Thursday, March 21, 2013

9/11 a-neutronic bomb history of mini nukes with Sam Cohen, Marshall Ric...

The 9/11 book I am reading now 9/11 Deceptions Paperback by M P. Lelong  says the blast was over by WTC 6  just after the plane hit the south tower. Do anyone have an clear example of this via youtube or any video or inside the 7060 page Oral Histories PDF

My main question right now is Locate the 9/11 Earthquake Epicenters? Why?

Normally full longitude and latitude has two digits to the left of the period followed by 3-9 digits to the right. For Example LAT 44.916 LONG 10.934 is NORTHERN ITALY.

The only longitude and latitude provided to the public has been 40.71°N and 74.01°W
Location of the World Trade Center is 40.71°N and 74.01°W."

longitude and latitude data has been provided to the public at all and USGS asks you to assume the location is already known and does NOT NEED VALIDATED OR PROVEN.

"The missing Latitude and Longitude data

South Tower:
 Latitude:40.711044436950424 Longitude:-74.01313304901123

6605 Education, 7219 Nuclear explosion seismology

This might have been removed

"is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been."

"A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph"

"The missing Latitude and Longitude data

South Tower:
 Latitude:40.711044436950424 Longitude:-74.01313304901123

North Tower:
 Latitude:40.71207726282092, Longitude:-74.01320815086365

WTC building 7
 Latitude:40.71319952788825, Longitude:-74.01155591011047

If you study earthquake data one thing they report on is depth. Depth is one of the biggest data points and what do we have hear is another missing and major missing data point! Why do they show the time in both UTC and EDT ??? Because the Depth column was removed and replaced by a guy who just so happens to be studing nuke, bombs and 9/11. Cover up # 5 !!

 Dimitri Khalezov detected Nuclear events on 9/11, so were is his data?

Evidence and eye witnesses have revealed through their oral testimony that seismic activity or "rumbling" happened before the towers starting down. Search the 9/11 Oral History page for more evidence.DELGADO:

there's another plane coming. So we all looked up and what we saw was tower, I guess, 2, the south tower, begin to do this [?]. The top kind of did this and there was a horrendous rumble."

"Now, your hand is showing that it's kind of tilted in one direction. What direction did it tilt? A. It was tilting towards us, so it had been to be tilting eastward. Q. East? A. Maybe southeast. I'm not sure because at this point it's total pandemonium. At that point we hear the rumble and, you know, this is it. I figure I'm dead. I thought this tower was going to topple."

7060 Page PDF torrent File

7060 Page PDF direct File

9/11 Earthquake

Does anyone know who the Finnish Military Expert is? 

Yet Another Line of Evidence Shows Demolition

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