Friday, December 6, 2013

CNN Televised WTC 7 Demolition Charge Flashes Right in your Face and you...

CNN Televised WTC 7 Demolition Charge Flashes Right in your Face

You couldn't see them then and you've been clueless since.

You even choose to remain clueless now or do your part to keep the truth from others, that's the power of the New World Order.
That's the power of the New World Order and you could NOT brake the chains now if you tried.
Newsday just wrote about building 7 today.

   "In a dissent, Judge Richard Wesley said a trial should have been conducted to at least establish from expert testimony why Tower 7 collapsed."

9/11 Crimes — Attorney and former Police Officer files 62 Page Complaint.

Your WTC 7 9/11 question on Yahoo Answers was reported and deleted


Share NEW evidence of WTC 7 controlled demolition VIA Causes


CNN Televised WTC 7 Demolition Charge Flashes Right in your Face and you couldn't see them then and you've been clueless since. That's the power of the New World Order and you couldn't break the slave chains now if you tried. CNN Televised WTC 7 Demolition Charge Flashes Right in your Face and you couldn't see them then and you've been clueless since. That's the power of the New World Order and you couldn't break the slavery chains now if you tried. Newsday just wrote about building 7 today.    "In a dissent, Judge Richard Wesley said a trial should have been conducted to at least establish from expert testimony why Tower 7 collapsed." CNN Breaking News 400 to 530pm WTC 7 Demo Flashes Version 5 Computers are used to set up charges for doomed buildings via specialized software. You can't run around throwing random bombs and have it work out right. The footprint issue just means it didn't fall to the left or the right. Dear 9/11 WTC 7 footprint lovers: "The WTC 7 footprint issue just means it didn't fall to the left or the right. The whole area got hit with things. Your "house of cards theory" does not include destruction to the area , but when the issue of footprint is raised, suddenly they include damage in near by buildings, however that issue suddenly goes away again when they go back the house of cards theory. Its very strange." WTC 7 Control Demolition Charges Multiple Sources, Tom Clancy CNN edited 9/11 MSM Cover Up 9/11 Crimes -- Attorney and former Police Officer files 62 Page Complaint. TAG CLOUD WTC 7 Control Demolition Charges Flashes Multible Sources, tom clancy interview  Building 7 Originally edited out on CNN, CNN edited 9/11 Cover Up, WTC 7 Controlled  Demolition Charges EXTRA TAGS Fema Doomsday New World Order 2012 Martial Law Deep Underground Bases Nibiru Prophecy PlanetX Planet Armageddon End Times Days Jesus Christ God Messiah Bible Heaven Hell Devil Satan Lucifer Demon Demons Ghost Ghosts Spirit Spirits Prophecy Concentration Camps Trains America Coffins American 666 Antichrist Conspiracy Illuminati Freemason NWO Alien Aliens Giant Giants Ufo Ufos Barack Obama Joe Biden US USA China Russia Economy Economic Dollar Collapse Alex Jones Ron Paul ATF NRA Fema Camps Mind Control Obama Deception Underground City Gun control gun rights Constitution Bill of Rights Federal Reserve Economics Economy Money Debt Slavery CNBC Mainstream Media Media Lies Deception Truth Truthful OneTruth4Life War Peace Entertainment Lazy Ben Bernake Bernake Central Banks Central Banking Crimes Criminal Americans American Interests Foreign Policy Global Government Creature from Jekyl Island G. Edward Griffin Conspiracy Gold Silver Sound Money Inflation Hyperinflation Sanctions Nazi Germany Hitler Stalin Lenon Libertarians Republicans Democrates Socialism Communism Capitalism Facism Marx Marxist Marxism Depression Great Depression Concentration Camps Tag Cloud NwoSatire Illuminati NWO Alien Invasion "New World Order" Draconians Draconian Galaxy Andromedans War Conflict Endgame 2012 2013 ExoPolitics UFO OVNI NeutronBeams Neutronobeams channeling Transhumanism "Artificial Beings" Reptilians UfoDisclosure2012 "Hidden Human History" 1Anunnaki Anunnaki SuppressedArcheology "Ancient Aliens" Ancient Alien Intervention StarGate Enki Enlil Babylon Sumer Marduk Anu "Serpent Gods" Anomaly "Untold Mysteries" UntoldMysteries Weird Secret Suppressed Space Egypt Nephalim Tiamat Illuminati Warning Secret Help Fear Afraid "Barack Obama" "Mitt Romney" UFO "Alien Invasion" 2012 Nibiru Elenin wtc "twin towers" conspiracy "wtc 7" illumicorp freemason freemasonry mason crash explosion 9/11 "September 11, 2001" "December 21, 2012" 12/21/12 "men in black" x-files real fbi cia "secret service" war chemtrails exposed ats "above top secret" abovetopsecret insane "third eye" "mother jones" motherjones mother jones third eye speech pentagram blood leaked angel demon satan lucifer satanic predicted prophecy native usa america corruption "george w. bush" "george bush"


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