Sunday, May 4, 2014

9-11 Second Plane U-Turn and Circle Witnesses

Not Flight 175 

BATTALION CHIEF THOMAS VALLEBUONAMarine 9, which is right by the Navy pier, where you can see right across the bay.
Vallebuona: I don’t know if it was quite over our heads or coming over Staten Island. So the plane seemed to come, but it was in front of us, really close. You couldn’t get the perspective of the size of the plane because I saw two engines. It seemed to make a turn and it was coming over our heads, and it seemed to go slow and I’m saying to the aide, Steve, what’s going on, what’s that plane doing because it still hasn’t registered. We were there for a couple of minutes.
And all of a sudden, it was like it just took off across the bay. I couldn’t believe how fast it went. At first, I thought it was just somebody trying to take a look at Manhattan. And it just went right across right into the building. It looked like it got sucked into the building. You couldn’t even see it disintegrate. It just went so fast and it looked like it just disappeared in the building and I heard it seconds later. I got that sick feeling in my stomach and, sure enough, the computer in the car went off.

My initial thought was this was a terrible accident, but I requested that these people start to respond to the World Trade complex and that I would meet them down there. We were observing the evacuation when we actually saw the second plane come down, flying north to south, actually turn around. And then we lost it momentarily behind the buildings, and then the next time we saw it, it was headed straight for the south tower. 


Then suddenly the ground below me started to shake. There was a loud, loud noise. I looked up and saw the giant silver belly of a huge plane. It was not so close that I could touch it, but it was the closest I'd ever been to a plane in-flight. It was going right up the West Side Highway, almost as if it was using it as a guide. Then it suddenly did a 90 degree turn and hit the second tower. I saw a big hole. I was unnerved, to say the least. Reality was starting to set in.

9/11 Emergency Calls Transcripts MALE
A: The first one they think was a guy shooting the missiles off the Woolworth Building.
And the second one they think is an airplane that was circling to watch it, and hit the World Trade

"the second one they think is an airplane that was circling to watch it, and hit the WTC." 

Kerry Cashelof 
"At this point I was still under the impression that this was an accident and after watching and filming this other plane make a U turn and head back towards the towers nothing in the world could have prepared me for what would happen next."

"U-Turn" Witness 
"On September 1, my buddy and I went to NYC to work as Ironworkers. We got dispatched to work on a high-rise in Queens. We stopped working for about twenty minutes as the first building burned wondering what we could do, when we saw the second plane come around the corner of the other tower. He made a u-turn and crashed into it right before our eyes..."
Crack Crack Crack boom boom boom demo charges

9/11 Helicopter Following Plane Witness Tim Main and Mike Ballou

9/11 Flight 175 Flying in Circles 

9/11 Drone circling around World Trade Center every 5:65 minutes until impact 


Tom Vallebuona 
"I watched it sort of lumber around on a turn. It was almost over our heads.
Firehouse: Did it come that far south?

Vallebuona: I don’t know if it was quite over our heads or coming over Staten Island. So the plane seemed to come, but it was in front of us, really close. "

Jennifer Spell

"...just about 5 minutes after I got outside and was shooting, the second plane...circled around and it flew over New Jersey and it came in and just..."

Why don't we see video footage of the aircraft as it "circled around" and "flew over New Jersey"?

"more U-Turn" Witnesses 
"On September 1, my buddy and I went to NYC to work as Ironworkers. We got dispatched to work on a high-rise in Queens. We stopped working for about twenty minutes as the first building burned wondering what we could do, when we saw the second plane come around the corner of the other tower. He made a u-turn and crashed into it right before our eyes..."

Richard Polatchek

"Then I heard this terrible roar, just over my right shoulder. The plane was so close I could read the BOEING 767 painted under the cockpit window. Then all of a sudden, the pilot cut the engines. That's what no one talks about. He just glided in for the last couple hundred yards. There was this weird, horrible silence right before that plane hit."

Examination of United Airlines Boeing 767-200 photographs show that there is no "BOEING 767" marking under the cockpit windows. The closest text is "WORLDWIDE SERVICE" and is located behind and below the cockpit windows.

flying north to south, actually turn around. And then we lost it momentarily behind the buildings, and then the next time we saw it, it was headed straight for the south tower."

Here are some witnesses who claim to have seen the WTC2 aircraft collision. Many of these reports were recorded immediately after the WTC2 impact while others were recorded some time after the event.

Saw Teen See

"...we saw the, this blue and red plane coming by and er... smash into the, er... south tower..."
From 'How The Twin towers Collapsed'. A Darlow Smithson production in association with Channel 4 Television. Channel 4 Television Corporation 2001.

None of these witnesses report seeing a United Airlines 767-200 collide with the WTC2 tower but they all appear to have seen some sort of aircraft fly directly into WTC2.

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