridges)
3. Letter to SHES #3 ablechild.org Note: #3 and #3G1 could be the same item Note: A Mix of DNA was found on both guns which does not eliminate Adam but in same exact location each time. Mixed DNA of WHO and WHO? Sweater #2 was botched. No DNA found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLXWzwXP52k

Dear medical examiner,

How many guns of known shooters have existed to date that the had this many 
elimination from the shooting weapon?   How many shooting events happened that did not have the shooter DNA on the chambered round or the rifle action, trigger or handle? Is this normal? Or never before in history has these areas NOT contained the shooters DNA.. Or do all Mass Shooting Events contain this strange rarity which contrasts with normal gun investigations.. I reguire a list of all mass shooting and a list of email addresses of all medical examiners who investigated each event..

Two Sport Zipped SHES Sweaters

According to 00146699 111-S2 and 110-S3, have no references at all.. The hair-like samples have no results positive or negative. Not tested nothing was done. 
Sweatshirt #2 has NO identifying DNA at all.. Neckline or any other area..
The hair-like fibers were not documented at all and that has never happened in any of the other documents. The sweatshirt #2 came back with zero results which should be double tested. All blue lines should be tested again and every unknown should traced using Familial DNA.. Familial DNA Searches: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know http://heavy.com/news/2016/12/familial-dna-searches-search-karina-vetrano-new-york-queens-father-analysis-testing-test-current-approaches-justin-christian-ohio/
document 00166546.pdf 
document 00146699.pdf

Document 122616 Criminal Database search done!

Document 124235.pdf
Sandy Hook Other Shooter
criminal database searches returned hits and DNA searches for criminals returned nothing so far #4-2S2 Swabbing .22 caliber is key
110-S3, 111-S1 and 111-S2
110-S3, 111-S2 not forwarded

Image link 1
https://goo.gl/photos/JvtPzvBrhbeWu3zz6 Image Link 2 https://goo.gl/photos/DBNXinFUEvzp919e6 
Image Link 3.https://goo.gl/photos/1LTC22eSFfqXWmL66
Image  Link  4. https://goo.gl/photos/b7SVXsBtpUHpon9e9
Image Link 5. https://goo.gl/photos/tzzs5GePPkfFJYeK9

The criminal database search which always exists as the last paragraph 50% contain these criminal database search results is missing from 00146699 and the results for two samples 110-S3 111-S2 which might fit into the final paragraph as unknowns, however familial DNA search might track down shooter #2...

doc 38691 Felicia Figrol w/k9 tracked from sweat shirts to front door. 

Dogs were used on sweaters as tracking and the dogs ran off in the woods and found a few guys who said they didn't do it.. 

47345 Ofc Scott Smith Arrived; heard 5 shots from front of school. Dumpster; black car w/door open and two sweat shirts; presumed 2 shooters.  (another sweater might have existed by the front line cars of the 99% identically parked cars.. Maybe one car is facing the wrong direction)..

"We can agree that all the rifles were handled by unknown without a mixture problem in all the areas which require operation of the weapons.. That is the reason for this video and why Adam Lanza DNA was eliminated as a source and criminal database searches were used and reported in each of the documents above by investigators.. The unknowns are assumed to exist whenever the phrase "eliminated as a source" appears. The absence of Adam leads to the existence of someone else..


Marty, Can you ask the CT police or someone to start a Familial DNA Search for #4-2S2 and get ball rolling to get some justice for Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting? Unless they found the whom that is #4-2S2 already. Its up to you finish all outstanding issues.. No one else seems to care. Thanks Dan

document 124235 is not missing. I have it too. And it identifies AL as a contributor from a DNA swab on the "left side of stock area" of the savage .22 (item #4). report 122616 shows the results of a DNA swab that established A.L. as a contributor to DNA for the AR (item #2) used in the school.
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jim allyn 
Yes thank you Mike. I did find it just now. I just caught up with 911Truth Now, saying here are: 122616, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3-vhpZ_3PTLanhZQTBvZ19hNlk 146690 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3-vhpZ_3PTLTFJzRzFCSHlkNnM and 166546 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3-vhpZ_3PTLeTFZamRBY0hHZVU and look I found 00124235 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3-vhpZ_3PTLVk5hSjFjdjBoN0E I do not have quite the skills yet to search my downladed Final Report .zip report file using WinRAR So these links are to the documents as found on Kevin Johnson's site.
Mike BEWB 
searching them is a REAL pain in the neck because there are just SO many. download them yourself and make some general notes about content in each book or folder. add detail as you go. If you want to save yourself an untold amount of time, CW Wade has some general notes about the content of the various books that helps a ton. http://sandyhookanalysis.blogspot.com/2014/02/researchers-guide-to-sandy-hook-final.html
Adam Lanza DNA Eliminated As A Source document 122616 Point #5 Eliminated As A Source Point #6 Eliminated As A Source Point #7 Eliminated As A Source (but they jump right into searching the Criminal database) Point #4 we have the mix.. At first it looked like the document in my video above ..
Mike BEWB 
I have the dox and have looked at them. What's important is that his DNA was POSITIVELY identified on BOTH the Savage 22 and the Bushmaster. I'm sure there are all sorts of things his DNA was NOT on, but so what? His DNA WAS on the murder weapons.
Video is based on document 00124235 Point #6 Adam Lanza DNA Eliminated As A Source document 122616 has the same language Adam Lanza DNA Eliminated As A Source Point #5 Eliminated As A Source Point #6 Eliminated As A Source Point #7 Eliminated As A Source (but they jump right into searching the Criminal database) document 122616 Point #4 we have the mix.. document 00124235 Point #4 mixture again Point #5 Mixture again but they I.D it as employee .
Mike BEWB 
right. they had samples that didn't have any or enough DNA from AL to ID him. And in the case of id-ing an employee it's called contamination. I'm not sure what your point is. AL's DNA was on the murder weapons. Positively ID'd. The fact that some swaps didn't contain his DNA doesn't change that.
Wrong.. If not enough DNA is stated VERY clearly. Mixture is stated clearly and Eliminated is very clear. Was anyone shot by any handguns or the shotgun ? If the answer is NO what does that mean? Murder weapons require a murder.. We know the shotgun was found in the car.. So you say that was a murder weapon which is not true.. so what is your point?
Mike BEWB 
"Wrong.. If not enough DNA is stated VERY clearly.... " Yes. on SOME samples. Others are clearly id'd. And even if some are a mixture AL's DNA was STILL PART OF THAT MIXTURE. The murder weapon at the school was the AR. doc 122616, from the AR: "Adam Lanza is included as a contributor to the DNA profile" His DNA was on the murder weapon. Period. What are you trying to say? "Was anyone shot by any handguns or the shotgun ?" One handgun was used by AL to kill himself. The shotgun was left in the car. Found on a seat and secured by placing it in the trunk, it does not appear to have been used in any way.
Mike BEWB 
I did NOT say the shotgun was the murder weapon. The two murder weapons that day were the Savage 22 and the Bushmaster (plus a pistol for the suicide shot) and BOTH OF THOSE MURDER WEAPONS were shown to have AL's DNA on them. What's YOUR point? are you saying Lanza wasn't the shooter despite being found there with his DNA on the murder weapon? are you saying he didn't exist despite all the evidence to the contrary? a second shooter? what?
So the handguns and the shotgun didn't murder anyone.. Is that correct.. You can't include suicide as murder.. So we down to one weapon and one document and one point.. Point #4.. Document 122616 Point #4 and it the forearm is positive .. That is totality of your claim? The forearm? Is that it?
Mike BEWB 
-"So the handguns and the shotgun didn't murder anyone.. Is that correct." Yes. -"you can't include suicide as murder." that's why I put it in parentheses -"Document 122616 Point #4." That is the DNA result that shows AL's DNA on the Bushmaster which was the murder weapon at the school. I'm glad you agree his DNA was found on it. -"Is that it?" For the school yes, but to show his DNA on the weapon he murdered his mother with, the savage 22, you need to look at doc 00124235 where they ID him from a DNA swap of the savage. See how I addressed each of your points? It's easy to do. Please tell me what your point it now. You seem to admit that his DNA was found on BOTH the savage AND the bushmaster so what's your beef?
jim allyn 
Thank you both. Can we agree that the DNA evidence confirming Adam Lanza is sufficiently established? If yes then 911TruthNow let's get to the heart of your concern. Is it that a mixture of DNA might include the DNA of a second unknown gunman? If so let so address that issue now and lay it to rest conclusively. I am posting the link to this conversation at every Sandy Hook video and every new one that comes out daily - inviting viewers to follow our entire exchange carefully as I would much rather pursue one SANE conversation with you (and any other participants here who can keep up with us) and build agreement on conclusions and proceed logically. Nothing is off the table. However I will not tolerate our productive exchange being derailed by those who may show up here spouting madness. them I will ignore if they start up with me again. Some of them are pissed off at me because I too have used insults often right out of the gate. Why? Because I am FUCKING ANGRY! And I tried the "nice guy" approach earlier...didn't serve me so well. And I was talking to people who I could not reason with...The substantive nature of our conversation will nullify the rhetotric and anyone who arrives here ready to call me a "satancic shill troll" again and worse. And believe me - they are coming.
I will create a visual chart now .. document 00124235 visual chart #1 http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/02/notes-sandy-hook.html Mixtures show up in other area and only the forearm areas does Adam show up without mixture problem but its same with all rifles.
Mike BEWB 
That's correct. AND..? His DNA is on the murder weapons. You still haven't told me what you think the significance is. Are you saying Lanza didn't exist? Wasn't the shooter? Wasn't the only shooter? What? Tell us your position. You clearly think this is a significant point, but why? If a family is found murdered, two murder weapons are found, and the suspected killer killed himself in the home and they take 10 DNA swabs from the 2 murder weapons and each weapon reveals a single swab out of five that is a mixture and part of that mixture includes the suspected killer. What should I conclude?
Sandy hook DNA Graphic http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/02/notes-sandy-hook.html Graphic Adam Mostly Clear document 122616 https://goo.gl/photos/35qZzai2mNjzbob99 Graphic Adam Sandy Hook All Mostly Clear document 00124235 https://goo.gl/photos/DBNXinFUEvzp919e6
Download and make corrections if you like then upload and share.. thanks Sandy hook DNA Graphic http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/02/notes-sandy-hook.html Graphic Adam Mostly Clear document 122616 https://goo.gl/photos/35qZzai2mNjzbob99 Graphic Adam Sandy Hook All Mostly Clear document 00124235 https://goo.gl/photos/DBNXinFUEvzp919e6
Mike BEWB 
I looked at it from your first link. Well done. What's the point? Why are you minimizing the fact that his DNA was on BOTH murder weapons? What's the mystery? What's your position?
"We can agree that all the rifles were handled by unknown without a mixture problem in all the areas which require operation of the weapons.. That is the reason for this video and why Adam Lanza DNA was eliminated as a source and criminal database searches were used and recorded as doing so in each of the documents above.. " http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/02/notes-sandy-hook.html
"We can agree that all the rifles were handled by unknown without a mixture problem in all the areas which require operation of the weapons.. That is the reason for this video and why Adam Lanza DNA was eliminated as a source and criminal database searches were used and recorded as doing so in each of the documents above.. " http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/02/notes-sandy-hook.html
Mike BEWB 
Handling the weapon? So you think he shared the gun with another shooter? Did they pass it back and forth? Eliminating Lanza doesn't imply that ONE other person held and fired the weapon. In fact from item 122616 item 6 "Nancy and AL are eliminated as CONTRIBUTORS to the sample" where "contributor" implies a mixture. "Source" implies a single person. Here are some other possibilities for the mixture or presence of someone else's DNA: 1) The mix was created by being handled by one or more officers on the scene as they bagged it or otherwise secured it. 2) It's contamination from lab techs (which we know for sure happened on at least one other sample). 3) It includes DNA from blood spatter from the 20+ victims he just shot to pieces with that weapon. 4) A combination of two or more of those three. Do you have any plausible alternative explanations for it?
jim allyn 
911TruthNOW I appreciate that you are presenting fact-based concerns but PLEASE clarify: if you think another shooter may been involved lets proceed to that point. As Mike points out, eliminating Lanza doesn't imply that ONE other person held and fired the weapon. And we know a mixture can happen for all the reasons he and I have given: 1) The mix was created by being handled by one or more officers on the scene as they bagged it or otherwise secured it. 2) It's contamination from lab techs (which we know for sure happened on at least one other sample). 3) It includes DNA from blood spatter from the 20+ victims he just shot to pieces with that weapon. 4) A combination of two or more of those three Please acknowledge. My time is limited and I am telling you - if you care about truth as I think you do I will show you BEYOND ALL DOUBT that this horrific event was 100% real in every single aspect and by the time our conversation concludes you will DEFINITELY know this as fact. 100%. And if our conversation can proceed MANY others may benefit who are currently stuck in a horrific delusion that this was a hoax. If you and I can establish a level of trust I would also be happy to speak with you by phone. I cannot call the Forensic Lab about other details (sweaters) until we proceed past this current point.
eliminated as CONTRIBUTORS to the sample" where "contributor" implies a mixture is even worse then eliminated as a source because this also means other people must exist..
Mike BEWB 
who do you think those other people are? we have suggested they could be people who previously handled the weapon, officers on the scene securing and/or bagging the weapons, victims, lab techs, or any combination of them.
Jim we have been over this point eliminating Lanza does mean positive for someone else and that person was using the weapon BECAUSE the surface area of one locations of one eliminations was NOT subject to blood spatter, they tested ALL lab techs... and they say lab technician when they find out who else it is but that is only one case. Adam's DNA was found in the exact same location on each weapon..
Mike BEWB 
An unknown DNA sample on some 22 rounds doesn't equal a second shooter. But I'm glad you finally, kind of, grew enough of a pair to tell us PART of your position. It took you what? a couple DAYS and 13 posts to do it. So, Adam Lanza was positively ID'd on BOTH murder weapons. 911TruthNOW thinks that Adam Lanza AND an unknown person were both shooters that day. Right? If not how did Lanza's DNA get on the murder weapons? WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED THAT DAY?!
Mike BEWB 
jim allyn 
911TruthNOW: As we await your reply here is info the sweatshirts since you asked. I just spoke to the forensic lab in Meriden CT. Everything that was tested for DNA is in the Final Report. They say if it wasn't included in the Report that means it wasn't tested. They understand I may call with further questions... LETS PROCEED. The DNA evidence conclusively implicates Adam Lanza and the "mixture" concerns are irrelevant unless a second shooter scenario is to be considered. Shall we proceed on considering that scenario now? If so that's fine but lets first agree on exactly what the DNA DOES mean: Adam Lanza's DNA is conclusively identified on the two murder weapons. Do you agree?
If you really did contact these people, that is amazing.. That could far exceed any SHES truther research by an order of magnitude beyond what they have done collectively (context DNA) and I have not been given any help by them as a collective whole (context DNA) and I had to design the documents myself into four parts. Something anyone could have done globally but failed to do.. This is like 9/11 all over again with the 555 numbers traced back to all American Airline planes and across numerous callers Ong, Amy, Barbara Olson and for example.. USGS final word on 9/11 earthquakes: "I asked the head of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) about this, and he said: The Sept 11 2001 events are not in the NEIC catalog because our station spacing was too sparse to get a good location and magnitude. We do not have classified information about the events. The events were carefully studied by the local seismic network at Lamont-Doherty. Reference: Kim et al., EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, volume 82 no. 47 November, 20 2001. -Lisa" Key issue here NEIC station maps show stations all over Manhattan as close as 6 miles away from Ground Zero.. Did he say which document number contained sweatshirts DNA results? Does the want someone to hunt around through all the documents one by one and all zip folders? Why did they release unsearchable PDF's? What does he mean by the sweatshirts might not have been tested? Who here have read all the documents and can conclusively say the sweatshirts were not tested.. What can we do make them do their job if they didn't test the sweatshirts? Are the log books are still missing?
Mike BEWB 
Before moving on to a host of new questions, the question has been posed by Jim: "Adam Lanza's DNA is conclusively identified on the two murder weapons. Do you agree?"
jim allyn 
Mike BEWB and 911TruthNow, it is good we appear ready to move forward pending 911Truths reply regarding the conclusive nature of the DNA as pertains to Adam Lanza. I have told the forensics lab I may well be in touch with further questions. To repeat: they say the sweaters were not tested. Thats why they are not in the report. We can discuss all other questions as soon as 911 is ready to concur on DNA insofar as Lanza. 911TN, I appreciate the work you put into the visuals. Lets clarify our common ground on DNA so we can proceed. I anticipate many viewers skeptical of the official story will soon be following our exchange. Please lets establish agreement on each point as we proceed. This format is ideal because you have both skepticism and a willingness to engage and consider facts on which we will base conclusion we all full agree upon based on logic. I GUARANTEE YOU this exchange will serve MANY. I should emphasize to those who will be reading. PLEASE LET 911Truth set the agenda. This is his platform and I will not be drawn into insults. I respect the fact that 911TN has a strong desire to see a morE thorough invrsyigation of 9/11. I feel the same though I have no doubt he and I would disagree on any number of 9/11 issues. The fact is we all want truth. With respect to Sandy Hook I caution you: be prepated. You will find that EVERYTHING about Sandy Hook is true. Be prepared to assess what you have believed snd what you may have said about my community and my friends who hsve been through hell. When you come to acknowledge the truth you will find many things....condemnation will NOT be one them. For then you will know....this horror, this heartbreak beyond all heartbreak is real
Message #1 "I have told the forensics lab I may well be in touch with further questions. To repeat: they say the sweaters were not tested. That's why they are not in the report. " Message #2 " They say if it wasn't included in the Report that means it wasn't tested. They understand I may call with further questions." Which statement is true or did you find out something new i.e the "the sweaters were not tested" and can you ask the same source about the log books? Were they found? Did they go missing?
Mike BEWB 
BOTH statements are true. The sweaters where not included because they were not tested. Which "log books" are you referring to?
Mike BEWB 
911Tuth, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful, I was simply trying to ensure that the exchange (which has been unusually civil for this topic) was moving forward. That's why I wanted to make sure we were all in agreement that Lanza's DNA was on both weapons before we moved on to new questions, because it sometimes happens that too many new questions get posed and nothing ever really gets answered.
jim allyn 
Yes, to clarify: they did not test the sweatshirts. I do not know why. I can ask. Perhaps that was a decision made not by the lab but by state police choosing what would be tested... They did say if an item was NOT tested then it did not appear in the final report. It is indeed HIGHLY unusual that we have established a serious exchange of views in this setting. No topic is off the table. 911TN as soon as you can give us a statement confirming what you and Mike and I agree we have all established as the truth regarding Lanza's DNA on the murder weapons according to the DNA reports I will then be happy to call the lab again with a comprehensive list of any questions you want. We will also establish some manner by which I can document that conversation. Maybe I'll ask them in advance if I can create a video as we are on speaker phone.
"They did say if an item was NOT tested then it did not appear in the final report. " How do you know the sweater issue is not in the report? Who read every page? Did they know about the sweaters? Its possible they have no idea what you are talking about.. Maybe those items were lost.. They should know exactly what evidence they received.. They should know what was tested independently of what is or is not in the report. If the report does not contain the results of a lab test, i am sure that is a crime..
Mike BEWB 
Jim, I think you mistakenly assumed the sweatshirts weren't in the report when you said they weren't tested. You said " I just spoke to the forensic lab in Meriden CT. Everything that was tested for DNA is in the Final Report. They say if it wasn't included in the Report that means it wasn't tested. " Note they didn't say they did or didn't test them, they just said, "if we did, they're in the report." 911T, The sweatshirts do appear to have been tested. doc 166569 lists them as evidence. doc 146699 contains the results of the tests. There was blood on one of them and it was id'd as Nancy's. 3 samples were taken, 2 from one sweatshirt and 1 from the other. Those swabs are #110-S1, #110-S2, and #111-S1 respectively. The results of those tests are that AL cannot be eliminated as a source for #110-S1. #110-S2 was the blood stain and it was determined to be Nancy's. Item #111-S1 did not have sufficient DNA for amplification.
jim allyn 
Thank you Mike. All correct. And to 911TN: we can compile a list of questions I will use if you wish when I call the lab again. These can include the "log book" to which you refer and anything else. But first - lets be clear before we proceed: Do you agree that Adam Lanza's DNA is conclusively identified on the two murder weapons?
jim allyn 
911TruthNOW I will review this tonight. I wont call the lab until we have a list of specific questions. I take it that all three of us concur in full that Adam Lanza's DNA was found on the murder weapons. Please confirm this point? 
Mike BEWB 
"According to 00146699, page 3, specimens 111-S1 and 111-S2 were insufficient to get results from. " small correction: there was no sample 111-S2. In terms of 110-S1, S2 I had already described those results. they're in 146699. 110-S1 states AL can't be eliminated as the source. And S2 was the blood stain on the sweatshirt and was ID'd as Nancy's blood. Now that the sweatshirt DNA results have been found, can we all agree that AL's DNA was found on both murder weapons? Edit: also, this thread is getting rather long, should we begin a new one?
Mike BEWB 
Also, Jim and 911T, which "log books" are we talking about?
Front door school logs - not the FEMA logs..
Mike BEWB 
Ah, thank you. I don't remember ever reading them or seeing them anywhere. Any thoughts on either starting a new comment thread and getting everyone on the same page by acknowledging that AL's DNA was on both murder weapons?
Look it over.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0pxVbXyB9OLd1Q4NjM1a0Vad0k/view?usp=sharing So the criminal database search which always exists as the last paragraph on each of these reports is missing and the results for three samples 110-S3, 111-S1 and 111-S2 which might fit into the final paragraph with no known criminal hits however familial dna search might track down shooter #2...
Mike BEWB 
Thanks for the link but I obviously have the documents myself or I wouldn't have been able to find the sweatshirt DNA tests and post the results. "So the criminal database search which ALWAYS exists as the last paragraph" This is simply not true. Out of 5 DNA reports, 166456, 146699, 146690, 122616, and 124235 only two (40%) contain such a paragraph. Notice that in both of those they do not run EVERY sample against that database, I'm not sure how they make that decision, maybe that's a question to ask the lab. So it's not unusual to not include the paragraph OR to not run certain items. So shall we all agree on a the starting point that Jim has repeatedly suggested that AL's DNA is on both murder weapons and move on?
The link its NOT a pdf file.. I have been creating graphic files i.e JPG this whole time and maybe you assumed they were PDF files but you have not looking at those results.. 166546 Point #11 Criminal National database search was done .. 146699 has not 146690 has not 122616 has it Criminal National database search was done .. 124235 has not http://sandyhookanalysis.blogspot.com/2014/02/researchers-guide-to-sandy-hook-final.html
document 00124235 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3-vhpZ_3PTLVk5hSjFjdjBoN0E/view?pageId=106255381313506149750 Adam Lanza DNA Eliminated As A Source Point #6 Eliminated As A Source Point #7 Eliminated As A Source (but they jump right into searching the Criminal database) Mixtures show up in other area and only the forearm areas does Adam show up without mixture problem but its same with all rifles. CFS 1200704597 folder Document 00025303.pdf  
"Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Forensic Lab Division is the central repository for all photographic evidence archived by the State Police.. " So should someone FOIA this department for the photos? 
document 00030920.pdf who is Rachel Davino 250 ibs behavioral therapist Dawn Hochsprung says Pointy Teeth? Anne Marie Murphy Liaison TPR TAYLOR Aide - Special Ed - Does not know what classroom she would have been in? Lauren Russeau Rousseau Mary Sherlach Liaison Det Warkoski Victoria Soto Missing Teacher: Victoria Soto Room 10 page 118 No Pic provided TPR Kauffman page 132 Missing Soto 00057444.pdf DNA + Latent Prints (who latent prints were found)