Friday, March 31, 2017

Source File list for 9 11 THEY KNEW 2017

Source File list for 9-11 They Knew

UNSEEN JAW DROPPING - 9/11 THEY KNEW 2017 More Complete ...

9 11 THEY KNEW 2017 Version 3 - YouTube
Feb 6, 2017 - Uploaded by 911TruthNOW
United States of Israel 9 11 THEY KNEW 2017 Zionist Did ...

Clip Name
The 9-11 Conspiracies Fact or Fiction.avi 02-auf-monty.mp3 06-delta (1).mp3 15911088_1721714654811201_3296244450283487232_n.mp4
7 Of The 19 Hijackers Are Still Alive 911 Is Done By zionist.mp4
9 11 Nobody Knows 2016 A New World Order June Update 3.mp4 911 555.jpg 911 ALL Explosion Sounds Were Removed.mp4 911 Flight 11 and 175 Black Boxes FBI Jack Cloonan are Unkno.mp4 911 Hijackers At Dulles international Airport Sept 10th.mp4 911 Korean Air 085 False Flag Operation Smoking Gun.mp4 911 LDEO Missing seismic record.jpg 911 LIVE PART 16.mp4 911 NIST 2 kiloton device Fireball Clear Photo.mp4 911 Negative Pressure Eyewitnesses.mp4 911 Salty & Omar - Dog Saves Blind Man.mp4 9_11 Dr. Andre Rousseau Only Explosives Can Create These Kind of Shear Seismic waves.mp4
File Name The 9-11 Conspiracies Fact or Fiction.avi 02-auf-monty.mp3 06-delta (1).mp3 15911088_1721714654811201_3296244450283487232_n.mp4 15911088_1721714654811201_3296244450283487232_n.mp4 15936362_10154402853544958_1524888057366787022_o.jpg 7 Of The 19 Hijackers Are Still Alive 911 Is Done By zionist.mp4 9 11 Nobody Knows 2016 A New World Order June Update 3.mp4 911 555.jpg 911 ALL Explosion Sounds Were Removed.mp4 911 Flight 11 and 175 Black Boxes FBI Jack Cloonan are Unkno.mp4 911 Hijackers At Dulles international Airport Sept 10th.mp4 911 Korean Air 085 False Flag Operation Smoking Gun.mp4 911 LDEO Missing seismic record.jpg 911 LIVE PART 16.mp4 911 NIST 2 kiloton device Fireball Clear Photo.mp4 911 Negative Pressure Eyewitnesses.mp4 911 Salty &Omar - Dog Saves Blind Man.mp4 9_11 Dr. Andre Rousseau Only Explosives Can Create These Kind of Shear Seismic waves.mp4
AIbEiAIAAABDCLzlo9iywa0ZSiILdmNhcmRfcGhvdG8qKGZhM2NiZDQ3Y2Y2NzM4ZTFjNTBkYTg3MzL20 AIbEiAIAAABDCLzlo9iywa0ZSiIldmNhcmRfcGhvdG8qKGZhM2NiZDQ3Y2Y2NzM4ZTFjNTBkYTg3MzI2OGNiMGRkIk2MzBIZjcwAZeHqvCd9b15hBlKxun0HZ7
BBC Documentary Exposing Phony War on Terror and World Terro.mp4 Before.jpg CNN reports false 911 hijackers Adnan Bukhari alive & Ameer .mp4 Controlled Demolition - Top first Implostion.mp4 Crackpot conspiracy theories enjoy.mp4 Egyptian General Exposes 911.mp4 Eric Bolling vs Jesse Ventural.mp4 JAW DROPPING - NEW 9_11 FOOTAGE DESTROYS MAIN STREAM NARFtAlTVE.mp4 James Perloff On 911, The Flight 11 Crew KNEW They Were Taki.mp4 Korean Air 85 was forced to squawk 7500 emergency on 911.mp4 Larry Silversteen WTC7 designed April 2000 WTC7 wurde schon .mp4 NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC -Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (WTC1 Burning Audio Extracted.wav NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC -Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (WTC1 Burning.mp4 ON OFF.jpg On Chip Nanothermite Reaction.mp4 Reagan Star Wars Project 911 Confession.mp4 Remote Control Take Over - key to 911.mp4 September 11th Drone Evidence NIST FOIA Release 29 photograph number two SIPA.mp4 South Tower Collapse Dust Going in Reverse.mp4 James Perloff On 911, The Flight 11 Crew KNEW They Were Taki.mp4 Korean Air 85 was forced to squawk 7500 emergency on 911.mp4 Larry Silversteen WTC7 designed April 2000 WTC7 wurde schon .mp4 NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC --Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (WTC1 Burning Audio Extracted.wav NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC -- Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (INTO. Burning.mp4 ON OFF.jpg On Chip Nanothermite Reaction.mp4 Reagan Star Wars Project 911 Confession.mp4 Remote Control Take Over - key to 911.mp4 September 11th Drone Evidence NIST FOIA Release 29 photograph number two SIPA.mp4 South Tower Collapse Dust Going in Reverse.mp4 South Tower Collapse Dust Going in Reverse.mp4 The USGS viii not give out Catalog Data on 911. 911 Stonewall.mp4 Traffic Lights Turned Off For WTC 7 Controlled Demolition.mp4 WIKILEAKS PROVES 911 WAS INSIDE JOBI.mp4 Watch 911 I Was There Videos Online - National Geographic Ch.mp4 big fire ball.jpg false 911 hijacker Abdul Rahman Alomari alive who is not Abd.mp4 headlineDocument.gif iwlogo.gif militaryTrucksAllNightlong5(2).jpg unnamed (1).jpg unnamed (2).jpg 13331112_492970924238572_1177507498531970776_n.jpg Explosion Sound Removed 102 Minutes_3.mp4 Explosions 911 Audio Extracted.wav Explosions 911.avi Flash.avi IC-2001-04A.avi JAW DROPPING - NEW 911 FOOTAGE DESTROYS MAIN STREAM NARRA-17VE.avi Pearlgreen knew.avi black box.avi black boxes.avi flash of light.avi jims video.avi overlord.avi sound file 2.avi
BBC Documentary Exposing Phony War on Terror and World Terro.mp4 Before.jpg CNN reports false 911 hijackers Adnan Bukhari alive & Ameer .mp4 Controlled Demolition - Top first Implostion.mp4 Crackpot conspiracy theories enjoy.mp4 Egyptian General Exposes 911.mp4 Eric Bolling vs Jesse Ventural.mp4 JAW DROPPING - NEW 9_11 FOOTAGE DESTROYS MAIN STREAM NARRATIVE.mp4 James Perloff On 911, The Flight 11 Crew KNEW They Were Taki.mp4 Korean Air 85 was forced to squawk 7500 emergency on 911.mp4 Larry Silversteen WTC7 designed April 2000 WTC7 wurde schon .mp4 NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC -- Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (WTC1 Burning Audio Extracted.wav NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC -- Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (WTC1 Burning.mp4 ON OFF.jpg On Chip Nanothermite Reaction.mp4 Reagan Star Wars Project 911 Confession.mp4 Remote Control Take Over - key to 911.mp4 September 11th Drone Evidence NIST FOIA Release 29 photograph number two SIPA.mp4 South Tower Collapse Dust Going in Reverse.mp4 James Perloff On 911, The Flight 11 Crew KNEW They Were Taki.mp4 Korean Air 85 was forced to squawk 7500 emergency on 911.mp4 Larry Silversteen WTC7 designed April 2000 WTC7 wurde schon .mp4 NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC --Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (WTC1 Burning Audio Extracted.wav NIST FOIA 09-42 R14-UC --Jim Huibregtse 1A-25 (WTC1 Burning.mp4 ON OFF.jpg On Chip Nanothermite Reaction.mp4 Reagan Star Wars Project 911 Confession.mp4 Remote Control Take Over - key to 911.mp4 September 11th Drone Evidence NIST FOIA Release 29 photograph number two SIPA.mp4 South Tower Collapse Dust Going in Reverse.mp4 South Tower Collapse Dust Going in Reverse.mp4 The USGS veil not give out Catalog Data on 911. 911 Stonewall.mp4 Traffic Lights Turned Off For WTC 7 Controlled Demolition.mp4 WIKILEAKS PROVES 911 WAS INSIDE JOBI.mp4 Watch 911 I Was There Videos Online - National Geographic Ch.mp4 big fire ball.jpg false 911 hijacker Abdul Rahman Alomari alive who is not Abd.mp4 headlineDocument.gif iwlogo.gif militaryTrucksAllNightlong5(2).jpg unnamed (1).jpg unnamed (2).jpg 13331112_492970924238572_1177507498531970776_n.jpg Explosion Sound Removed 102 Minutes_3.mp4 Explosions 911 Audio Extracted.wav Explosions 911.avi Flash.avi IC-2001-04A.avi JAW DROPPING - NEW 911 FOOTAGE DESTROYS MAIN STREAM NARFtATNE.avi Pearlgreen knew.avi black box.avi black boxes.avi flash of light.avi jims video.avi overlord.avi sound file 2.avi
' . '

Thursday, March 30, 2017

9-11 Off Course Total Time Based on USAF 84 RADES RADAR

9-11 Off Course Total Time Based on USAF 84 RADES RADAR

Prof Perloff.... My Unit received a Briefing from the USAF OSI of a viable terrorist attack 3 Weeks BEFORE 911 at the Base Church on a Sunday 3 week, 22 Aug? At 2PM We were told not to be flying in the next tow or three months... and only inform our immediate families if Necessary... We did n'ot think about that briefing when 911 actually happened. We believed the NEWS reports Arabs did it. I only realized the implications while working in Baghdad 5 or so years later that SOMEONE in our government knew of the attacks and it appears "they" let them happen!

9/11 Off Course Total Time Based on USAF 84 RADES RADAR and USA Today data using Google Earth 9/11 Maps and MS Paint

Flight 93

Flight 77

Flight 175

Flight 11

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Hunt for History Business S2 Ep5. Aired 8 Sep. 2002 titled Larry Silverstein

911 Suspicions and Larry Silverstein

On behalf of

1:59 PM (12 minutes ago)
to me
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Hello Dan Plesse

Library of Congress - Moving Image Section has received your question. You will receive an e-mail message with the answer as soon as possible.

[Question]: Hello,
I am looking for a copy History's Business (TV Series) S2,
Ep5. Aired 8 Sep. 2002 titled "Larry Silverstein" Do you have a
This clip is available for licensing from our partners at NBCUniversal Archives
Media ID
World Trade Center Operator Larry Silverstein Discusses If He Will Rebuild the Towers
World Trade Center Operator Larry Silverstein Discusses If He Will Rebuild the Towers
Today New York Studio
Larry Silverstein

Possible Sources
This clip is available for licensing from our partners at ABCNEWS VideoSource
Tape Number:
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Thank you for submitting your question to Library of Congress - Moving Image Section

Question ID:12376573
Your question:Hello, I am looking for a copy History's Business (TV Series) S2, Ep5. Aired 8 Sep. 2002 titled "Larry Silverstein" Do you have a copy?
You will receive acknowledgement of question receipt and an answer to your question at the e-mail address you provided.
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S2, Ep4

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S2, Ep5
8 Sep. 2002
Larry Silverstein
Larry Silverstein goes on record saying that Building 7 of the World Trade Center was indeed a planned controlled demolition. Which begs the question, how did the precise planning of a controlled demolition happen? For a controlled demolition to take place, it takes weeks and weeks of planning. I remember setting up my VCR to record this episode. I have since transferred the VCR recording to a DVD. I have only found 2 other copies of the interview.

History's Business (1999– )
Needs 5 Ratings

Larry Silverstein 

Larry Silverstein goes on record saying that Building 7 of the World Trade Center was indeed a planned controlled demolition. Which begs the question, how did the precise planning of a ... See full summary »


 (TV Series)


Plot Summary

  • Larry Silverstein goes on record saying that Building 7 of the World Trade Center was indeed a planned controlled demolition. Which begs the question, how did the precise planning of a controlled demolition happen? For a controlled demolition to take place, it takes weeks and weeks of planning. I remember setting up my VCR to record this episode. I have since transferred the VCR recording to a DVD. I have only found 2 other copies of the interview.
    Written by History Channel Fan


It looks like we don't have any Synopsis for this title yet.
Be the first to contribute! Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Synopsis submission guide.

"History's Business" Larry Silverstein (TV Episode 2002) - IMDb Talk-Show · Larry Silverstein goes on record saying that Building 7 of the World Trade Center ... History's Business (1999– ) ... Written by History Channel Fan.
$200+ Reward: Elusive "History's Business" Episode
with Larry Silverstein

AE911Truth needs your help in locating a History Channel TV interview with World Trade Center Building 7 owner Larry Silverstein, in which he admitted point-blank that the building was purposely demolished on September 11, 2001.

We're not referring to his "pull it" remark from the 2002 PBS documentary "America Rebuilds" — a comment that stirred enormous controversy and caused Silverstein's spokesperson to claim later that he merely meant pulling the firefighters from WTC 7 before it collapsed from supposedly extensive fire damage.

Hello, I am looking for a copy History's Business (TV Series) S2, Ep5. Aired 8 Sep. 2002 titled "Larry Silverstein" Do you have a copy?

InfoNow, Account

12:55 PM (11 minutes ago)
to me

Dear Daniel,

Unfortunately, the Los Angeles Public Library does not have the TV series, "History's Business." We recommend checking, a catalog of libraries worldwide, to see if any other libraries might have the item you're looking for. 


InfoNow Staff /tp

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Daniel M Plesse via Los Angeles Public Library <> wrote:
Submitted on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - 11:01
Submitted by anonymous user:
Submitted values are:

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9/11 guilt : the proof is in your hands

Author:Don PaulJim HoffmanCelestine StarMorning Shadow Productions.Golden Star Productions.
Publisher:[United States] : Golden Star Productions, 2005.
Edition/Format:  DVD video : English
A documentary "exposing the core facts of the September 11 attack. Provides conclusive evidence that the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center were brought down by controlled demolitions."
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