Saturday, August 30, 2014

9/11 Nuclear Fallout, Decontamination Documents and Witnesses

 "The amount of people needing decontamination was enormous." O.E.M

Carbon nanotubes found in lungs requires HTA Arson
What are these aluminum and magnesium silicates?

Of the patients with interstitial disease, all had large amounts of aluminum and magnesium silicates in an unusual platy configuration, ranging from 27,600 to 184,000/g wet weight of lung. As a comparison, we reexamined for the presence of CNT in 40 samples taken from unrelated workers from diverse construction trades suspected for asbestos-related disease. These patients were known to have been exposed to asbestos, and most of these 40 patients had a high lung burden of asbestosfibers. Less than 10%, however, had platy aluminum and magnesium silicates similar to those seen in WTC patients.  Furthermore when they were seen in the control samples,  they were present in small quantities (< 1,000/g wet weight of lung)."  "

They washed everyone down in a human car wash on 9/11 in New Jersey and the OEM pdf's documents talk about 
amount of people needing decontamination and we also have health issues like rare cancers, People lost teeth and hair i.e 
fallout evidence. 

9 11 nuclear fallout Evidence and Cover up with EMT Indira Singh

Lessons Learned from the World Trade Center

Human Car Wash witness

Remote viewer says nuke was used

elephants Foot

total evidence for nuke Dr. Cahill WTC Dust Cover Up. (read the scrolling text)

NYPD Museum had "concrete turned to lava" on display. They took down that sign after Super Storm Sandy.

9/11 WTC Meteorites Molten Iron Concrete

Update: The NY Police Museum “molten concrete” exhibit photos have been scrubbed from the Archives.
Elephants foot

The only known examples I found are located in Russia after testing of nuclear weapons.

You have to listen to this eyewitness to 9/11. We need to find how it was that a hazmat "car wash" type shower got set up so fast on the other side of the Hudson River. How decided to set up this de-contamination shower? 
Decontamination witness

Foreign Affairs Example:

1998 Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger  by Philip D. Zelikow

OEM Example:

 "The amount of people needing decontamination was enormous." OEM

Luke Rudkowski interviews Jeffrey Smith Eyewitness Nuclear Fallout and testing and cover up

NYFD Example:

Gregory H. Canavan, a nuclear physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory; Margaret Hamburg, a former New York City Health Commissioner; Dr. Joshua Lederberg, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology; join the NYFD as cover for "TERRORISM PREPAREDNESS".
Notice all the "burgs" Hamburg and Lederberg the words nuclear physicist and Dr. Joshua Lederberg dies with Barry Jennings in 2008.

CIA's Example:

Susan Lindauer 9/11 Warnings Don't Go to NYC Nuclear Event 

NNSA Example:

NNSA Photos at World Trade looking for radiation 

I can't find quote in the pdf below
The NNSA Started 2000 and were ready for action by 9/11/2001 at World Trade Center

Michael Aquino Clean weapon perfection! Church of Set Example:

The Neutron Bomb by Michael A Aquino Ph,D

I am sure this gets into 9/11 from

9-11/9-11 - The Complete Film (English Subtitles)

In memory of both September 11 events, we present Mel Chin's animated short film 9-11/9-11 in its entirety. SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 - SANTIAGO. SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 - NEW YORK CITY.

9/11 Sam Cohen a-neutronic bomb

Enter Michael Riconosciuto, offering answers.

Earlier this year, Riconosciuto talked with investigators from the House
Judiciary Committee, which is looking into allegations that the U.S.
Department of Justice stole a computer program from a private company
called INSLAW.


But from that point, matters involving Riconosciuto turn ever more

-- Riconosciuto has claimed to have been involved in arms sales to the
Nicaraguan contras.

-- He claims to have invented a breakthrough that would allow a Third
World nation to develop an inexpensive nuclear bomb.

U.S. Department of Energy Example:

Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center

Earthquakes LDEO examples:

Won-Young Kim has always referred to 9/11 as Nuclear Explosion only inside the Titles of his reports about 9/11 and became a nuclear underground expert ONLY AFTER 9/11! 

Example #1
Urban Earthquakes, Nuclear Bombs and 9/11

Example #2
Nuclear explosion seismology, 7260 Theory and modeling

“It is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been.”

USGS will not give out details about the 9/11 Earthquakes and you are assume everything like everyone else.


A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph.

The two unexplained spikes are more than twenty times the amplitude of the other seismic waves associated with the collapses and occurred in the East-West seismic recording as the buildings began to fall.

EMP Witness

Power outage map
Mike Collins its the Electromagnetic pulse from the nuclear reaction which does that. it induces a current in any closed circuit.
9/11 Static on TV from an Electromagnetic pulse

Dear World Trade Center Cancer researchers, at
        Have you found any amphibole asbestos related mesothelioma cancer patients in your study? Dust studies so far say amphibole is missing from the samples.  Are they telling the truth?  This is good news however the Towers were filled with asbestos.  Were did the asbestos go? 


Also How much of the lung cancer "72" is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma cancer is  from 9/11. 

World Trade Center collapse. Asbestos was detected in only 2 of the 48 samples

"Results of the SEM/EDS analysis indicates that amphibole asbestos is not present in these dusts."

differences between chrysotile and amphibole asbestos

CHRYSOTILE is safe and gets cleared away, amphibole asbestos

Barry Jennings stony brook hospital leukemia

Increased level multiple myeloma report.

9 11 nuclear fallout Evidence and Cover up with EMT Indira Singh

Mary Ann Owens Pentagon Witness 9 11 Nuke Scars and Disfigurement

Radiation Expert Claims High Radiation ReadingsNear Pentagon After 9/11 Indicates Depleted Uranium Used by Leuren Moret

Dan Plesse Norma Rae Jeffrey Harr
A few scientific papers ruled out paint and new scientific papers are still being written today. I am not sure what Frederic henry-couannier found or did not find.

I can see why Norma and Jeffrey can find common ground here.... I not sure why both are not updated.

Mark Basile project status august 2014

Eric Lawyer Firefighter for 9/11
Dan Plesse USGS Found microspheres of pure iron or was that

Trade Center air laden with
very fine particles, DELTA scientists find

"The air from Ground Zero was laden with extremely high amounts of very small particles, probably associated with high temperatures in the underground debris pile," says Thomas Cahill, UC Davis professor emeritus of physics and atmospheric sciences."

Frederic Study of Micro Spheres finds Aluminum and Iron together

9/11 Dr. Cahill find Iron in air samples months later!
5 mins · Edited · Like
Jeffrey Harr And iron-rich microspheres, which also is evidence of nothing. The USGS didn't seem to find them suspicious:
Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust

  • Kevin James Good work, Dan. I recently read Susan Lindauer's book Extreme Prejudice (which was excellent.) Not a lot on the methods of destruction, because it's about her frighteneing battles with the Justice Dept re: the viable Iraq peace plan that the Neocons wanted buried post-9/11. But yes, she does clearly state that her CIA handler Dr Fuisz warned her some weeks prior to 9/11 that she must stay away from NYC because they were expecting a major event with mass casualties and radiation.
  • Kevin James I'll work my way through all of these, Dan. Most are new to me. I've been convinced 9/11 was a nuclear event for some time now. Khalezov made a big impression, but it was really my own research into underground nuclear tests, and particularly the U.S. Plowshare Program, that really sealed it for me. (Interesting to see from your piece that Won-Young Kim also took up an interest!) How about including the Building 7 guy (Bennette) who identifies himself on camera as Secret Service, OST? (OST=Office of Secure Transportation, i.e. transporting nuclear materials.)
  • Dan Plesse Kevin James Keep refreshing the page because I keep finding more things. Susan Lindauer said it was a nuclear event in that video however I don't know which minute. If you find the minute let me know.

    This document gets into the Church of Set... Pretty crazy stuff.

    U.S. Plowshare Program is missing - I have to add that one.

    Bennette is missing - do you have quick videos of these guys handy?

    Bennette was well prepared for 9/11. Look at that clear bag around his head. Can you find out what exactly that head gear was?
    13 mins · Edited · Like

    The Conspicuous Absence of Jewelry in the WTC rubble pile

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