Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The September 11th No Fighter Protection Review Update

Please review this video here CNN 9/11 Flight 11 timeline Scam and check the radar screenshot
below together! Only after knowing these two stories (radar vs CNN) Can you see how the media scams the world!

Scroll fast forward on the CNN video until you see top part of image #1 and then listen. 

The September 11th  no fighter protection question

How come the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers were not intercepted by the American competent authorities as those planes flew over the most controlled skies in the world?

This has become known as the The Great 9/11 "How Come" question!

08:09:19 (what happen before this?)

AAL pilot: Boston Center, good morning, American 11 with you passing through one niner zero for two three zero. (230 is heading)
(AA11 pilot: 20 degrees right American 11) 
 (the recording starts off late and Peter Zalewski gets a good idea what the pilot sounds like)
Athens Sector: This is Athens.
(Why does Peter Zalewski call Athens?)
Athens Sector: Looks like he is turning right.
(Athens notices he's off his flight path, going to Canada )
Athens Sector: He's NORDO, roger.
(Athens helps to sell how NORDO and heading to Canada is fine)
Athens Sector: We are trying everything here. (how about calling NEADS?)
Rockfield Sector: Has he really got no transponder, screw-up, or what?
(time: 08:20:50 M3 goes dark) (Betty is on the phone at 8:19)
(904-555 phone Call lasts 08:18:47-08:45:47)
AAL: Ok, and she's calling how?
(answers are 1. cell phone 2. text 3. Airphone 4. other) 
AAL: These two passengers were from first class?' 
(Gonzalez said nothing about 1. two passengers or what class and how does he know
if they are passengers and not pilots and crew? A nut can be anyone.) 

I will update more later. Who is Athens Sector and Rockfield Sector?

Clearly the military has a copy of all flight plans, and if you go rogue  
the nearest airborne fighter goes first. It makes no difference what base
are from or if you have authority or have clearance from the FAA or any
number fake fog of war smoke the real 9/11 attackers thought up that day!
Try it yourself. Go off your flight plan and see what happens.

I wonder what 8,183 DOD air traffic controllers are doing all day and what toys are they using? I wonder if they using Digital Airport Surveillance Radar (DASR) systems or Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) This system gives the controller a rapid and accurate means of correlating radar targets displayed on the screen with the flight plan data. Further, the beacon system provides rapid identification of aircraft in distress. It must provide aircraft surveillance information to the DoD advanced automation system (DAAS) for the purpose of target correlation, tracking and display. What is DAAS, NAS and all this jazz?

According to the Official conspiracy theory all  
8,183 DOD air traffic controllers
are looking out over the horizon for the Taliban or a Russian doohickey, along 
with the 
NMCC Watch Commander, who keeps watch along the equator and poles.

If anyone dare sneak under this magical fortress is awarded with free rein to do whatever and attack defenseless Americans all night and all day. Run if you can,
the great Taliban is here. Maybe they are trying to deliver freedom.  

Its funny how the military is never seems angry about being caught "
That should be enough of a tell you what really happened. Maybe an eye wink or two would help some folks or a good old 
dagnabbit for the books. 

DoD is the one of the largest: Regulator of pilots & aircraft certificator of aircraft and avionics systems Manager of airspace Employer of air traffic controllers (8,183) Operator of airfields and air traffic systems . The FAA's controller workforce reached 14,375 btw. 

(1) Electronic surveillance of airspace.

(2) Voice communications between pilots and controllers.

(3) Voice and data communications between controllers within a facility and between adjacent facilities.

(4) Process and exchange flight plan data between NAS facilities.

NORAD and  NEADS performed an Abbott and Costello style routine just long enough on 9/11 to allow 9/11 to happen. They decided that day that they were NOT going to defend the nation from inside attacks, even during an inside inside attack. The made up a fake flight 11 continuation to Washington D.C, they added fake inputs on radar, or a b
an unidentified enemy aircraft and then continued to limit who could respond. Then turned and sold the 
package to the America people for pennies on the dollar. 

The air traffic controller Peter Zalewski is part of terror team who controlled the planes on 9/11. Here is the details

177th Fighter Wing Atlantic City went to battle stations alert but that does fit with the big 9/11 NORAD only response lie, so that story is out.

174th Fighter Wing was sent away to fight in Iraq, do back later on 9/11. So they were 
busy so don't bother them.

The whole 9/11 thing was a scam from start to finish. All they need was story good enough to sell the public and bingo higher budgets and spending and things to do.  

No Jets for YOU! 

NMCC Watch Commander: "We are only allowed defend inside the grey zone"
The Air National Guard therefore should replace NORAD and NEADS for air defense over American soil but somehow their phones were not working that day.

The photo above outlines in the map and the story  generals will give to the public during the 9/11 Commission Report for their inaction. I asked the military guy hanging around FAA Boston Center what happened
and asked harden 9/11 trolls questions too.

The story start off with 
Peter Zalewski from Colin Scoggins

So basically Dan when you actually hear facts and the truth you down play it by belittling who was actually doing the work that day, by using only the first names and attempting to discard the actual facts of what occurred that day. So since you were not there and have watched numerous hours of bogu

 … (more)

Dear Colin Scoggins.

Lets review 9/11 again from the beginning. 

One of the false narratives the military gave to the 9/11 Commission was the idea that military like the CIA cannot operate on US soil i.e

“The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of active duty personnel to "execute the laws"; however, there is disagreement over whether this language may apply to troops used in an advisory, support, disaster response, or other homeland defense role, as opposed to domestic law enforcement. “

Clearly from the POV of citizens The Posse Comitatus Act means domestic law enforcement however the military can at anytime use this “Act” passive aggressively which they did on 9/11. Maybe they wanted this “Act” to be removed and kill two birds with one stone by increased budgets and unfettered access to the public or basically a military coup !

It was YOUR JOB was to call the NY/NJ air defenders right away! It was YOUR JOB to search for fighters closest to American 11 to check the windows and find out more. What did you do? NOTHING! Pete Zalewski should have told everyone, not just his supervisor.

Pete was talking to American 11, so he knows what the pilot sounds like. So why why did Pete Zalewski say “is this American 11 trying to call”? It sounds like he pretending to be confused and pretending that American 11’s new heading 230 to Canada was normal. Normal people don’t know that American 11 follows the same flight routine everyday and that flight routine does not go up to Albany and beyond. USA today was the only media organization which printed the normal flight paths of the four flights and pointed out what was normal and routine and what was not normal and routine. Radar says 8:13 was the last moment normal and routine ended and 9/11 started. Flight 175 launched at 8:14. Like a computer following routines based on events other hijacked flights were launched in response to events. A successful crash would launch another hijacked flight etc. George Bush’s announcement at the elementary school should have included all four flights and more. Maybe he should have talked about all the hijacked flights both fake and real like KAL 085 who was forced to squawk 7500 just to add confusion to the days events, but that warning would have saved lives and deadened the blow and ruined the New Pearl Harbor / Operation Phoenix project to increase military spending and budgets and whatever else they had in mind.

The chain of command issue requiring authorization was a delay tactic. We don’t hear the military directly refusing the request for help on the grounds someone was trying to contact Otis directly, which sounds like the fake idea to begin with but it was enough of a bad idea to delay to response so that the other flights could get off the ground. Backup flights were already swapped out and ready to go if anything should go wrong. The September 14th hijackers were never heard from again after being taken away. No follow up reports, just black bagged down the memory hole.

Abbott and Costello Story #1

Pete told John who told terry who told an the OMIC then told Regional Operation Center ATC Command Center who told Hijack Coordinator who had to tell National Military Command Center who then tells NEADS who can't find AA11 who is tagged up on the TSC.. The information got lost somewhere and so does everything else. The fucking game of phone?

Is this about right? Dan talked to CAPE2 which is Cape Approach Supervisor Position NOT Otis. CAPE2 then after a delay tells Dan they require authorization from NEADS. We are not sure if Otis ever gets passed the information from Cape Approach Supervisor Position or if the information is blocked. Also The Telephone Game with Cooper,  another other ATC didn’t happen this way , but it would be funny if it did.

ATC Cooper actions are inconsistent with ATC Peter Zalewski so something is up! 

 I asked him if this story summary was accurate and he stopped communicating!
I asked him inconsistently between ATC Cooper and ATC Peter Zalewski and he stopped communicating!

When did NORAD claim it was not the correct organization? 

The fighters went out sea inside into the AZID zone because they claim that is all they can do, this was claim #1. This was NOT what the FAA needs or needed on 9/11. Therefore this was wrong organization to contact, they don't need say those words exactly their actions speak volumes.  If they called NEADS earlier the fighters would have flown a longer duration pattern inside the AZID zone and 9/11 would have happened regardless.

Kevin Rice
Kevin Rice

U.S. Air Force F-16 test pilot from the 40th Flight Test Squadron at Eglin AFB in western Florida, who happened to be in the air nearby, was directed by controllers to intercept N47BA Read up on it. So another ATC Air traffic controller named Joseph (Joe) Cooper at F.A.A.’s Boston Center calls Sgt. Jeremy W. Powell of North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad)’s Northeast sector (NEADS), alerting them of a suspected hijacking of American 11.. at around 8:37.. and is consistent from the telephone game Pete was just playing and NO reason why every F.A.A ATC don't get trapped forever in these telephone games .   Joe and Dan Bueno should have been calling NEADS  and you should have been on call with NEADS 1 minute later while Pete was telling John. Your 10 to 15 minutes later should be criminally investigated. This is just stupid.

When did NORAD claim it was not the correct organization? What do you think that NORAD withheld? How would NORAD plan to withhold anything for something that no one knew was going to happen? What surprise gap in what “protection” before 9/11?

Honestly - it sounds like you’ve been listening to a little too much conspiracy theory silliness. View Upvoters Dan Plesse

NORAD knew because they were war gaming like crazy before 9/11 and during 9/11. Everyone was busy flying to Iraq via Operation Southern and Northern Watch or on a training mission away from the action. They were doing everything they could. They placed false inputs on radar and even real planes in the air and much much more. The next part of their evil plan was simply say they are forbidden to defend over the  America like the CIA can't operate inside U.S.A and they did all of that and more. Next up is your average American defending the whole package of lies..

Operation Southern Watch and Northern Watch is my source.
and these are the war games

The war games are too many to name on 9/11.

Global Guardian, Crown Vigilance, Amalgam Warrior, Apollo Guardian, Vigilant Warrior and Operation Phoenix, Operation Southern and Northern Watch sending fighters away to Iraq, Operation Tripod I and II DOJ, FBI, FEMA NYC war game.

Generals made the claim every time they talk about 9/11 indirectly and scrambles out to sea on 9/11 is your hard evidence. Talk is cheap, sending your fighter from 1. Otis and 2. Langley AFB out to sea is criminal evidence not talk.

NORAD is military. They are tasked with defense from military threats, primarily nuclear ones. Legally, NORAD could not have done anything, even if they had the ability (and they don’t) to deal with imminent terrorist threats.

Terrorism is a law enforcement function in the US. It fell to the FBI and the FAA to coordinate

So the answer is that the FAA needed to recreate NORAD with its own privately owned military with its own funding? Did NORAD or any member of the military inform the FAA and FBI that they are required to do this? It looks like someone in the military found a hole and exploited it! Good job! 

Questions so far have been:

Why didn’t NORAD send F-15s during 9/11?
What would have happened had the 9/11 airliners been intercepted by NORAD's fighter jets?
Why did the 9/11 Commission not publish the NORAD exercises hijack war games for 9/11?
Why was Norad such a failure on 9/11?
What happened to the NORAD boss after the complete failure on 9/11?
Why did NORAD allow hijacked planes to fly unchallenged for up to 90 minutes on 9/11? More like 2 hours
How many other times has NORAD failed to respond like on 9/11?
How quickly can the US Air Force scramble fighter jets on US soil with absolutely no warning?
Why didn't the United States shoot down the airplanes during 9/11?
How would the US Military react today if, god forbid, we face an impending terrorist attack like 9/11 with several hijacked civilian airplanes?
If an unidentified passenger plane flew into the American mainland and ignored all attempts at communicating with it, how would the military respond?
Why did the American Air Force do nothing on 9/11?

Dear Colin Scoggins

I believe the nearest airborne fighter aircraft responds to any aircraft crisis first therefore removing fighters from the air was the first order of business of any planned attack and thus keeping everyone busy and confused was the 9/11 cover story. Southern and Northern Watch fits the bill perfectly, it helped clear the sky. Also, NORAD can only respond from XYZ ground bases i.e Otis is another scam or cover story among many lies . When Flight 11 went dark after 8:13, the goal of the controller was to contact the military after four minutes, not just to inform his supervisor and losing radio contract is good reason to send the nearest fighters because how else do you communicated with an aircraft when the communications systems are down? The ONLY option is sent the closest available plane to checkout the situation. You don’t need a hijacking start the process of investigating the situation. The made up 9/11 response requirement of who has authorization to even launch a scramble  should have been secondary or nonexistent to any crisis, and should have been  reserved for after action reports which the air force didn’t bother to compile because it would have lead to clear criminal war crimes against all those who participated including yourself. Lucky for you all those who can prosecute all those who participated are too afraid to do so or have no idea what happened. My research has concluded that everything that could have been done to undermine defense systems was done on 9/11 by the defenders..

I think you have a reading problem too. Lets review.
“About 100 members of the 174th Fighter Wing, part of the New York Air National Guard, are deployed to Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia, to patrol the no-fly zone over southern Iraq, as part of the ongoing Operation Southern Watch on 9/11 they were set to return.” If you can read this correctly, this means 100 members of the 174th Fighter Wing were missing in action for 9/11. When did they leave (maybe 9/10) and what time did they return (maybe 9/11 8:30 am)?

“ The 174th FW normally operates in Airspace right around Syracuse, NY,” Do you understand this sentence? “patrol the no-fly zone over southern Iraq,” ??

The war games were too many to name on 9/11.

Global Guardian, Crown Vigilance, Amalgam Warrior, Apollo Guardian, Vigilant Warrior and Operation Phoenix (most likely explosives for the World Trade or the cover story for explosives i.e jet fuel explosions) Operation Southern and Northern Watch i.e busy work and table setting.

“Not sure where you get your info: “

“An Air traffic controller named Joseph Cooper at F.A.A.’s Boston Center calls Sgt. Jeremy W. Powell of North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad)’s Northeast sector (NEADS), alerting them of a suspected hijacking of American 11.”

Why is Joseph Cooper the one calling NORAD? This should have been Peter calling and at 8:24 - 8:26. What happened? You avoided this issue. Why?

“members of the unit who go to Saudi Arabia are due to arrive back at Hancock Field at around 3 p.m. on 9/11” clearly too late.

“He returned to his family on Sept. 10, 2001. He showed up at Hancock Field the next morning, expecting to do some practice bombing at Fort Drum. Instead, with three other fighter pilots from Syracuse, he was sent on a mission to pursue an American jetliner.”

Notice they don’t say which American jetliner because the military is not on our side.

Three guys from Hancock Field were launched on 9/11, my guess is this was for American 11 but was changed to flight 93 and this was done without Boston and you seem to have no idea how this happened because you seem NOT know about it.

You “I believe the nearest airborne fighter aircraft responds to any aircraft crisis.” Yes

Info was from here “About 1454Z a U.S. Air Force F-16 test pilot from the 40th Flight Test Squadron at Eglin AFB in western Florida, who happened to be in the air nearby, was directed by controllers to intercept N47BA” see the word nearby??

1999 South Dakota Learjet crash - Wikipedia

“So no the nearest fighter aircraft does not necessarily respond “ For N47BA it happened just like that.

“fighters on alert would be the fighters that would respond.” Can you source FAAO 7610.4 and FAAO 7110.65, its mood point because it was clear by 8:20 - 8:24. Fighters were in the air from Syracuse. with bombs and bullets.

The fighters said they were on alert. “Syracuse, in Central New York State. It is currently equipped with 17 F-16 fighters. These are kept in a six-bay shelter where they are, reportedly, “ready to fly in any weather, at a moment’s notice.”

“So Southern and Northern Watch had basically zero affect on 9–11”??? No some were or all were GONE for 9/11. Some people were back and ready for the 11th and up and running.

“It took 15 minutes of RESEARCH I capitalized so you could understand. They were do in at 3:30 PM on the 11th, “ Again some were cleared from the area just in time.

The full scope of Southern and Northern Watch is not known. The 174th Fighter Wing is just one example of fighters active in busy work.

“When an aircraft goes lost comm certain procedures are followed none of them involve calling the military and launching a fighter.” Again 1454Z stopped talking and a nearby fighter was sent. See above.

“If they would have been there in time, according to you they would have jumped in their planes and saved the day,” No jumping required. Normal military air traffic is all that you need but a few war games were adding false inputs on radar and others were flying to Iraq the day before and not only that but Otis was refusing to act on ATC commands.

“He returned to his family on Sept. 10, 2001. He showed up at Hancock Field the next morning” Does this sound like part time job to you? I am also sure his plane was fueled and ready to roll.

What he needed was to be notified.

“On Sept. 11, he said, he never had to act on that grim duty. His orders changed during his flight, “ What was his original orders? Was it flight 11?

“Actually knowing the correct responses to this type of act is the most important item” nope and big nope. Responding to a crisis is the most important. Otis didn’t scramble when ATC asked them too because that was the orders from above, A stand down order.

“How is Otis a scam, it has been a scramble base for years” They were scam on 9/11 because they did not scramble when ATC asked them too and the made up stupid rule like they can’t do it without NORAD which is crazy..

Someone from F.A.A.’s Boston Center failed to notify the military in timely enough matter. Was that you?

“AAL11 didn’t reply right away” No AAL 11 stopped communicating, dropped its 1433 beacon code and headed into oncoming traffic. At 8:24 then clear radio signal was sent. Then Otis refused to launch fighters after ATC contacted them. Joseph Cooper called NORAD because everyone else was too busy standing down. Does that sound about right?

“USAF they filled many reports after the fact “ If you don’t source the material, I will assume you are just joking and have nothing real to show.

Syracuse, in Central New York State. It is currently equipped with 17 F-16 fighters. These are kept in a six-bay shelter where they are, reportedly, “ready to fly in any weather, at a moment’s notice.”


You didn’t call them because 9/11 would not exist if you did.

“he was sure it was a hijack” You don’t need it to be a hijack situation to send fighters and by 8:20 - 8:24 Atta said he had control of the plane i.e a hijack and told Peter directly. At that point 8:24 the flight was still heading direct at 174th and directly over the 173rd Air National Guard.

If they launched then 8:26 American 11 would shot down over a corn field.

“Why didn’t I request them for AAL 11 they were not on the flight path, “ Do you need to be right on the flight path ?

I sent you a photo of AA11 flight path and 174th. The 174 is only talked about because fighters were sent away for 9/11 to Iraq of all places.

“the heading he was on for at least the next 10 minutes or so was safe, no conflicts.” I never said this. The new heading was directly against incoming traffic is what I said.

American 11 Turned into oncoming traffic at 8:14 not 8:20.
Air traffic controllers recall events

“ next 10 minutes or so” It was 13 minutes 8:13 to 8:26

“ the aircraft turned south of Albany” No the aircraft DID NOT turn south of Albany. The aircraft flew North Albany

American flew as far as Amsterdam N.Y right over 173 rd Air National Guard Road, Schenectady, NY.

“You wanted to know why the hijack wasn’t lit up on everybody’s scope, well they turned the transponder off, if the aircraft was squawking 7500 “

I am pretty sure someone said it was lit up.

“Where he works about 60 aircraft within that hour I don’t think he would memorize their voices.”

He guessed American 11 at first and then backtracked to “who is this trying to call”

8:24 minute, 38 seconds

A Boston F.A.A. controller hears an American 11 hijacker saying “We have some planes,” and “We are returning to the airport.”


Is that American 11 trying to call???

Why would a pilot ever say these things in a Israeli voice? And why would Peter say “is this American 11” lucky guess.?

The 9/11 Tapes: The Story in the Air

8:37 minute, 26 seconds

An Air traffic controller named Joseph Cooper at F.A.A.’s Boston Center calls Sgt. Jeremy W. Powell of North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad)’s Northeast sector (NEADS), alerting them of a suspected hijacking of American 11.

Why is Joseph Cooper calling? This should have been Peter calling and at 8:24 not 8:37. What happened?

During 9/11, did Operation Southern Watch and Northern Watch already remove fighters from military bases along the flight path for American 11? The answer is yes.

I am not 100% sure all bases along the flight path of American flight 11, but I know for sure at least one base in upstate NY was involved. 100% would be too many bases even for the evil doers. I also know that NORAD / FAA only response to the hijackings is a false narrative. The correct narrative is DDO, NMCC looks around for the best response. NORAD is just one of the many options. i.e DDO, NMCC will notify the appropriate unified command OR NORAD" NORAD should have been skipped due to the 9/11 drills and DDO, NMCC should have contacted all military bases in NY and NJ for fighters directly.

Dear Mr. Colin did you know about Operation Southern Watch and Northern Watch which ordered fighters out of upstate NY set to return day of 9/11? Doesn’t that sound like table setting for 9/11?

About 100 members of the 174th Fighter Wing, part of the New York Air National Guard, are deployed to Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia, to patrol the no-fly zone over southern Iraq, as part of the ongoing Operation Southern Watch on 9/11 they were set to return.

The 174 Attack Wing Hancock Field was 97 miles away from American 11 on 9/11.

Context of '10:42 a.m. September 11, 2001: Fighters Launched from Syracuse Air Base'

Dear Mr. Colin ScogginsJack October 6, 2020 at 1:52 AM from Colin post

"I actually googled him later and read a little about him" He is talking about Rick Wilder who was FORCED to tell the pilot to start squawking 7500 the hijack code while a shoot down order was already approved. Who got cold feet for the shoot down.  

"First back in 2001 you didn’t call NEADs if you had a lost comm aircraft."
A bunch things happened not just 
lost comm aircraft. The mic was being keyed by the pilot. If 
true those tapes have not been public. 

A. At 08:20:38 the transponder 1443 was dropped

( but on the NEADS tapes 
Nasypany was still trying to refence 1443)  i.e

Nasypany Fourteen-forty-three, look for it, right there, O.K., mode three, fourteen-forty-three, last known. No, this is real world. O.K., we’re in the high chair Why is Nasypany trying to do that? Background "I got a decoy" Who was the decoy?
B. NORDO 8:13
C. 8:14 off flight path heading to Canada.
D. 8:24 “Atta”? it sounds more like 
Ehud Barak

At what point on this timeline did Peter pick up phone or anyone else and call NEADS?
You said “Joe Cooper called NEADS first” when did that happen?

"What Peter meant by the heading is that at present the 290 heading wasn’t in conflict with any other aircraft"
Heading was directing heading into oncoming traffic.

*8:24 CNN

"Once Peter heard Mohammad Atta transmissions 8:24"

 Peter said "is this American 11 trying to call?" He knew the pilots voices, he was just talking to them so he knew this was NOT “Flight 11 calling” or at least NOT the pilots he was just talking to so why did he ask that question? The correct reply is “who is this talking?” He knew too much and said Flight 11 when he should NOT have. The Naudet brothers made the same mistake and they attempted to delete their statement but the draft video was already published with one brother saying “it was American Airlines” from ground level and directly under the plane and between buildings. A very low chance to see AA’s on the tail yet he was 100% sure. hence delete away the problem.

Once Peter heard Mohammad Atta transmissions he advised his supervisor that he believed he had a hijacked"

This happened at 8:24, did Peter call NEADS then? Peter told John Shipanni. What did John Shipanni then do?

" I don’t know where you a conjecturing all this other crap from him stating that the 290 heading was good" First you said it was good. I said telling other controllers to stand down. I sourced the material. I took screenshots. Did John Shipanni tell the other controllers to stand down?

“As far as him calling NEADs he could have once he knew it was a hijack, but he advised his supervisor first which was his requirement”
You also said “Peter Had nothing to do with notification to NEADS” which is it?

Did John Shipanni tell him to stand down?

“. It wasn’t any of our requirements or protocols to call NEADs at all that day. “ 
What does that mean? Why?

“The assumption is that AAL11 turned south at Albany was to follow the Hudson River to NYC, not to avoid missiles located at a nuke plant. “ 

The missiles if any WERE on the Hudson River and American 11 swung out wide at that point. You don’t even know where the nuke plant was.

Colin reached out to fighters in NJ. However New York Fighters were sent to Iraq ahead of 9/11

About 100 members of the 174th Fighter Wing, part of the New York Air National Guard, are deployed to Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia, to patrol the no-fly zone over southern Iraq, as part of the ongoing Operation Southern Watch on 9/11 they were set to return.
Context of '10:42 a.m. September 11, 2001: Fighters Launched from Syracuse Air Base'

knowing too many fighters flying around New York might interfere with operations. So someone drained NY of fighters. Who did that job?

The commander at NEADS did just enough to allow 9/11 to happen and so did his supervisor and Peter. he commander should be Court Martial Punishment Chart - Military Court-Martial Lawyers..

9/11 and The Two Who Got Away: Shayna Steinger and Peter Zalewski

“from Colin post
"I actually googled him later and read a little about him. First back in 2001 you didn’t call NEADs if you had a lost comm aircraft. Even after they turned the transponder off, ATC would interpret that as an electrical failure, not a hijack. Lost comm happen daily in the ATC world, normally they are corrected rather quickly. What Peter meant by the heading is that at present the 290 heading wasn’t in conflict with any other aircraft at the time. Once Peter heard Mohammad Atta transmissions he advised his supervisor that he believed he had a hijack. I don’t know where you a conjecturing all this other crap from him stating that the 290 heading was good. As far as him calling NEADs he could have once he knew it was a hijack, but he advised his supervisor first which was his requirement. It wasn’t any of our requirements or protocols to call NEADs at all that day. But we did any way simultaneously with the proper protocol. Luckily we did because the proper protocols failed. Joe Cooper called NEADS first, Dan Bueno reached out Otis ANGB where the alert F15’s were. They will not launch without authorization from NEADS from the scramble circuit. NEADS was requested several times to launch and were waiting to get the Z Point on AAL11 which they couldn’t identify the aircraft. I gave them three different locations but they never were able to identify it. The assumption is that AAL11 turned south at Albany was to follow the Hudson River to NYC, not to avoid missiles located at a nuke plant. Concern about Defenses at nuke plants arose after 9–11 not before it. As far as missiles I never heard of them being located at a nuke plant. As far as my job that day I worked upstairs in the Airspace Procedures office and also served as the Boston Center Military Specialist or commonly called the Military Liaison. I wrote most of the procedures that the military used in military airspace in Boston Center Airspace. In 2001 Fighters were only called to escort hijacks, they didn’t even intercept them. Escort would be to follow the aircraft until usually 5 to 25 miles behind, and on a separate frequency. The fighters were also delayed because the commander at NEADS determined that the order we both used required him to get higher approval from NORAD, I disagree the FAAH 7610.4 in Appendix 16 I interpreted that he could launch without NORADS authority. Either way Peter Had nothing to do with notification to NEADS, he did his job by notifying his supervisor John Shipanni”

, former Military Specialist at Boston Center at Federal Aviation Administration (1995-2016)

Peter issued a heading to AAL11 because AAL11 wanted to climb to FL350, he had traffic so Peter turned him 20 degrees to the north so he could get the climb. AAL11 never responded, so now the aircraft basically owned from FL290 to FL350, and was a heading of 290. The aircraft was hijacked after the clearance. I am not sure where you are going with the rest of this question. Peter was never threatened, “might have turned off all other concerns” no idea what you are implying, and who is Rick Wilder?

Who is Rick Wilder? You got to be kidding? You couldn’t be bothered with doing an internet search of his interview where he said that he was FORCED on 9/11 to TELL a pilot to start squawking 7500 while the U.S got got a speedy go-a-head with a shoot down order from the prime minister. All the ducks were lined up to kill 300+ people but someone backed off. Who got cold feet? Ask around.

I don’t think you read or understood the question at all. The issue here is as flight 11 was traveling Northwest or 290 or 20 degrees right from 8:14 to 8:26  for 12 minutes.  As new controllers took over during that 12 minutes Peter was telling them everything was fine with the new heading of 290. If the new heading was defended by Peter, he  was also indirectly defending or dismissing the transponder drop, and the no radio issue as well as eliminating the any chance for an earlier attempt at a military response. You should of had a direct line to the nearest fighter jets in NY or NJ and why in gods name did anyone need to authorize anything from NEADS? Went you call 911, you don’t need a chain of command to authorize a response. All you need is situation awareness and a dot blinking on a radar screen saying send fighters here.

Your job was do to what again? Did you also fall for Peter’s dismissing the red alerts and flash red lights and excuses for why flight 11 should stay on the that heading all the way to Albany and beyond and is that the reason why during that track Northwest the military wasn’t called right away and before the turn the south towards Indian Point Energy Center (I.P.E.C.) which is a three-unit nuclear power plant station located in Buchanan, New York, just south of Peekskill. It sits on the east bank of the Hudson River. I noticed the flight 11 made sure to bank left, away from the power plant. Did the power plant have missiles?

let me make an analogy. Suppose, hypothetically, that your wife is out shopping and you are tracking her phone using GPS. What if your wife’s GPS signal drops out completely and she is not answering her phone. Do immediately assume that she has been hijacked and kidnapped? Would you promptly call the police and the FBI to report a hijacking? would delaying the phone call to the police implies that you the person who enabled the Hijacking?

Or do you just assume that her phone is her phone is off?

yes, its true that the plane went off course and lost radio contact. At this point the flight controllers thought it might be a pilot or instrument error.

“Mr. ZALEWSKI: At that point, I was just thinking that it was, you know, maybe they--pilots weren't paying attention, or there's something wrong with the frequency.”

The controller wasn’t certain that the plane was Hijacked until…

“Mr. ZALEWSKI: And that's when I heard the first transmission from the aircraft. And I wasn't quite sure what it--what it was, because it was just a foreign voice. It was something very different. To me it sounded almost Middle Eastern. And I asked--I said, 'American 11, is that you? American 11, are you trying to call me?' And then came the next transmission. And in that transmission, I immediately knew something was very wrong. And I knew it was a hijack.”

Sir if you are going to pass the blame on someone then it should be the security officers working at the airport during 9/11. A better question would be, “How were the terrorist able to sneak lethal weapons on a commercial plane.” But asking that question would imply that there were terrorist on the plane.

You should not take the word of the defendant as good reasons why he caused the deaths of 3,000 people and a global war lasting forever.

What he thought are reasons to convict.

The incorrect timeline shows the all the news and commission reports after 9/11 are all about cover stories and not facts.

Every detail you believe about 9/11 is NOT true and is wrong or you know is wrong. If you look at your reply you can see no exact detail exists.

“plane went off course and lost radio contact” In your mind this didn’t not happen at the same time and at 8:14. Is that correct?

What the hell does this answer have to do with the question? Are you avoiding the issue here?

The issue is clear ZALEWSKI went out of his way to interfere with other controllers who were next to deal with American 11 and gave them enough doubt about the seriousness to delay any action . Do you understand?

Why would he create doubt and why has the timeline from every report been so incorrect? Why is because they lying to you.


American 11 Turned into oncoming traffic at 8:14 not 8:20.
Air traffic controllers recall events

Mr. MARTINS: I saw him start the right turns, figuring Pete was going to climb him. That's when Pete called, said, 'No, he's staying at 290 because he didn't respond. He's NORDO.'

Why does Pete say “he’s staying at 290 degrees Northwest off course because he didn't respond? What does Pete mean by that? Why is Flight 11 staying at 290 because of a radio issue?

Mr. MARTINS: “At that point, again, I didn't think anything was wrong” because PETE said
nothing was WRONG!

Mr. MARTINS: And I'm thinking, 'Well, maybe there's really something wrong. First there's no radio, now we lost this transponder.' And off course but PETE nixes that problem!

Clearly someone was wrong on 9/11 and the first line defenders completely failed notice the 8:14 flight path deviation towards Canada was completely denied by 9/11 reviewers.

They see at 8:21
1. Flight is off course
2. transponder and radio is off

1. Hijackers being sending radio messages but sound like Israelis

What is the standard operating procedures for off course flight with no transponder or radio?

An aircraft simply being off its flight path would never be a reason, in itself, to call the USAF. What would happen is that ATC would make repeated attempts to contact the aircraft to understand why it is off its flight path and if there is no response from the aircraft, ATC would probably alert the USAF if there appeared to be a hijacking in progress.

First they deny the flight path issue which is a new heading 290 at 8:14 because the flight is NORDO. i.e Pete called the NEW flight controller and told him 290 is okay.

“Pete called, said, 'No, he's staying at 290 because he didn't respond. He's NORDO.'” and gave him a reason for why. therefore the off course problem was reasoned away. Heading 290 goes on past Albany, directly at NEADS Headquarters in Rome NY. YOU would think NEADS would know if they were a possible target.

For some reason the fool proof 7500 squawk plan A didn’t work and plan B hijacking indicators didn’t warrant any action either and so the hijackers made on air demands on top of those issues and still cluelessness rained on. When Otis air force base got the call they didn’t ask Boston ATC for location help, so they then claimed they can’t send fighters to unknown location. 

That was many years ago and I’m sure a lot has been learned since then.

What hasn’t been learned is that Peter went out of his way to block other ATC from sounding the alarms causing 9/11 to happen.