Saturday, March 8, 2014

Operation TRIPOD Giuliani The equipment was already there at (Pier 92) WNYC

Operation TRIPOD Giuliani The equipment was already there (Pier 92) WNYC

Dear Kirk (mouth piece for the government) Mitchell,

While reading your book "The Spin Doctor" I found some ironic statements as far as spin goes on page 246 regarding the NTSB and FBI. For one the Black Box Signal was reported to be broadcasting i.e
NY Document reporting the Black Box signal was located here

On Page 261 you quoted without correction four black boxes while the amount should have been two with a total four functions.

On Page 260 you failed to name of the drill operation TRIPOD. New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM) by the way was located in WTC 7 and was evacuated to (pier 92) early and then "pulled" at 5:20 pm on 9/11.

TRIPOD exercise is supported by "The Office of Justice Programs, through the Office for Domestic Preparedness". The Office for Domestic Preparedness was the effort assigned to Dick Cheney by George W. Bush on May 8, 2001.

9/11 Commission Hearings Special Coverage from WNYC
Giuliani "The equipment was already there (Pier 92), so we were able to establish a command center there, within three days, that was two and a half to three times bigger than the command center that we had lost at 7 World Trade Center. "

There could have been a separate FEMA team for the scheduled 9/12 bioterror drill and another earlier team for September 10th, or 11th , a drill which we have learned is named Operation TRIPOD. It seems that prior to the Giuliani testimony there has been scant mentioning of the bioterror drill.

You spin was "It was cancelled" however the drill was management of a disaster from "point B" i.e first-ever Trial Point of Dispensing (a) drill and most likely the reason for source of all the anthrax rumors on 9/11.


Drill for Distribution of Medication In the Event a Biological Attack Had Been Scheduled for September 12, 2001
Black box follow up:

My Email to FEMA  Jim Chestnut about thermite explosions which where filmed.

Again he creates his own spin based on what he can see, basically claiming blindness to avoid the truth and seeing a thermitic reaction.

Page 259 "No audio from the video that recorded the collapse registered any such burst of sound and no witness came forward claiming they heard an explosion" Again more spin.

1. First NIST never asked the public to come forward.
2. Witnesses were record on national broadcast 1010 Wins reporting hearing explosions and seeing WTC 7 exploding
3  New York University medical student with the name Daryl, interviewed on 1010 WINS
Starts at 1:16:00 Witnessed and broadcast what he saw 

4. Amy Goodman Filmed at WTC 7 during a period the sound and video of WTC 7 during collapse initiation and the video was edited with sound removed.
Amy Goodman says she was NOT at WTC 7

So just who is spinning Kirk?

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