Thursday, March 19, 2015

Warren Buffett's Convenient 9/11 charity event

Offutt Air Force

"On the morning of Sept. 11, Tatlock herself had just arrived with a small group of business leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. She then heard the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north tower."

Billionaire Warren Buffet held a September 11 breakfast meeting at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska (one of the stops of Air Force One that day). Attendees included Anne Tatlock, CEO of Fiduciary Trust Inc., a company which occupied floors above the crash zone in the South Tower:

Neil David Levin (September 16, 1954[citation needed] – September 11, 2001) was the Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. He was killed during the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, five days before his 47th birthday.
In early 2001, Pataki and then New Jersey Gov. Donald DiFrancesco named Levin as the Executive Director of the Port Authority. In this role he was the chief executive officer of the agency which runs the World Trade Center
Offutt Air Force Base is the base that Bush flew to on September 11 breakfast meeting at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha
Some people received a memo similar to that circulated by Goldman Sachs in Tokyo on September 10 advising all employees of a possible terrorist attack and recommending that all its employees avoid any American government buildings
Fiduciary Trust Co. International was one of a small group of business leaders at a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett on 9/11. It looks like Larry Silverstein was not only one who was completely lucky!

Update on the missing!
NJ Man confirmed as WTC victim Matthew David Yarnell (he was completely missing until March 20th 2015.
1. Company Franklin Templeton lost 87 employees in the World Trade Center attacks.
2. 650 employees in Two World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks.
3. 500 employees who worked in the complex had gotten out,
4 . Fiduciary Trust Co. International was one of a small group of business leaders at a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett on 9/11
5. Fiduciary Trust, which occupied five floors World Trade Center 94-97.
6. Military Plane hit 77th-85 floors.
7. 650-500 = 150 - 87 = 63-1 employees completely missing. Matthew David Yarnell was 1 of 62 now 12 completely missing. 

"Forty percent of the victims — or 1,113 persons — have not been identified"
"1, 640 out of 2,753 have been reported missing and presumed killed"

A&E Truther

How come the Truth Movement never got interested in the FIRE department's GPS data?

It shows that parts traveled too far for NIST's Pancake Theory. So What Gives?

The NYFD walked around with hand held devices and tagged and bagged stuff. The bar code contained the GPS location at the location of where the tag was printed. The tag was read into an database and that data was then displayed on a Google Earth KML file which I then  took a screen shot of those results filtered for firefighter body parts and fragments. I am not sure if the new fragments were entered as new fragments were found years later. Somehow they were able to link fragments to victims. If gravity was used then the bodies would be stacked close to the building. I can't image what a gravity based collapse would have looked like.

  •  Not following... First I've heard of any of this. Can someone please fill me in on the meaning of the photo?
  • Daniel M. Plesse Rob Wanck You are waking up. This is the second layer of 9/11. it's free Judy and

    • Suki Yaki the pin is were they were supposed too be when towers fell ,the red figures are were they were reported found
    • Daniel M. Plesse No Suki Yaki that pretty F-ed thinking too. hahaha 
      ,the red figures are were they were reported found BY GPS. The yellow pin is just something I placed.
      Just now · Edited · Like
  •   Now I'm confused. So what is the photo actually showing?
    6 mins · Like
  • Daniel M. Plesse  The red figures are firemen positioned by GPS Points. None of those red figures are giant pieces. they are small  fragments. They make of 17,233 - 22,000 body parts found after 9/11/ 
    Just now · Edited · Like

According to the Daily News, as of last week at least 17,233 body parts had been recovered and 808 victims positively identified by the medical examiners. Once the database is completed and FDNY collected data is matched up with ID from the medical examiner's office, the combined data will be made available to victims' family members, however, that could be months away.

On Sept. 12, 2001 LinksPoint joined with FDNY and other City, State and Federal Agencies to discuss automating the process of capturing location information for items recovered at the site [ground zero].

FDNY Uses GPS to Map Remains at WTC Site
Fire Department's Phoenix Unit 

  • Lyndon LaRouche forecasts a Reichstagfire coup

    I never heard of it.
    One problem is surely that many conspiracy theorists are convinced that Inside Job has already been proven a dozen times over, and so they have no interest in new information.
    Another is that the movement has been plagued by charlatans who think they've got the whole thing figured out, so there's a certain amount of fatigue associated with new information.
    Maybe if you marketed it as a point instead of a subject you would get more attention. You can't expect me to be interested in the data just because they exist. WHY do you want us to look at the data?


    Ace, do you think the problem has to with the 9/11 Truth Movement being anti-imaging either video or graphic? Or has the 9/11 Truth movement become controlled from the top by a handful of people? Has the authoritarian bug bitten? The Truth Movement seems to have failed at every turn to show all data and even now every single member, when given data never seems to use their own mind.. (I have emailed the "leaders" too.) Members and leader alike seem to believe if the top people failed to reveal the information it can't be worth anything. This is in fact exactly what the general public believes in 9/11. If X.Y,Z didn't talk about it in their reports, it can't be of any value. Your answer is the best so far btw, so I thank you.

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              You're not marketing very effectively. First you tell me the data exist, and then you describe your frustration that everybody ignores you, and you still haven't gotten around to saying what the point is.

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                Can you see graphic above and make a point by yourself?? Why do you need me? If you can't generate understanding or seek understanding then my earlier point was correct. You are no different then the two shills you argue with endlessly. Hand feeding does not work. Think or swim. You have to make the choice to do it. Not me. Good Luck !

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