Saturday, June 28, 2014

9 11 meteorites don't match footprints of the box columns

9 11 meteorites don't match footprints of the box columns

The guns on the right are long gone!
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Dutch, Steven

2:16 PM (28 minutes ago)

to me
I don't know what you're trying to say with the LDEO reports, which I'm already familiar with. The first two M<1 events are the plane impacts. The second two M=2 events are the towers falling. That last M=0.6 event is probably WTC 7. What does this prove? What's the point of arrows to the UTC and EDT columns? UTC is Greenwich and EDT is Eastern Daylight. Of course they're several hours apart. So what?

The FBI screws up. Duh. How does that show the WTC was a conspiracy?

Like I said, you must have some first-hand experience that the world works this way. No, I do not care in the least that you personally read something. That's still second hand. Tell me something that you personally witnessed or experienced. Because I've asked this question a lot and so far I have zero responses. As far s I can tell so far, not a single person who believes in conspiracies has any first-hand experience to justify their beliefs. Not one.

I saw the video. So what? Tell me specifically, step by step, what that proves. The flashing lights are at the time of the fireball, not at the time of building collapse. So they have nothing at all to do with the collapse. And we know the buildings were hit by planes. BFD.

Steve Dutch

From: Dan Plesse []
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:55 PM
To: Dutch, Steven
Subject: Re: weeehhh

Nuclear explosion seismology Kim LDEO

"is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been."


"Mere fact that the U.S. has developed atomic munitions suitable for use in demolition work. (58-8) "

I said very clearly that LDEO or Kim refuses to give details to anyone. Those details were replaced by extra time zone columns. The Rumbling always started ahead of the collapse. Tom Canavan. Rumbling started then tower fell on him.
Another Witness South Tower Survivor South Facing No Plane seen. Tom Canavan

"epicenter data which was removed and replaced by extra time zone information"

South Tower: epicenter data should look like this
 Latitude:40.711044436950424 Longitude:-74.01313304901123

North Tower:
 Latitude:40.71207726282092, Longitude:-74.01320815086365

WTC building 7
 Latitude:40.71319952788825, Longitude:-74.01155591011047
  • Dan Plesse Its high temperature evidence and conclusive of temperatures beyond normal. Its called HTA arson evidence.
  • Ron Morales Only if there's evidence that it was actually molten rather than just impacted by pressure. Do you have evidence that it was actually molten Dan?
  • Dan Plesse "impacted by pressure" as I said was not possible because of the shielding of surrounding buildings and lack of objects large enough to impact.

    Also the largest object were box columns thus the shape of those foot prints would match the results. i.e the rocks would be a match the shape of the column which fell. None of these possibilities match up.
Dave McDougall Another moRon that thinks pressure can mould concrete
6 mins · Like
My email to Borovoye Geophysical Observatory. Maye they have something for us!
Dear Chaikinoy,
I have been writing to Columbia’s The Earth Institute for 9/11 details for a very long time and Won-Young Kim and all employees have been stonewalling. We also have this Lava Rocks on display in museums and found in World Trade Center 6, which all point to nuclear event.

Columbia’s The Earth Institute duplicate and missing 9/11 data
Emails from Columbia
I might have the 9/11 data files
but they need to loaded into specialized software program from the 90's.
American scientist might be under restrictions to talk about 9/11. I can't even find the event inside databases. Can you help?
This photo was uploaded by danp5648.

  • Ron Morales No, the sign is someone's interpretation of that rock thing. There's no reason to assume it was written by a witness. Why do you assume that it was writteen by a witness? And where in it does it refer to "lava"?

    " Not a single scientific paper was wri
    ...See More
  • Dan Plesse The sign says "flowed like lava" and

    NIST FOIA: Leslie Robertson's Stanford Talk 2002 said he was taken aside and the lava or molten steel was pointed out as still running.

    "We were down at B1 levels and little river of steel still flowing".

    Firefighter said "molten steel was running down the channel rails".

    The flows were recorded but hard to see.

    Play Video

    Les Robertson, in presentation at Stanford University, confirms that he saw a "r... See More

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