Monday, December 8, 2014

9-11 Did Welles Remy Crowther find a working High-Rise Standpipe

Why are the sky lobby witnesses go unnamed and wish not to talk?  Did Welles Remy Crowther find a working High-Rise Standpipe Plus hose pack? How many High-Rise Standpipe hose packs existed in the sky lobby and who else help with fire fighting activities. The engineering floors are the most likely place pack with explosives and HTA arson. Flight 175 just so happens hit above the set up floors, go figure.

World Trade Center self assembled Nanocomposite Red Gray Chips Explosion Recorded

World Trade Center 85th Floor Fire Hose 2/14/1975.

During my research on 9/11 I came across a story of everyday people fighting the fires at the top of the building after and during 9/11. This story and stories like it was completely removed from public view and the existence all fire fighting equipment was denied by all forms of media  during and after 9/11. This effort has infected all researches, shills and disinfo agents alike. My goal is to restore the Truth and by doing so might infuriate the public as documented below.

I have written to the NYFD and they refuse to answer questions about this issue.

I didn't even know what a standpipe was!

Here is example

Ron Trinny There were hoses and fire extinguishers on each floor, of all 3 stairwells, in both towers.

In North America, a standpipe is a type of rigid water piping which is built into multi-story buildings in a vertical position or bridges in a horizontal position, to which fire hoses can be connected, allowing manual application of water to the fire. Within the context of a building or bridge, a standpipe serves the same purpose as a fire hydrant.

  • Ellis Edwards The post says that the presence of all forms of fire-fighting equipment was denied by the media. The picture refutes that.

  • Ellis Edwards I didn't know that the media denied the presence of fire-fighting equipment. This supports a hypothesis of mine, that a reactant chemical might have been introduced through the water system (which then saturated the concrete and caused the concrete itself to explode). Just a thought, mind you, but something vaporized the concrete, and this seems plausible to me.

  • Daniel M. Plesse Ellis Edwards I found some stories about the water tanks were cause of problem for the collapse or or something to do with that. It was so far outside my scope that I could not entertain the concept. At least oneYoutube 
    videos show water falling out of the towers. 

    I am pretty sure the media and Truth community as a whole is in the dark, however if you or anyone do find information to the contrary please feel free to refute because refuting is caring.
Stories of everyday people fighting the fires at the top of the building after and during 9/11 are
someplace below. 

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