Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Writ of Mandamus on 9/11 explosives

Dan Plesse

NFPA 921 Guide to Fire and Explosion Investigation
Whether you’re a fire marshal or insurance adjustor or an investigator from NIST; the NFPA 921 Guide to Fire and Explosion Investigation sets the bar for scientific-based investigation and analysis of fire and explosion incidents. Referenced in the field, in training, and in court, it is the foremost guide for rendering accurate opinions as to incident origin, cause, responsibility, and prevention. It is intended for use by both public sector employees who are responsible for fire investigation and private sector professionals who conduct investigations for insurance companies or litigation purposes.
Fire and Explosions
Most fires have explosions. Explosions are fire, a rapidly expanding fire. Stores of volatile materials, fuel and gas lines and storage tanks, electrical junctions, and dust can all explode at high temperatures. When NIST investigated the fires and collapses of the three WTC buildings, the NFPA 921 Guide should have formed the base of the investigation. Therefore NIST should have investigated for fire and explosions, not one or the other or just fire. It was capricious, unprofessional, and unscientific for the NIST investigators to omit explosions from their investigation.
NIST claims that there was no evidence to suggest they investigate for explosions but that is a tricky lie. A lie that many debunkers and those ignorant of the reality of fires and explosions love to parrot. Claims that there need to be witnesses testifying they heard explosions is just plain nonsense. Here’s what the NFPA 921 Guide has to say;
21.1.4 Although an explosion is almost always accompanied by the production of a loud noise, the noise itself is not an essential element in the definition of an explosion. The generation and violent escape of gases are the primary criteria of an explosion.
How are investigators to know if there was a violent escape of gases? Well, structural damage is a clue. Regarding structural damage from an explosion, the NFPA 921 Guide breaks the damage into two categories, high order and low order;
21.3.1 Low­Order Damage. Low­order damage is characterized by walls bulged out or laid down, virtually intact, next to the structure. Roofs may be lifted slightly and returned to their approximate original position. Windows may be dislodged, sometimes without glass being broken. Debris produced is generally large and is thrown short distances. Low­order damage is produced by slow rates of pressure rise.
21.3.2* High­Order Damage. High­order damage is characterized by shattering of the structure, producing small, pulverized debris. Walls, roofs, and structural members are splintered or shattered, with the building completely demolished. Debris is thrown great distances, possibly hundreds of feet. High­order damage is the result of rapid rates of pressure rise.
I would say that all three WTC towers that collapsed had HighOrder Damage. According to the foremost scientific experts regarding fire and explosion investigation; that HighOrder Damage was likely caused by an explosion. I did not say explosives. I said explosion. The fact that the NIST’s site has a page or ten regarding nano-thermite and why it did not investigate for nano-thermite is a silly tangent; it doesn’t matter. NIST should have investigated for explosions which it did not; there was no need to focus on one possible cause, a high-tech military grade incendiary. Just explosions, which can have many and varied causes.

btw the appendix C follow up has not been released and long forgotten..

Appendix C FEMA Sisson, (follow up)

Richard D <>

"Sorry, I have no more information on this topic."
Dug McDowell

When Scott Schrimpe of the FDNY said he broke off solidified molten steel off the World Trade Center box columns, he could only assume  it was jet fuel because that is what he was told it could be.

columns looking like "debunked" clean up columns

Richard Law

Dan Plesse

Scott Schrimpe most likely entered the basements levels on the night of 9/11 (the night of thermite explosions)

Dan Plesse

“Well, aside from the fact that nothing he says is reasonable”

He is not just saying, he is showing the object. Did you watch the video of him showing the molten object to the public?

The only bullshit is you avoiding the issues. I hope you know he got it on video.

Dan Plesse
Dan Plesse, Ph D Sociology, State University of New York (1996)

Explosives need to be said. file a Writ of Mandamus on 9/11 explosives

Number of families who got no remains: 1,717
Total number killed in attacks in New York: 2,75362% percent Missing in 2002 that number is going down but

Those 62% were blown all over city, 3,000 feet in all directions in some cases. So 62% were NOT killed by any other means but explosives. So the murder weapon was explosives and only explosives.

stalagmites formed by dripping metal

9/11 Fire Strengthens Structural (WTC) Steel by 35% 

4,000 degrees

So what normally happens is "Moderators" just deleted everything. A good example below. 

Dan Plesse
Dan Plesse, Ph D Sociology, State University of New York (1996)

Your answer to this question has been deleted by Quora Moderation.

Answer is Jet Fuel can’t do anything.
  1. Scott Schrimpe has a Molten Sample and its on display.

    2. GEB Guide Dog Salty and Omar Rivera: reported a synchronized series of explosions immediately prior to the collapse.

Dan Plesse

What you do is deny ALL extraordinary things therefore you don’t require extraordinary evidence or any evidence even while the evidence is everywhere.

FBI 4,000 degrees (can’t be jet down the street)

It is not “extraordinary ” to believe the news that day, which reported explosions that were large enough to not be anything but work being done to bring down the buildings. The extraordinary temperatures reported by people in “9 11 Survivor Shares His Stories and Ground Zero Artifacts” or the FBI sonicmemorial in just  A FEW  clear exampleS which says the towers were cut BEFORE or remotely DURING 9/11.. What you do is cover up your eyes and ears. The facts still remain and no office supplies / jet fuel will never come close soften those core columns or any materials. No video by an individual shows Jet Fuel doing anything in soon to be 18 years after 9/11 . You can’t even write the word column down.. Do you really believe those core column softened by office supplies? I don’t think you know what those column require. The core columns already were in fires and were already blown up and nothing happened. A ton of pre-cutting and explosives did the job. That is what Scott Schrimpe, FDNY found and that what the news reported that day.
  1. Brent Blanchard Implosion World 9/11 quote
  2. 9/11 events "Relates more to military explosive demolition than to building implosions, which specifically involve the placement of charges at key points within a structure to precipitate the failure of steel or concrete supports within their own footprint. The other primary difference between these two types of operations is that implosions are universally conducted with the utmost concern for adjacent properties and human safety---elements that were horrifically absent from this event."

Charles Fletcher

Dan Plesse

911 Eyewitness Documentary has all the explosion sounds you will ever need.

FEMA photographs show cut columns at WTC building 7

All the questions have been answered by people on the ground.

The truth movement did an absolute terrible job. Firefighter’s were displaying their molten examples on display tables and not a single “Truther” knows anything about it. If the Truth people didn’t know, then what about the rest of world? Answer is zero people know anything about 9/11.. They did a bad job (9/11 Truth) then and they are doing just as badly a job today.

“ no theory that states jet fuel melted steel anything “ This is true. BUT the evidence collected by firefighters, displays at museums and video recordings ALL state this did happen.

So that is were The sarcastic theory of “Can Jet Fuel Melt Steel beams” The answer is NO and then the issue is why does all the evidence point in the direction and how to avoids the tough issues.

The question then becomes: Why does everyone not get the sarcasm? The reason is because the evidence does fit any theory but the 9/11 Truth Movement theory and if you can't agree with that you must begin deny what is plan to eye.