Friday, February 26, 2021

Flight 175 calls were hitting the wrong ground station for far too long

Do calls generally always go to the correct tower?
What was the mechanism that sent the calls to the wrong tower?"

These are the wrong set of questions. The issue is much larger then this. The "missing" black boxes would tell the same exact story as the witnesses have been telling since day one and are backup by documents publish in FOIAs all rolled up in videos I have publishing for years.

The goal of the trolls was to distract and delete and pretend to be confused hoping the other people would be infected with the confused virus, so facts would never be known and shared. This is the best they can do i.e. sabotage the message. 

Eric Sandstrom Facebook Sabotage Example

Eric Sandstrom secretly deletes the 9/11 Truth away from Facebook

9/11 Research into photos matching eye witnesses somehow is confusing to 

The 9/11 Blacklist or is he just trying to sabotage the message? 

Marc Birnbach Reply 9/11 Second Plane

Marc Birnbach Reply 9/11 Second Plane

Marc Birnbach Reply 9/11 Second Plane

Eric Sandstrom

Daniel M. Plesse
 I want to believe the best about you, sometimes I think you just come across in a manner that really confuses people. Remember the time when you got mad at Leigh Apted from the 9/11 Blacklist?

Even that Leigh told me personally asking me what in the world did I do?
Sometimes I have a hard time understanding you. I’m not talking down to you nor speaking derogatory about you.

Eric Sandstrom
 Leigh J. Apted of 9/11 Blacklist knows I was connecting the dots between witnesses on the ground and those two photos of the second plane I discovered  which means the second plane was those strange planes and not a third plane. I email him all the time and I never got anything back. He was another evil guy who can't seem to connect the dots and I have no idea what the confusion was with him about him fucking me over. I am hoping you can see how simple of an idea it was and it is now. You can copy and paste this message to him, but I am sure he does not give a flying fuck. But thanks for asking to clarify the record . What he did was fuck over the process of dots connecting with a fox news reporter said and ALL my follow up interviews with the fox news reporter and photos I collected over the years. I showed the fox reporter my photos I had and I got solid results. Does this help? I think he knows how to perfectly mind fuck people and I think you have been mind fucked by evil. Sorry for the bad language and I am guessing poor grammar according to Adam Ruff. Maybe I have a problem with fat fucks. I hope not.

  • badge icon
    Eric Sandstrom
     Do you understand the issue I had with 9/11 blacklist?
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    • 32m
  • It’s not important. It is so so
    water under the bridge.
    I think you should just regroup and change your approach if you are who you say you are. I really don’t know anymore
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    Eric Sandstrom
     It is important to me. I did a lot of work on that that topic and he told me he was on my side only to "forget" the connection between witnesses on the ground and photos taken by third parties. Then he faked a video, and added his own vision of events which had to with a third plane. It was amazing what he did and how he fucked me over. Then he played the victim role on top of that. All his videos seem like he's trying to waste people's time.

9/11 Blacklist Discovery Studios Just Fucked Me Over

9/11 Blacklist Discovery Studios Review Of My Channel

9/11 Blacklist Discovery Studios Review 2 Second or Third Plane

9/11 Blacklist Chasing Shadows Flight 11 and Flight 175

May be an image of text that says 'Marc Birnbach Messenger he was sent these photos Marc Birnbach his reply was this .com first reply sereply reply didn't see the plane circle. watched fly over me then bank and into the tower. This the closest resemblance have from my memory matches-up'
May be an image of text that says 'Marc Birnbach Messenger he was sent these photos Marc Birnbach his reply was this .com first reply sereply reply didn't see the plane circle. watched fly over me then bank and into the tower. This the closest resemblance have from my memory matches-up'

  Daniel M. Plesse
Sam Haschets
 The water issue was global in nature and without a solution. However videos and photos show lots water and plenty of pressure. Photos also show a #FDNY ladder company at WTC 7, but only after the collapse. Photo is enclosed below.

FDNY Fire Fighters After Building 7 Fell. A Ladder Company too!

No photo description available.