Thursday, December 19, 2013

How Is McDonald's strip Abuse case psychology different from 9/11 Official Story?

How Is McDonald's strip Abuse case
psychology different from 9/11 Official Story dupes?

"Janis defines groupthink as the psychological drive for consensus at any cost that suppresses disagreement and prevents the appraisal of alternatives in cohesive decision-making groups."

   Both crimes are about yielding power over to authority figures and
trusting them at their word and believing the person  next to you i.e GROUP THINK or the group most have it right. Crimes Don't just happen, they are allowed to happen. 

People allowed this to happen in both cases.

noun: compliance; noun: compliancy; plural noun: compliancies
the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
"they must secure each other's cooperation or compliance"

What is causing the compliance?

(Next Movie "9/11 The Rise of the Smear, The Straw & Solution")  

Dear "Compliance" movie Review Reviewers

Millions of people "Complied" after 9/11 and are still "Complying" with the scripts handed to them by the big media houses, even with a new investigation bill in the house of representatives. Rep. Jones and Rep Lynch introduced H. Res. 428 this month that asks President Obama to declassify the entire 2002 report

If you think you are smart enough to poke fun these fools at Mcdonalds, think again. You are still "Complying" to Mr. Phone Guy when it comes to 9/11.

(Big Media is the phone caller)

The movie "Compliance" is the perfect after school special everyone should watch and adjust to fit historical false flag examples.

More Than 1000 Bodies Are Unaccounted for

2005 KillTown's  150+ 9/11 Smoking Guns Found in the Mainstream Media

Earthquake 9/11 Raw files
Ward_cancer_WTC.pdf 9/11
Body Parts Photos 9/11
Updated 9/11 Commission Report
9/11 Drone Photo Group
EMP Witness
Study of Traces of Tritium
9-11 third truth version 4 .zip

aluminum and magnesium silicates similar to those seen in WTC patients.

U.S Post Office Drone Free Last Mile Delivery To Ball Pit Node Program.

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