Sunday, February 16, 2014

9/11 HTA Arson Investigation with FEMA

Dear Jim,

         I purchased a book titled "The spin doctor" and its very compelling that Kurt Sonnenfeld is guilty of murder however I did come across your name and wonder again who took the footage below.

 starts 47 second mark
Do you happen to recall? Thanks dan


Thanks for the note. There are varying accounts of who did what when, but sine I was there I can tell you the first four FEMA staff to arrive were:

Ed Conley: Lead Public Affairs Officer
Me: videographer and later spokesman
Andrea Booher: still photographer
Brett Hansard: Media relations specialist

For the first four days or so I was the only official videographer and Andrea was the only official still photographer. My footage was uplinked to all the networks raw each day. Her stills went out via wire service. This early footage ran almost nonstop on the networks for the first several days, along with the planes hitting the buildings, of course.

Kurt arrived to be the second videographer and Michael Rieger to back up Andrea with still photography a few days later. 

To answer your question, the quality of the video you linked to was so rough that it is hard to tell who shot it. But if there are open flames in the video it was probably shot by me in the early days, though billowing smoke from underground fires was evident in both my and Kurt's footage shot in the subsequent days.

   Did you see any of these strange sudden flashes while at WTC, or did anyone talk about it? Kurt was credited with one flash. Did you ever upload things that never went on air? Did you ever feel something really hot?
Here is still image, I don't think you can forget something like this. Can you pass this on to Kurt Sonnenfeld maybe this was the trump card he was holding on too, I don't have his email address. 

Inline image 2

Inline image 1


I saw flashes and lots of fire but nothing that seemed unexpected considering the vast number of fires burning in the early days. I did see a lot of flashes like the one in the image but it was from people using torches and welders/cutters (sometimes from beneath the wreckage) even things that looked like pavement saws in a desperate attempt to cut through the material to get entry into void spaces where we thought people may have been trapped.

'Did I feel something hot?' That one made me chuckle a bit. I was wearing heavy clothes, a respirator and spent much of my day crawling several stories underground in the void spaces with the rescuers. There were fires still burning under the wreckage not far from where we were so 'hot' doesn't begin to describe it in some places.

I don't have contact with Kurt anymore or have his email.

To summarize what I've said in the few interviews I've granted...I was there earlier and longer than almost anyone. I saw a lot of things, but I never saw anything that led me to believe any of the conspiracy theories.

Have a good one.

Kurt Sonnenfeld
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- This is the fan site of Kurt Sonnenfeld - Este es el sitio de aquellos que apoyan la causa de Kurt Sonnenfeld -Help him: -Ayudar a Kurt Sonnenfeld:

Dear Fire Investigators ,

 When has burning materials caused such a giant flash like this ?
(video is inclosed)

Inline image 1

and what has traditional been the source? Who would be qualified enough to answer such a question and who has seen other instances of these displays at other locations?

9/11 HTA Arson Investigation with FEMA

thanks Dan

Dan – I have forwarded your email to all members of our Investigation Division. 

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