Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Reply to - 9/11 Everything is Missing, MSM Fraud by the TON

Reply to - 9/11 Everything is Missing, MSM Fraud by the TON

Honest Opinion, (something one rarely gets these days), Your article although very well researched and written, it only rehashes many of the past theoretical implications, but doesn't place anything new on the table (so to say), it might rightfully belong in, possibly the "ABOVETOPSECRET", "Loose Change",or "Lets Roll Forums. I would imagine that I possibly expect too much from myself as well as other people. In review of the website "Before It's News" I read it in anticipate of information that is 'Breaking News" or Ground Breaking Information, not to be seen in the MSM or at least not for some time, or until it can be 'Sanitized" by the MSM for Public Consumption.

As for 9/11, I have my own theory, I came to the realization even before seeing Judy Wood's information and her assessment quite simply and undeniably confirmed what I had obviously already suspected.

Joe Casaliggi is correct from all of the visual evidence presented. There is obvious evidence of Molecular Disassociation. Not in ALL of the material, but enough to validate my theory.

Although Judy Wood's assessment contains most of the facts, she doesn't directly imply what I have determined to be the cause of the Twin Towers collapse. She dances all around the obvious, yet NEVER ONCE directly bringing up the possibility of a different but well connected causative factor that would create ALL of the conditions found ( and not found) during and after the Tower's collapse.

It's my belief Judy Wood' is working in concert with the CIA, Why do I say this?

She formulates a Theory of a Space Based ( Star Wars) Weapons Platform using an advanced Energy Beam. Although slightly Possible, NOT very probable. Why? The energy requirements of such a Weapons System. to exact the degree of damage incurred would be HUGE, ( generally more than the allowable weight limitations placed on earth launched space vehicles) and the amount of precision required to focus a beam from an extreme altitude, without effecting the surroundings is improbable, most of the BEAM type weapons effect a majority of material in their path ( even if the Energy Beam's effective process was that of Resonance, since people on the ground in the immediate vicinity of the Tower's were not immediately adversely affected, yet a variety of different materials were indeed affected, people would have been immediately affected), .

Unless Judy Wood knows more than she'd telling ( which could very well be the case) her website and her interviews have people , more or less, "Chasing Their Tails" .

Thermite was very highly possibly used to dissect the buildings internal core column structure at key points prior to it's final collapse and facilitate the entrance of and anticipated action of an ultimately far more destructive device. Thermite is a pyrotechnic and not classed as an explosive. It possesses very, very, extremely little or almost no "Brisance", which is an absolute requirement of any high order explosive to have a destructive capability.

I'm not just confident, but convinced, there is ONE and only ONE type of device which could cause the Towers to collapse exactly as they did, and also create each and everyone of the "so called" anomalies ( free-fall collapse, molecular disassociation, bending and warping of massive core columns, line of sight holes in surrounding buildings, vehicle fires which target metal but leave plastic and paper unharmed, super extreme temperatures, evidence of vaporization found in large steel beams, missing mass and/or missing common office items etc,etc...) which occurred during the event.

Although no one else can conceive of the extreme possibility, I do know what could have caused the damage and the resulting collapse of the buildings.

Most people are not even remotely intelligent enough to discuss, much less take into consideration what I have theorized based on the resulting evidence.

Presentation of My Theory did allow me to do an Ultra-fast census in the United States of "Village Idiots".. I can easily and repidly differentiate intelligent from ignorant simply by attempting to explain or mentioning my proposed explanation of the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers.

I don't have cold, hard evidence you can hold in your hands, take to a lab and place under a microscope to examine, but I do have independently acquired, ( that I acquired myself) Photographic evidence that correlates to video evidence (probably the only piece of non tampered, unaltered 9/11 video footage that exist ) taken on the day of Sept. 11th, 2001. And I also have another eye witness who can testify to the validity of the photographs I have taken.

People simply cannot conceive of concepts they do not understand, so they tend to dismiss or deny that which they fail to understand.

Almost ALL (with the exception of one) video footage of 9/11 has been selectively edited, altered, and / or composited. ALL ( every single one ) of the clips which depict aircraft impacts into the Tower's has been selectively and composited.

I spent 8 years in Naval Aviation, actually preforming maintenance, installations, replacement and repairs on aircraft. It is Physically Impossible for the thin, hollow aluminum alloy wing tips (outer five feet ) of ANY aircraft to penetrate ( cutting through ) thick concrete and steel beams at the Maximum (slow) speeds that possibly could be attained by any of the suspect aircraft stated. PERIOD

So the information below is, without a doubt correct. From the Journal of Engineering Mechanics:
"Impact of the Boeing 767 Aircraft into the World Trade Center"
J. Engrg. Mech., Volume 131, Issue 10, pp. 1066-1072 (October 2005)
Here's the abstract from ASCE Research Library

"A numerical simulation of the aircraft impact into the exterior columns of the World Trade Center (WTC) was done using LS-DYNA. For simplification, the fuselage was modeled as a thin-walled cylinder, the wings were modeled as box beams with a fuel pocket, and the engines were represented as rigid cylinders. The exterior columns of the WTC were represented as box beams. Actual masses, material properties and dimensions of the Boeing 767 aircraft and the exterior columns of the WTC were used in this analysis. It was found that about 46% of the initial kinetic energy of the aircraft was used to damage columns. The minimum impact velocity of the aircraft to just penetrate the exterior columns would be 130 m/s. [ i.e. 7800 miles per hour]. It was also found that a Boeing 767 traveling at top speed would not penetrate exterior columns of the WTC if the columns were thicker than 20 mm. [20mm = less than one inch thick. The columns were known to be 4 inches thick.] "


( Back when I was a young fellow, a young, young fellow, I began to study Electronics. At age 10 I built my first major at home project, a five tube, class A-B Broadcast Band Transmitter, the RF output tube, was a 12AT7, and I re-biased it, coupling both triode sections to obtain the most of it's full wattage output rating. Vacuum Tubes were extremely common in 1967, but transistors ( although having been around for about 12 years prior ) were not as common, as they were just making their appearance in common commercial electronics applications. Information concerning Vacuum Tubes was in vast abundance as were the tubes themselves and the associated components, it would take another 5 years before enough information was available (in our small, remote town ) before I could to come to fully understand the Transistor, which was even then in the process of being "Miniaturized" toward a smaller size than . it's former, original configuration.Then came the Transistor Array, then came "Field Effect" and MOSFET Transistors and then the Linear Integrated Circuit and now we have complex "Micro-Miniaturized Circuitry and the Micro-Processor. and I even have progressed since then as I now build computers systems, I hold an FCC General Class Radio Operators License, I have repaired a large variety of electronic, electric and electro-mechnical equipment. I have also been ASE certified as a Master Automotive Technician, and presently work as a Machine Shop Qualified, Journeyman Machinist)

So it's not without many years of practical, applied experience and knowledge that I suggest any contemplative possible explanations. Thank You

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