Saturday, August 16, 2014

September 11th Put Options Trading verses SEC

Max Massini never counted on having his life turned upside down when he switched from buying stocks for his clients to shorting them. By making money when the markets crashed, he was participating in profiting from the 911 tragedy. This led to an awakening of international proportions.
Anthony Elgindy
Day trader


Anthony Elgindy, born Amr Ibrahim Elgindy in Egypt, was the founder of Pacific Equity Investigations, and was best known as "Anthony@Pacific", the "Internet's most theatrical short-seller". Wikipedia
BornNovember 28, 1967 (age 51 years), Egypt
The conspiracy was led by Amr Ibrahim Elgindy, a stock adviser who has clashed with regulators and is well known among traders in small stocks for his aggressive attacks on companies he considers overvalued, according to an indictment unsealed yesterday in Brooklyn.

Document Friday: “Terrorist-Insider-Trading?” The SEC’s Pre-September 11, 2001 Trading Review.

On September 21, 2001, the SEC referred two specific transactions to the FBI for criminal investigation as potential informed trades: Wirt D Walker III and Amr Elgindy;
1---Amr Elgindy, a stock advisor who on the day before 9/11 attempted to liquidate $300,000 in assets through his broker at Salomon Smith Barney. E

lgindy was said to have “predicted that the Dow Jones industrial average, which at the time stood at about 9,600, would soon crash to below 3,000.” Elgindy was arre
sted along with FBI agents Jeffrey A Royer and Lynn Wingate, who “used their access to F.B.I. databases to monitor the progress of the criminal investigation against Mr. Elgindy.” A federal prosecutor later accused Elgindy of having prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Mr. Elgindy was eventually convicted, in 2005, of multiple crimes including racketeering, securities fraud, and making false statements.

2---The purchase of 56,000 shares of Stratesec by a director of the company, Wirt D. Walker III, and his wife Sally Walker. They doubled in price when the stock market reopened on September 17th. Unfortunately, the FBI cleared both of any wrongdoing because they had “no ties to terrorism”

As has been alluded to in the news and here, there is an investigation into whether bin Laden or his associates profited from the tragedy on the 11th. Take a look at the charts below. It is pretty sickening. We'll take a look at put option trading activity on United Airlines and American Airlines during the first week of September. For those who don't know how put options work, they give you a highly leveraged position in a stock and you profit if the stock goes down. Let's look at the chart for the UAL put option first. The UALVF option is an October 20 $30.00 put. Look at the monthly chart to gain insights regarding the unusually high volume on what appears to be around the date of September 6th. Volume is EXTREMELY high and the option is trading for about 50 cents. When the markets reopened and trading in UAL resumed, UALVF was trading for about $12.00. Even more telling is AMR. This is very chilling. Take a look at the chart for AMRVF, which is an October 20 $30.00 put. Right there on what appears to be the 7th, and even more so on the 10th, volume gets VERY high. The AMRVF option is trading for about $2.00. When trading resumes on AMR after the markets reopen, the value of the option gets to $16.00. For those who still don't fully understand the implications of this, the clue is the extremely high volume relative to normal trading immediately prior to September 11th, possibly indicative of prior knowledge of the events which would occur. Edited by - bishop_pass on September 22, 2001 1:37:58 PM

A put option is a contract giving its holder the right to sell the underlying security at a locked price until the put option expires. The AMRVF put option is an October 20 $30.00 put. Specifically, the AMRVF option gives its holder the right to sell American Airlines (AMR) for $30.00 up until October 20th.

However, one needn't actually own the AMR stock to benefit from owning the put option. Just before the terrorist attacks, AMR was trading for about $30.00 per share. The AMRVF put option was trading for about $2.00. If AMR is trading for $30.00, the right to sell AMR for $30.00 by October 20th is not going to be worth a great deal. In fact, the AMRVF put options were worth about $2.00. However, in AMR's subsequent drop to below $17.00 after the terrorist attack, the right to sell AMR for the price of $30.00 by October 20th becomes extremely valuable. In fact, they became as valuable as $16.00. At this point, the holder of the AMRVF put option need only sell the option back into the options market to realize a profit of $14.00, or a percentage gain of 700%.

Put options exist because they are written (created) by market participants who have a position in the underlying security. In the case of AMR, short sellers of the security may write a put option against their short position in AMR, thus giving up the option to participate in decrease in the price of AMR. They in effect sell the option to someone else.

A short position in a security is achieved by selling a security 'short'. Assume an individual has no position in a security and believes the price of the security is going to go down. That individual may sell the security without owning it, with the obligation to buy it back at a later date. The short seller hopes to buy back the security for a lower price. So when the individual goes 'short', their broker 'borrows' the security from a holder of the security, and sells the security on the market, thus creating a 'short' position for the short seller. Later, when the short seller buys the security back to close his position, the borrowed security is returned to the original owner of the security. The individual whom the security is borrowed from is never aware of the borrowing, and doesn't care, because it does not affect him.

Short selling was introduced into the markets to temper exuberant markets.

There is currently an investigation into possible heavy short selling of the airline stocks and insurance stocks prior to the terrorist attack.

Edited by - bishop_pass on September 24, 2001 6:49:48 PM

Reinsurers: insurance companies which insure other insurance companies when catastrophic losses occur. Some notable ones: Munich Re and Hannover Re. There stock prices plummeted also. The insurance and reinsurance companies which survive will raise their rates considerably, passing on the cost to those who need insruance. This of course, costs the economy and stifles growth. Investigators are looking into possible short selling of resinsurance companies by bin Laden or his associates.

Decreased air travel means a decreased demand for aircraft. Boeing announced they would layoff 30,000 employees. Hotels and travel agencies are affected. What of all the subsidiary aerospace companies which provide the support infrastructure for aircraft manufacturing?

Other long term effects aer hard to predict. What of the home real estate market as home buying dries up because of layoffs and people concerned about a weakening economy?

Walter Siegrist Detecting abnormal trading activities in option markets 
Journal of Empirical Finance 33 (2015) 263–275 
Marc Chesney et al.



An investment adviser registered with the Commission and based in the United States purchased 2,000 UAL October 30 put options on September 6. That trade constituted 96 percent of UAL put option volume for the day.

Options Hotline by Steve Sarnoff Recommendation Sunday 9th
So, without further ado, here's... This week's Option Recommendation Buy the AMR October $30 put for $170, or less, good this week. 
Shares of AMR Corp. trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "AMR." The symbol for this option reco [sic] is "AMRVF." (who is editing this document? American Airlines closed the week at $30.15. The 52-week range for AMR is $27.62 - $43.93. My downside price target is $22 - $26.
The major airline is under pressure. At $25, each $30 put would have $500 of intrinsic value. If AMR is at or above $30 on the thircfFriday in October, your option•will expire worthless. That is your risk._ Set your stop-loss at $100, to preserve capital, in case my expectations go awry. 
Does volume mean Size per trade or just number of trades or both One trade could mean low volume but large contracts..

What does "
An investment adviser registered with the Commission" mean?

AMR September 10th puts for October 30th put series

1. Anthony Elgindy sold out Broker Ratted on him. 2. Options Hotline by Steve Sarnoff Recommendation Sunday 9th to 

2,000 people only bought 388 contracts ?


copy 9-11-sec-report.pdf

Anthony Elgindy  "American Greed - S04E04 - The Mad Max of Wall Street"

American greed mad max

Do you remember the American Greed episode "American Greed - S04E004 - The Mad Max of Wall Street"  insider trading options newsletter that used the FBI for information about business under investigation and thus to sell stock short and was reported by his broker because he sold everything before 9/11? Well here another Dot connecting with that insider trading newsletter editor. The FBI now uses it dismiss all trading before 9/11 because of that darn newsletter.

Further Collapse of What?
  • Andrew John Buit likes this.
  • Charles Scamman Dan, though I suspect these were bomb blasts, I recently saw an aerial photo that showed trade tower SIX, with the outer wall still in tact, but with the center core collapsed... I don't recall having seen that ever before, except for the recent photo... can't recall at the moment where I saw it or on what date it was taken however... so there may indeed have been "additional collapses"...
  • Dan Plesse They over played there hand trying to fit every detail into the government theory. 11:15:04, 11:01:07, 11:29 are another three in addition to "three other small signals. Basically these explosions were happening all day long.

    The details like locatio
    n and depth information were never produced and they refuse to give out these numbers.

    Its shameful that the truth movement was not smart enough to know what was missing and add that to the list of smoking guns.

Unsolved Mysteries "The King of Arsonist"
if you include a greater total scope of every 9/11 video, youtube, every 9/11 cult leader, theory leader, part time hobbyist and AE911truth which were asked about this issue - no one in my research has ever covered the topic above, the question about location information and LDEO stonewalling. Even the nuke theorist - the people most likely to see the missing information - even right now 99% 9/11 movement knows very little about HTA arson problem report on Unsolved Mysteries "The King of Arsonist", the investigation and the cover up before 9/11. All these narratives seem to escape everyone. The cover up on Unsolved Mysteries was pretty ugly too. No hiding that one. They said homeless people did it!

9/11 Smoking Gun: No Pile Driver or Upper Block! Remember Stairwell B

  • Charles Scamman I don't disagree with you... oh boy... those damned "homeless" people... rumor has it that homeland security may round all them up and put them into a FEMA camp for their own safety... (tongue in cheek - but not farfetched)...
  • Dan Plesse Charles I included all of these issue into one page right now so you can the scope of the problem with hunting down every issue.

    I also included the only video about the cars on fire at street level.

    I asked a Fire Fighter about this video - are the effects we see in this video normal? I got no reply.

    Richard Banaciski is Mr. "Belt of Explosions" witness.

eBay Picture Service (EPS) photo

Good job. Your item is now listed for sale!

Check out your listing on eBay:
9/11 World Trade Center Molten Samples

Dust From 9/11 May Have Led to a Lot of Complicated Pregnancies and Premature Births

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