Friday, July 18, 2014

9/11 truthers want answers to the hundreds of questions

  • Ron Morales Dumbshit truthers are not interested in asking questions, since they routinely ignore answers to their alleged questions. They just want confiirmation of their delusions so they don't feel that the last 13 years of their pathetic lives were a waste.
  • Dan Plesse Ron Morales I believe we want answers to the hundreds of questions. Your answers so far have been 100% government backed i.e
    1. NIST penis theory for building 7. Growing steel do to pink fires.
    2. MIT pancake theory building 1,2 or block theory.
    3. Pile driver theory (with people in Stairwell B looking at blue sky).
    4. Cell Phone usage at 30,000 feet.
    5. meteorites at museums and melted guns were again caused by pancake theory, block theory or penis theory.
    6. Seismic events with missing epicenter data. South Tower epicenter was 40.711 74.013 which is between towers 1 and 2. What happen to the other four epicenters?
    7. Missing people 1,500 of them no trace. Body part found thousand of feet away.
    8. War games with real engines and smoke machines.
    9. Missing Gold.
    10. Leslie Roberson's molten river comment.
    11. Video of thermite explosions on the pile after 9/11.
    12. Photograph of black spotted plane flying by tower 1 six minutes before second explosion.
    13. burned cars and trucks with missing engines, wheels + video taped with thermite explosions.
    14. Removal of "flight 175" from hundreds of videos. i.e Bob and Bree
    15. Redacted stories from New York times Oral histories.
    16. Bin Laden names an "American Group for 9/11" who was talking about
    17. Still Missing Building 7 Barry Jennings What happened to him.
    18 Still missing office contents for building 1,2 and 7. Strange dirt piles inside the building 7.
    19. missing videos for the Pentagon Gas Station etc.
    20. Missing Black Boxes flight 11, 175
    21. Who was on the phone with Larry "pull it" Silverstein.
    22. Is terrorism an insurance requirement for all buildings?
    23. Can someone without any first hand experience fly beyond a plane designed limits at tree top level into an object?

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