Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I have seen the enemy and it is cognitive dissonance

I have seen the enemy and it is cognitive dissonance

Dan Plesse Norma Rae each outer wall section could weigh as much or more then then Flight 11 and Flight 175. Planes are designed to fly. Buildings are designed to resist. Paper did not cut rock. Only a moron would think so.

The planes were a just like the van at the Oklahoma City bombing, it was designed as cover for the real work with real explosives which was felt in the bedrock of NYC and for 500 miles and the other explosives was recorded globally. I emailed CTBTO and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory and they both remain silent and the stonewall continues.

Judy Woods has sent you down this wrong path for a reason and these debunker fools are more then happy to keep you here pissing in the wind.

Try ask these two organizations for data.

Brian Clark already said there was two explosions i.e

9/11 Reporter asks Douglas Eisler about the Second Explosion

Brian Clark

9/11 Douglas Eisler Second Explosion

  • Dan Plesse Iron in the Air Spike is the real deal. David and his website nmsr.org is for scum bags. Don't both with that guy. However both Judy Wood and David Agree on the creation of thermite. i.e It was natural process i.i.e they are both scum bags. Don't listen to people say these things.

    Dave Thomas parroting thermite echo chamber

    Thermite Reaction Arson Mystery Past and Current

  • Douglas Carlson Dan said //Iron in the Air Spike is the real deal//

    So, that chart appears to come from here https://e-reports-ext.llnl.gov/pdf/305393.pdf

    Iron spikes don't strike me as much of a concern. We know that there smoldering piles as late as December: http://pubs.acs.org/cen/NCW/8142aerosols.html

    "The infrared data certainly revealed surface temperatures, yet the smoldering piles below the surface may have remained at much higher temperatures. "In mid-October, in the evening," said Thomas A. Cahill, a retired professor of physics and atmospheric science at the University of California, Davis, "when they would pull out a steel beam, the lower part would be glowing dull red, which indicates a temperature on the order of 500 to 600 °C. And we know that people were turning over pieces of concrete in December that would flash into fire--which requires about 300 °C. So the surface of the pile cooled rather rapidly, but the bulk of the pile stayed hot all the way to December."

    The spikes are peaks around "rain events" which again, isn't that surprising. None of it, as far as I can tell, points to the use of either explosives or any other form of "accelerant". In fact, to quote the source of the above graph regarding what allowed fires to continue to burn: "The presence of fuels, including diesel and electrical insulating oils and combustible materials in the WTC buildings, and lack of oxygen were two factors that allowed the fire to burn for over 3 months"
  • Dan Plesse "Iron spikes" NO Iron micro-spheres in the AIR. Reported as FUSED IRON MICROSPHERES and new elements. Which means the iron was in gas form you moron.

    The spikes are peaks around "rain events" NO Spikes around rain events. idiot. and clear fraud.

    9/11 Thermite Reaction Arson Mystery Past and Current

  • Dan Plesse Dr. Cahill's Fused Iron Spheres was never in any of the official reports and yet he is talking about them around the water cooler.

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