Saturday, April 12, 2014

Judy Wood, Sergei Dudarev, Dean Warwick and Dimitri Khalezov

The New York Times Oral Histories say that

page 1684
It was like a slow shake. The whole ground just vibrated and shook.

page 1691 (same person)
All of a sudden it happened again, the
same exact sound, the same thing.
Q. The noise and the vibrations?
A. The noise and the vibrations.
At that point everything -- it just
came down.

Sounds like Dean Warwick was right!

Did Judy Wood talk about these vibrations ? Nope that's the end of that theory.

  • Tracy Blevins Good comparison. I'd like to point out that NONE of the other buildings were on fire at the time of the demolition.
    3 hrs · Like · 1
" I'd like to point out that NONE of the other buildings were on fire at the time of the demolition". (5:20) ?? Which demolition (1,2,6 or 7)  and a church also fell over ?

I think when you create your own language you can control and prove anything inside that world. I think that was the point of Judy Wood. Control the language and don't muddy the the narrative with all the evidence that points to other theories and when witness don't pan out place them on ignore list.

That Judy wood chart was the perfect example of cherry picking the terms and coming up the result which exactly what government did to come up with their result(s).

and everyone is more or less guilty of this sin. Its called bias conformation.  

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎
Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses

I have seen the enemy and the enemy is Confirmation bias, ego and lack of risk taking and fear.

Judy Wood, Sergei Dudarev, Dean Warwick and Dimitri Khalezov: Do they agree?

Judy Wood described the technology as a "magnetic electro-gravitic nuclear reaction" that interferes with energy fields, and suggested it might have also been used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

PART 2  Scientist Sergei Dudarev

9/11 Scientist Sergei Dudarev, : "Unusual Magnetic Forces"

Dr Sergei Dudarev describes how magnetism affects the strength of metals

Sergei Dudarev, of the UK Atomic Energy Agency

"laughable: Magnetic forces to blame for 9/11 tower collapse" infowars

Where is Sergei Dudarev report now and was he ever interviewed.. Did write a book? Does it match with Dean Warwick or Judy Wood?

Why was Sergei Dudarev attacked by infowars? 

If we had less drones we would have more answers.

Dan, I'm selfish. The entire endeavor was for me. I simply shared what I found. Getting noticed was never and still isn't important. I know what happened. That's what's important.

Sunday 3:26pm
Who's Dean Warwick?
the noise, the vibration, the clouds, the remains, the size of the remaining beams, or length, the elements in the dust most specifically, all spell out what happened and what happened, based on a wealth of evidence, good, solid, reliable evidence, and evidence that would be allowed in a court, proves much more than we're being told happened on 911. Much, much more. Now, based on financial data, banking information, court cases and a wealth of additional data, all good data also, the case can be made for a myriad of financial players to have been intimately involved—from the fed and the Bank of New York to almost every other major banking institution. I'm not sure what more is needed. In fact, if one follows many of the "Israel Did It" leads, an incorrect final hypothesis in my opinion since NATO, Canada and intimate US players were also involved, still, those leads generally implicate close American players, security company's, etc. So there's no shortage of very good evidence and very good speculation for that evidence for a court case. I believe almost every aspect of the event has been established.
so Wood appeals to those who haven't closely studied the event, for weeks, or months and even years, which is everyone.
Monday 3:59am

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