Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New WTC 7 "Pull it!" Slip Up By Photographer in MSM Movie

New WTC 7 "Pull it!" like Slip up by Photographer in MSM Movie makes precision prediction

Precision predictions are impossible!

While general predictions and generalizations and estimates are normal and shared openly, precision predictions however are activities of criminals and fraudsters which are not shared in the public domain. On 9/11 this sharing of private knowledge was made public and was shared openly and even found its way on the evening news. 

A photographer said that the search rescue efforts ended at 5 P.M because they anticipated a steel frame building falling! (which it did at 5:20). Even Amy Goodman stopped her broadcast to go watch the event. A precise prediction was shared and allow thousands of people to take on uniform activities of filming, photographing and gathering for the shared experience.

Amy Goodman WTC 7


As noted here

Not only did this prediction happen but on 5:15 P.M a banner running on BBC said the prediction did actually happen a few minutes later.

Not only that but a bunch of people said it was being taken down as noted here:

The owner said the building was "pulled"


"Firefighters also predicted it.  you can interpret it as the building looked like a mess, or as a miracle.

you cant seriously imply that a steel frame building could never look like it might give up?  like imagine a giant building standing on one girder with the whole rest of the bottom gone.  do you think people would say "steel buildings never fall, so im sure it will hold"

you can only push the "it never happened, so it cant happen" logic so far."


The keyword or concept you are avoiding is:

anticipation inside of a small time window!

I don't think you are grasping the tight time window, anticipation concept and have over estimated mankind's abilities to estimate and predict the future. 

          1. All rescue efforts were stopped because building 7 was going down 20 minutes before it happens.

          2. 15 minutes before it happened news origination have already announced WTC 7 has fallen down. 

         3. All fraudulence has to sold via marketing to make the impossible possible.

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