Sunday, December 22, 2013

The People Forever Connected With WTC Building 7: Goodman, Hess, Tom, L...

The People Forever Connected With WTC Building 7: Goodman, Hess, Tom, Larry, Barry and many more unknowns and forgotten like the EMT's set up inside WTC 7

The blue logo plane should be just as much of a concern as WTC 7, which was was already rigged and the public sold on its reasons to suddenly collapse in six seconds with a .09 earthquake to boot which was also covered up.  How can people confess publicly and still nothing happens?  Because they think with the press controlled chances are that not enough people will ever find out and the so called Truth movement helps with this concept. They are only 50% helping,  50% hurting. Screen Shots of behind the scenes activity are all placed inside my Photobucket account and My Google Drive: Study of Traces of Tritium  at the World Trade CenterEMP Witness

Here is a quick summary

1. The "Truth movement" covers up Hess because he changes his story.
2. This movement covers up Goodman and calls her a gatekeeper.
3. They somehow never saw the building flashing
4. Allow fake WTC 7 flash videos to be manufactured and spread like wildfire.

Truth leaders never cover any of this and these topics are left to rot. 

Larger "Truth" videos like the "New Pearl Harbor" basically white wash the sordid tale. Rise basic questions and never interview anyone new.

The Flashes could be there just to start fires. The problem was, even with HTA Arson, the fire protection worked. So what you got was smaller fires and lots smoke. The same thing happened at WTC 1 and 2. However WTC 5 WAS the fire they were looking for. If that fire happen anyplace else, the cover up would have been a success.

The HTA arson was to create social engineered reasons for XYZ and cover up the real methods. All the dirt that was left is a hint. 

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