Thursday, January 29, 2015

9/11 explosion sounds heard from New Jersey NOT Recorded or Reported in New York

Issue #1 
You have all probably seen this video before; but I wanted to share it in case some haven't. It has audio and seismic proof of explosions taking place before the towers fell.
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Second Issue #2

Daniel M. Plesse Marcia Coulson There is a little more happening which no one seems to understand.

If you explosion sounds have been recorded in NJ from NY then why are all the reporters and sound recording devices at City Hall for example NOT recording or reporting these issues? 

I reported this issue in two videos so far. Basically this was the single goal of the Judy Wood sheeple movement and also exactly the point of the whole cover up and the 9/11 Commission Report. And since no other Truther Captain made an issue of this, no other Truther bothered to connect the dots. Mr. Hess is recorded saying he "ran into a wall" and Amy Goodman is seen running from Building 7. Michael Moore was also busy editing out all chances for the Truth. It seems like an overwhelming orgy of misfit reporting from all directions.  No stone was left un-turned and then we have the facebook time wasters. 

Example #1 9/11 No Explosive Evidence For You

Example #2  Oswald Spoke to a reporter Seconds After JFK Shooting

Example #3 Amy Goodman Social Engineering 9/11

Fahrenheit 9/11 Media Crimes Fahrenheit 9/11 NO...

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