Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rushed Evidence Removal Cover Up September 11th

Norma Rae "Why would they only send some steel to Fresh Kills?"

They didn't just send the steel to Fresh Kills, NJ was the second site and maybe other dark sites were uses too.

Willie Coopdeville
"After the authorities have released the materials they are transferred to a scrap processor under contract with the New York City Department of Sanitation that existed prior to September 11, 2001. "

Norma Rae They list tons of steel etc. 20,000 tons of structural steel beams and  recycle 50,000 tons of large structural beams.  70,000. how many tons are missing? How much of this was WTC 7?

ISRI Assists in Cleanup of Recyclable Metal at World Trade Center Site

"Upon arrival to NYC on September 19, [2001] and after visiting Ground Zero and paying my respects and prayers to the victims, I started my reconnaissance and collection of the perishable data. I have collected some data on design and construction of the WTC and have met and discussed the case with the structural engineers who have designed the WTC Buildings. Thanks to cooperation of the HSNE recycling plant, I have been able to study the steel from the WTC before recycling. ... I wish I had more time to inspect steel structure and save more pieces before the steel was recycled."
Note: Hugo Neu Schnitzer East (HNSE) is "one of the world's largest recyclers 

and ... 

Hugo Neu Vice President, admitted in a late February interview with National Public Radio that his company hadn't disclosed the origin of the WTC steel to its Asian buyers

and ..
Hugo Neu Schnitzer East had steel before contracts were signed.  September 19, 2001 was the earliest known date.   

Rushed Evidence Removal Cover Up 9/11

Dumping World Trade Center Evidence Out to Sea

Removing World Trade Center Steel is Borderline Criminal 9/11 03/06/2002

9/11 Anthony Freda's Photo 9/11 New York Housing Authority Truck Caravan too early

Jim Gartenberg was providing more information about the elevators, Can you find out what he was saying?

  • Ronald Wieck The recovered steel lay around for months at Fresh Kills, the other holding centers, and steelyards in New Jersey.

    Why do twoofers lie when they always get caught?
    4 mins · Like
  • Dan Plesse Ronald Wieck They where cutting up the evidence on the first day while at Fresh Kills you idiot. That was point.
  • Ronald Wieck You have been caught lying again, moron.

    Over fifty forensic teams from the FBI and teams of metallurgists from various universities examined the recovered steel at Fresh Kills and the other holding center.

    Your lies always crash against reality.
    3 mins · Like
  • Ronald Wieck You rave mindlessly about your magic soundless explosives, yet after all these years you remain clueless about the basics of demolition.

    What substance would be found on steel that had shaped charges attached?
    ...See More
    2 mins · Like
  • Dan Plesse Ronald Wieck This issue was covered on video above you idiot. If you can't or refuse to review C-span video please stop responding.
    Just now · Edited · Like · 1

Dan Plesse What witness said "soundless explosives" ? Moron ?
Just now · Like

  • Ronald Wieck None. Conspiracy liars are destroyed by the incontrovertible FACT that the random explosions heard on 9/11 sound NOTHING like shaped charges being detonated.
    6 mins · Like
  • Dan Plesse First you said "soundless explosives" and now you said 

    "random explosions heard" then 

    "9/11 sound(s) NOTHING like" 

    Next you talk about "shape charges" 

    You are OFF TOPIC, Goal Post moving and using artificial benchmarks. 

    You are a total idiot.
    • Ronald Wieck Your feeble brain cannot follow a simple argument.

      Things blow up in building fires. People heard stuff blowing up. The random explosions sounded nothing like shaped charges being detonated. The random explosions cannot be connected to the collapses that started on the IMPACT FLOORS.

      There is a reason why no demolition professionals take your evil cult seriously.
      21 mins · Like · 1
    • Dan Plesse "Things blow up in building fires" What building fires? 
      The north tower explosions were record BEFORE Plane impact both electronically and via witnesses. 

      "People heard stuff blowing up" what happened to "soundless explosives"? soundless means NO SOUND. 

      "The random explosions sounded nothing like shaped charges being detonated." Witnesses heard belts of explosion going off.. Oral Histories

      "started on the IMPACT FLOORS." Witness Jim Gartenberg said the core fell first on 9-1-1 calls to dispatchers. WRONG AGAIN! 

      Jim Gartenberg - Core Blown Up

      You are all fucked up and off topic.

      Jim Gartenberg - Core Blown Up - Massive 47 columns -...
    • Brent Ortman Jim never said anything about bombs idiot. The impacts of plane would have caused massive structural damage
    • Dan Plesse Brent Ortman Who is using "descriptive language" ? He said "blown out" and he was trapped. "fire door has trapped us" 

      Sound like he was leaving and using the stairwell and an explosion happened. Fire doors are connected with the stairwell.
  • Brent Ortman Dan Plesse thinks the damage caused by airplanes wasn't significant

    He is a very dumb liar
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Calvin Kovatch IF a fire door is pushed out of line by say a Jet impacting then its possible it may have jammed
  • Dan Plesse Brent Ortman you fucking moron. Jim Gartenberg is at the 86 Floor, far below and Plane Impact zone at the 92th and 98th floors. fucking moron.

    Calvin Kovatch He said he was trapped by the fire door to leave the stairwell far below the impacts. Explosions blew away the stairwell below 80th floors and above the 90th floor or he would have tried another fire door.

  • Part II

  9/11 curator 56 died of multiple myeloma, thus all curators should be checked for cancer, I wonder who else got cancer handling the artifacts?

Gee, never. One in three people die of cancer. How the fuck does even a lunatic like you tie depleted uranium to 9/11????

From a website claiming to be an authority on depleted uranium

liver carcinoma
loss of memory
low blood oxygen saturation ( low HbO2)
low lung volume
lung cancer
lymph cancer
multiple myeloma
muscle pain
non-Hodgkin lymphoma
other malignancies
pancreas carcinoma
petit & grand mal fits
respiratory ailments
shortness of breath
skin cancer
skin damage: sweat glands with trapped du-particles
skin infections
skin spotting
stiffening of fingers
thyroid cancer About 1 in 200 people will develop it at some point in their life. The most common age for myeloma to be diagnosed is about 72 years. The condition is very rare in people under 40 years, and about 80% of all patients are aged over 65 when they are diagnosed.
Mr. Shayt, an associate curator in the museum's work and industries division whose eclectic interests ranged from yo-yos to sundials, from the development of the...

  • Mike Arnold DU on the towers -- WOW! I never thought of that. Definitely something to look into. That's the purpose of DU, if I understand it right -- bunker buster. Thanks, Dan.
    7 mins · Unlike · 1
  • Dan Plesse It looks like 9/11 Truthers dropped the ball again as far as curators getting cancer which should be yet another smoking gun. I don't know the status of all the 9/11 curators and it still seem to be a long shot to find more people coming down with issues in such a small pool of people. More people should be doing more not less.
 Can you check to see if other museum personnel got cancer from 9/11 artifacts?

Part III

Dear Anthony I have a few 9/11 Question(s),

        Question 1. Did you see this plane?

  Above Top Secret 20 MB SCAN of 9/11 FOIA NIST Release: solo

       Question 2. When did you first see dump trucks and where they
picking up plane parts only?

  Where can I see your 9/11 photos, materials?


Anthony freda


I did not notice the other plane.
Here is the photo of trucks taken at the corner of Houston ST and Mott St.

Anthony, Why did you say you saw the second. No deal big deal either way.
thanks Dan

Anthony Freda <>


to me
Hey Dan' I really meant to say i witnessed the second Explosion....
I was looking at the tower, not for incoming aircraft, but
I don't remember seeing an actual plane hit.

9/11 No planers are going to love this!

Anthony Did anything block your view and that's the reason you didn't see the second plane?  I am not sure how you can miss a 767 unless no plane was used. Do you have any idea? Thanks Dan

bout a minute ago

That is so fucking bizarre that you just posted that about the 9/11 curator! I just sent an email to Jim Fetzer about Engine Pumper 6 that was cleaned about by the National Nuclear Security Administration at Fresh Kills and they now have it in a museum. I was reading how they used PRISONERS in order to clean it out. Wow that's the perfect way to cover it up. Use prisoners from California and nobody will know or care when they die of leukemia. I want to track the prisoners down and see what happened to them
Today I learned that Bush was reading a sign which was off camera while in the classroom "Don't Say Anything Yet"
Did you know about that?
My Pet Goat
Chat Conversation End
Seen 1:45pm

My Pet Goat

Yeah Ari Fleischer was holding it up.
Was that classroom really the reason for all the cameras ?

I thought there was going to be an attempt on Bush that morning and they turned some camera people away earlier that morning. That was admitted by Tarpley.
I noticed speech podium was set up in advance for an announcement, the kids were rounded up as background filler.
I have been in the movie business and it takes time to set that crap up.

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