Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Examining Foreknowledge Expection of Building 7

Examining Foreknowledge Building 7

It was foreknowledge because of the excessive expectation of the improbable was in fact
" the lady doth protest too much, methinks."

1. Photographer Tom Franklin " Search and rescue stopped"
2. Reporter BBC Jane Standley
3. EMS Indira Singh  Building 7 brought down. Noon
4. CNN Building 7 Constant video surveillance of building 7.
5. Amy Goodman Was Notified
6. Jeffrey Scott Shapiro  expected to fall

BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE

First Time

~4:57 PM: The anchor states:
We'll leave it there for a moment. We've got some news just coming in actually, that the Solomon Brothers' Building in New York, right in the heart of Manhattan, has also collapsed.

Second time

13:20 ~5:07 PM: The anchor states:
Now more on the latest building collapse in New York ... you may have heard a few moments ago we were talking about the Solomon Brothers Building collapsing and indeed it has, and apparently it's only a few hundred yards away from where the World Trade Center Towers were

Research Side Notes: Rosa Cargona Rivera Interview While North Flashes


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