Thursday, December 28, 2017

UAL175 Second Plane Circled Video, Photos and Radar Witness

UA175 turned in a cicrle around New York City

UA175 Circling??? at high speed 

Photos of circling plane 1-3 

Looking at the World Trade Center burning (North Tower) from my companies building at about 9:00am, I see another aircraft going south. It was hard to get an altitude judgement from my view, but then the plane started turning left 180 degrees. I first though it was taking ariel shots, and again it's hard to get an altitude judgement with two hugh buildings in your view. The next thing I see is a plane headed straight for the (South Tower) corner of the building and then a big orange explosion. I site I will very forget. Then to see both building collapse...... words cannot express that view. I'm truely in shock! EastCoast email exchange with 2nd plane U-turn witness On September 1, my buddy and I went to NYC to work as Ironworkers. We got dispatched to work on a high-rise IN QUEENS. We stopped working for about twenty minutes as the first building burned wondering what we could do, when we saw the second plane come around the corner of the other tower. HE MADE A U-TURN and crashed into it right before our eyes.
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UA175 turned in a circle around New York City. Mr. Canoles characterized the flight through Newark Airport's airspace and the turn as indicative of piloting skills and extraordinary navigation skills. UA175 subsequently crashed into the World Trade Center Page 55 bottom Second Plane Circled Around, U-turn or Turn Witnesses
Dr. Suzan Russell 
"Being a few blocks away from the site, Ms. Russell said she saw the second plane fly by, turn around, then hit the other tower."
From By Nora Frost, Midland Reporter-Telegram 10/17/2002.
Mitchell Simmons 
"As we watched the building burn, we saw the second plane come around. It was very surreal because it felt like a movie, but it was reality."
From 'Marketers Are Eyewitness To History', September 12th 2001. By Kris Oser and Richard H. Levey.
BARRY MAWN, FBI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR My initial thought was this was a terrible accident, but I requested that these people start to respond to the World Trade complex and that I would meet them down there. We were observing the evacuation when we actually saw the second plane come down, flying north to south, actually turn around. And then we lost it momentarily behind the buildings, and then the next time we saw it, it was headed straight for the south tower. 
EMT Mercedes Rivera
"As I passed by St. Vincent's Hospital below 14th Street, Paul said, 'Wow. Look at that plane. It's pretty close.' I said, 'Jeez, you're right. Look at the size of that plane.' We watched that plane get closer; it flew over us, it went over the Hudson River, then we saw it make a tilt and go right into the South Tower. It was like science fiction.
Then we saw the explosion...
Women at Ground Zero, Susan Hagen and Mary Carouba

Not Flight 175 

Witness #1 

Interview Date: November 2, 2001 Transcribed by Elisabeth F. Nason
A. Yes, about minutes to nine o'clock I heard on the radio, a unit was saying that a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center and both me and my partner drove down by the water in Red Hook. That's my assigned area and you could see -- we saw the smoke. There was a second plane circling the building and I kept saying why is he so near the building? Within minutes, before even talking about it, he just like slammed into the second building.

Not Flight 175 
PARAMEDIC JOEL PIERCE Interview Date: January 23, 2002 Transcribed by Nancy Francis
We parked the vehicle on Kent, got out, stood there. My partner called his wife. I just stood there staring, and then I watched eventually the second  plane, I saw it. It looked like it was circling coming  south, then came back north, striking the south side of
Tower No. 2. I got pretty sick to the stomach at that point.

This is NOT Flight 175 Flight Path therefore NOT Flight 175 NTSB 

Flight 175 it was Not

Mr Tractsonburg 
"And we went to a high point in our building, which is on the 25th floor, and you had a clear view of the both World Trade Centers and the one that was smoking hard, and there was another plane that was flying low, and we just looked at it, and before we know it, it was just kamikaze, boom, right into the other tower... but it didn't seem like a big passenger jet. It was smaller type plane, because it made some pretty radical turn, and flying low..."
Mark Burnback 
"...there was definitely a blue logo, it was like a circular logo on the front of the plane, er...toward the front, um... it definitely did not look like a commercial plane, I didn't see any windows on the sides and definitely was very low... it was not a normal flight that I've ever seen at an airport..."
WCBS/Fox News. Tuesday 11th September 2001.

Complete Audio of WTC 911 Calls on 9/11

In October 2000, at the 'Gomel Chesed Cemetery' the next conversation spoken in Hebrew was heard: “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September”... “Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything”... “The Arabs are so stupid. They don’t even imagine that we are using them.”

Peter Murphy. E Ring Impact Window

David King skin hanging like WTC Basement Man Secondary Explosion

Allyn Kilsheimer man who set up the bombs for Israel aka Phoenix Project

World Trade had "Operation Phoenix"
RTOPS #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190
Brosnan is not the only one whose account was redacted. Firefighter Paul Beck's first few dozen words are censored. There's another blackout after Battalion Chief Thomas Vallebuona is asked about radio transmissions. And when a questioner asks for final thoughts from Assistant Commissioner Stephen Gregory-the man in charge of FDNY communications at the time of the disaster-all we see is a page and a half of black blocks.
The court allowed the city to omit sections that would cause "serious pain and embarrassment" if disclosed, and firefighters had a chance to review their own histories before their release, so it's unclear who made these redactions or why. But the omissions are why Norman Siegel, the lawyer for the families who intervened in the Times lawsuit, says he might go back to court and ask that the city justify its cuts

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The World Trade Center Did Not Pancake

John McGlynn Died 2017 Rich Picciotto, does not exist.. maybe he spoke about bombs..
Pasquale Buzzelli  The 9/11 Surfer
On Sept. 11 Chief Picciotto was on the seventh floor of the World Trade Center's north tower when it collapsed..Picciotto reached a fifth-floor stairwell when an indescribable noise, matched only by overwhelming seismic activity..   Lt. Jerry Reilly Ladder 22 was in the south tower's lobby when it tumbled to the ground. He was the last man out of that building.

We have two buildings that spread out and didn't pancake..

A Hero's Tale: FDNY Deputy Chief Jay Jonas said
"The floor starting moving like it was waves on a lake," this was before he ran in the direction of stairwell B.

It came down so fast, you couldn't even run. It was about seven or eight
seconds. You heard that loud rumble. I looked up, but I still didn't see it come down. It
looked like it got fat like a big clump. It wasn't a fire cloud; it was like another cloud
around it.

The World Trade Center Did Not Pancake, fall etc, No photograph or video has ever shown a pancake and no one has ever pointed out a pancake on any video or photograph. So what did happen was clearly asked about, raised during press releases during 9/11. Rudolph Giuliani, for example was asked continuously about the Explosions. Everyone connected the explosions with buildings going down. It was not random, small, fire induced pops. The floors exploding outward allowed or enabling people from center stairwell B to just walk out from the center without the building blocking their path home. A lot more people walked out then the 14-16 amount Judy Wood quoted.. They walked out because of the early warning sounds and signals i.e up down motion, waves, rumbling etc happened way before the "collapse"..Without those early warning signs and without the lateral force do to bombs, no miracle was possible.

9/11 Rumbling + Booms + Earthquake + Put Trading = Inside Job

9/11 Oral History has your controlled demolition pops and flashes

Miracles of 9/11 A World Trade Center Stairway

NYC Medical Examiner Said he was blown up on 9/11 then changes his story

 We charge offender RICHARD CHENEY to have committed the offense of 18 U.S.C § 2381 eight times, in respect to the crime of capital treason. His involvement in the URANIUM ONE ordeal is now publicly revealed with PETER MUNK. He will surrender his passport. Sentence is public death by firing squad or life in Guantanamo.[By Military order.]

Joe Torrillo Jack Filomeno  ""We were docking when we heard the roar of the second plane. You could see the belly of the plane going over," he said. "I watched the building explode and you could see the bodies of the people cartwheeling out of the building."




9 11 Second Plane Circled Around Witnesses And Drone Photos



Susan Mcelwain of Stonycreek Township said a small white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings swooped low over her minivan near an intersection and disappeared over a hilltop, nearly clipping the tops of trees lining the ridge. It was white with no markings but it was definitely military, it just had that look.

"It had two rear engines, a big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two upright fins at the side. I haven't found one like it on the internet. It definitely wasn't one of those executive jets. The FBI came and talked to me and said there was no plane around.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Falling For a War Game

9/11 was a war game which developed into a real world situation.. "Scenario 12d" to be exact or CIA's Operation Phoenix seen on pager data

Insider trading SEC All September 11th Put Options Came from Israel

When people become shocked their defense mechanisms require solutions thus putting up fake walls which are both additive and subtractive. Your mind will defend itself.. Close down.

Robert Scheer Discusses CIA 9/11 IG Report On 9/11

How lucky can a rabbit be if you got its foot? To me that's a disaster and evidence against lucky charms.  I would love to have a scientific study done on lucky charms. It would be great if that the lucky teams were winning, then the scientific world  would have  real problem with solving that issue. Luck is real.

We don't have a holiday for victims of veterans .  No that would be a downer.. That would take all fun out of bombing other people and we don't want to stop doing that. We bomb and you die. That's how we do . We don't like other people getting in on action and stealing our hard earned thunder, even if  our own group was working through a proxy, like the proxy that was being used during Iran Contra..  Saudi Arabia was our proxy then so what changed on 9/11, nothing! Some old guys as before! Could it be the same type of setup.. The Americans  hired Saudi Arabia to send the  hijackers.. After the fireworks, Israel then gets its fine control it needs in a new country, Iraq. The public believes it's about oil but its about Israel's safety.

Are the dots really that far apart people?  Well they should be if the 4th estate has anything to do with it. The Dots  are as far a part as ever because if you look and listening to the media world business the dots  are increasing their distances everyday you relief  yourself while watching a baseball game. That's  freedom for you and you get to be lied to and distracted or worried over the next Flu outbreak. Some say its an info war.   The goal is to keep the dots and details as far a part as possible. The more hidden the dots and details the better or  the more skillful you can shame those who don't obey successful deniers get welcomed with cash and the rest get sent home.. We're lucky they don't arrest these dot connecting fool types, but the controllers need people to remind themselves what they did..

Daniel M. Plesse Are you reading my blog? More dots 

Drone photos exist and many photo show the same plane

The 904-555-0004 phone calls are completely incompatible with all phone networks making those calls impossible..

[FAA] Controller Enters New Flight Plan for Flight 93 - Justice changes the flight's destination code from “SFO,” the code for San Francisco International Airport, to “DCA,” the code for Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. [St. Petersburg Times, 9/12/2001]

Falling In Love With Your  War Game
What is Scenario 12D? In the middle of the episode, it is described as an "Domestic Airline REMOTE CONTROL Fly-by-wire Hijack " that turns out to be a plane headed for the World Trade Center.
  1. a semiautomatic and typically computer-regulated system for controlling the flight of an aircraft or spacecraft.

No soup for you

So many benefits gained for so many people after 9/11. Any benefit could be considered just a small part of a bigger picture.  9/11 was profitable, so more money is only a single rain drop in a beneficial storm but maybe the reason for 9/11 after all. More Oil for XYZ oil interests could be a valid side effect but could that be the chief motive? Men and material recruitment demands to supply XY for a war machine, yet another cause to false flag the mother-ship. .

Hamza bin Laden 9/11 2.0 , The video released Wednesday shows Hamza during his wedding to a woman experts say is the daughter of another top Al-Qaeda leader. The wedding took place in Iran in 2009, when Osama bin Laden was still alive, but the late Al-Qaeda leader did not attend the gathering because he was in hiding.

Osama bin Laden’s son is being ‘groomed’ to lead militant group al-Qaeda

Iran of course ..

No serials from any of planes. Not a rain drop. It really was about falling in love with  your war game. Scenario 12d
I big no no in the war world, but it happens.. Too bad it wasn't something smaller.

Who said they are keeping quiet? Who told you that? How do you know what every word that has ever been spoken was about? and how to do find out. Lets see. Turn on google - check. Search 9/11 and insider confession  first hit

9/11 Nobody Knows Insider confession

Was it that difficult?

 "So quiet" is Sandy Hook not 9/11

Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military effectiveness and collateral effects

Spouse(s) Najwa Ghanhem Khadijah Sharif Khairiah Sabar Siham Sabar Amal Ahmed al-Sadah Children 20 to 26 There was a FAA "Executive Summary" dated September 11, 2001, written for
the Administrator, FAA. In the second paragraph regarding American Airlines
Flight 11, the summary states:
".. .At approximately 9:18 a.m., it was reported that the two crew
members in the cockpit were stabbed. The flight then descended with
no communication from the flight crew members. The American
Airlines FAA Principal Security Inspector (PSI) was notified by
Suzanne Clark of the American Airlines Corporate Headquarters, that
an on board flight attendant contacted the American Airlines
Operations Center and informed that a passenger located in seat 10B
shot and killed a passenger in seat 9B at 9:20 a.m. The passenger
killed was Daniel Lewin, shot by passenger Satam Al Suqami. One
bullet was reported to have been fired...."

  1. "Gee, it's almost as though the collapse of 500,000 TONS of building material would generate
    large forces."

      Craig comments on Mike Francesa

      Former WFAN host Craig Carton devoted an episode of his new podcast to recapping Mike Francesa’s career and his rivalry with the host. The most controversial part of the 52-minute rant was Carton claiming that Francesa did in fact call on Jewish New Yorkers to take a loyalty oath following the 9/11 attacks and said high-ranking executives called for the tapes to be destroyed.

      We Listened To One Of The "Lost" Mike And The Mad Dog 9/11 Tapes

      30 for 30 documentary

      Francesa: Israel over the United States?
      Caller: That’s correct.
      Francesa: I have a problem with that. I mean, do you live in the United States?
      Caller: Yes.
      Francesa: Are you a United States citizen?
      Caller: Yes.
      Francesa: If it came down to sacrificing the United States or Israel, you’d sacrifice the United States?
      Caller: Right, but thank God it’s not at that level.

    1. You do see the building spreading out in all directions and you would think that spreading would SUBTRACT from you straw man argument of 500,000 TONS WITH many people still radioing from the stairways because the building spayed outward so effectively people didn't get hit with a single stone. You figure this would kill off your stupid ideas but no... Go figure

American 11:
 We have some planes. Just stay quiet, and you'll be O.K. We are returning to the airport.

American 11: Nobody move. Everything will be OK. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet.

United 93: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain, please sit down. Keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.

United 93: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain, please sit down. Keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.
United 93: Uh, this is the captain; I would like to tell you all to remain seated. There is a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and to have our demands met. Please remain quiet.