Saturday, April 25, 2015

9/11 Justice Movement deleted this post

J Caanard Greene"
From the admin, "Daniel M. Plese was either a spoofer disinfo agent or a useful idiot.. Either way, he's no longer with us, as he posted and blocked me so I couldn't even respond to his bullshit disinformation..

RD.. This group is NOT a place to discuss or post about "no planes", "crisis actors", "space beams" or any of the SPECULATIVE theories floating around the disinfosphere.. This group's purpose is to focus on the actual HARD EVIDENCE and the collective exploration as to how we can pursue JUSTICE for the crimes of September 11th... You can believe whatever you want about how the towers came down, but if you can't adhere to these rules, you don't belong in this group.." 
9/11 Justice Movement deleted this post 

So Rebecca Roth Claim that Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney calls were made at the same time is incorrect. So we have a list of statements are now either missing (Cockpit Keys ) or incorrect which is another nail in her coffin. Every Sunday Starts shill feast, so get ready!
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  • Bruce Linton likes this.
  • Thomas Digan No calls were made, period, she can say what she wants, no calls as no planes, no planes then no phones, no phones then no calls. Simples.
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Daniel M. Plesse Thomas Digan So you shilling for both Roth and No planes at the same time???? Nice
    5 hrs · Like
  • Thomas Digan You having a laff Dan, me shilling, read what i said, you know me, why are you talkinh shite,
    3 hrs · Like
  • Thomas Digan Norma, u seeing this shite, he inundates with his ideas, we put up with it ,calling me a shill is beyond it.
    3 hrs · Like
  • Norma Rae Daniel, I don't see how Thomas' statement is in any way shilling for Roth. You are welcome to disagree with any admins, but calling him a shill is pretty disrespectful. I can't be on here 24/7, so the admins can remove people at their will. Please use your words wisely.
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Thomas Digan Daniel I have no doubt about your knowledge of 9/11 and your dedication is brilliant but you don't know people, your knowledge of grammar is questionable, you don't know people, I do, You inundate with your theories on every 9/11 page , you have insulted me by calling me a shill. Unless you apologise i will remove you from this page and any other page i am admin on.
    3 hrs · Like
  • Spencer Ellis Would you really can him for that Thomas?
    2 hrs · Like
  • Thomas Digan Spencer, you know me, you know i'm not a shill, its an insult especially because if he has any sense he will know me and what i am all about, I'm pissed off getting called this, I listen to him on every page i am a member of, i never slag him or call him names.
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Norma Rae Spencer Ellis Matt Nereim once called Kevin James a shill. Kevin was fuming. Kevin asked for my permission to boot him. I backed Kevin, but Matt apologized and there was no need to boot him. Although I ended up booting him because then he was on my a$$ for the burnt vs toasted cars. But that's another story.

    Calling an admin a shill is a big no-no. Disagree with us all you want but don't call us shills or other disrespectful names. Cheers 
    1 hr · Edited · Like · 2
  • Spencer Ellis Understood Thomas. Gotcha Norma

    Not my biz I guess, just like the amount of info he brings, whether I agree or not. Would hate to see him get the axe, but I realize getting called names sucks.
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Thomas Digan If he wants to call me a shill or say I'm shilling whatever that means, then explain it, I am still waiting, he does bring a lot of info Spencer, i like that but am not happy with him. Me an u are cool m8, u stuck up for me when Keith w as being a dick plus i like u.
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Spencer Ellis I appreciate that. You're good people as far as I'm concernedThomas.
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Thomas Digan Thanks m8
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Stephen Phillips look, there may be some link between your observation regarding grammatical fluency, Thomas (your claim, not mine, I have not considered that part of it) and a misapprehension of what you wrote dismissing Roth's accuracy (which was in fact the same thing Daniel was attempting - successfully I think - to demonstrate.

    I hope the mistake is acknowledged, and the accusation withdrawn.

    Which would be the end of story.

    Thomas is genuine, by the way, guys, in my experience, or I'll eat my hat...
    1 hr · Like
  • Daniel M. Plesse Norma Rae dismissing my exposing of Roth is is pretty disrespectful, with "she can say what she wants" 

    She can say it, but why can't I exposed it? It sounds like defence of Roth. 

    Dismissing Roth's inaccuracy is the same as defending an inaccuracy and therefore protecting a possible 9/11 faker. Then he dwells on his feelings for some reason, when he attacked me with "she can say what she wants". 

    Norma Rae I will not reply to him ever again, so that should solve the problem. I did not know he was a admin but this whole thread is a unnecessary distraction away from exposing criminals.
The Department of Homeland Security: 
When The Phoenix Comes Home To Roost
Bush with the "internal security" apparatus he needs to assure the continuity of political power in his hands, indefinitely, at the expense of our democracy and liberty.

And it brings the Phoenix Program home to roost.

Phoenix As The Conceptual Precedent For Homeland Security

2001-09-1110:04:35Skytel[005211809]AALPHAflashnet@intelcenter​.com|FlashNet Event|NYC: Third explosion apparently collapses Southern tower of World Trade Center.
2001-09-1202:42:35Skytel[005211809]AALPHAflashnet@intelcenter​.com|FlashNet Event|Osama bin Laden says he has no hand in NYC/DC attacks but supports them because they constitute a reaction of oppressed people against atrocities of the cruel.

2001-09-1109:42:03Metrocall[1222823]BALPHA I just saw I terr
2001-09-1109:42:05Metrocall[1222823]BALPHA orist plane dive toward to the pentagon and explode. Can't find hear what is happening. Please call if you can. Ted

2001-09-1109:47:33Metrocall[0902388]BALPHA Small aircraft crashed at Pentagon.ERT standby.

2001-09-1109:50:46Skytel[005056519]​||3rd plane just hit Pentagon. Tseluyu. Innulya.

17:30:52 Skytel [004105914] C ALPHA Compass update: laser head and spot size calibrations completed. Currently taking some references to send to Israel. Will have a conf. call w/Israel tomorrow 7:30 to determine how to proceed. Niv. 

(translated from swedish)
00:55:45 Skytel [007529204] B ALPHA DN - The FBI has begun the hunt - no reports of injured Swedes - Israel occupies high alert

16:49:44 Skytel [005206261] B ALPHA|Classified Material|Ray, I turned the classified material over to Sgt Fisher. Mission accomplished.

Sep 11 15:33:17
2001-09-11 20:46:01 Arch [1619336] C ALPHA U called it right early on..those buildings melted

2001-09-11 13:11:22 Arch [1421665] A ALPHA 
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Ce

2001-09-11 13:11:33 Arch [1421665] A ALPHA 
 2 of 2  explosions. **Update** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT SIMS

RtOPS = Regional Thermal Ocean Prediction System

[link to

Company B deployed the RC-12N Guardrail Common Sensor system to Operation Phoenix Venture in Kuwait from August 2001 through June 2002. During this time, they also supported US Central Command in support of Operations Desert Spring, Southern Watch and Operation Enduring|NEWS ALERT|According to the Associated Press a car bomb
2001-09-11 12:01:44 Skytel [005042150] B ALPHA exploded outside State Department.
2001-09-11 09:00:25 Arch [0978052] B ALPHA
From: Ayanlar, Orhan (Exchange)- 737 crashes into world trade center.2001-09-1109:08:38Arch[0978052]BALPHA
From: Ayanlar, Orhan (Exchange)- Second plane crashes into other world trade center, terrorists I think?

2001-09-11 08:54:46 Arch [0932407] B ALPHA NYPD and emergency units at World Trade center, RE; airplane crash. Small Jet.

2001-09-11 11:08:26 Arch [1164258] A ALPHA scolucas| Just shot that plane down in leesburg - that is too close to where i am sitting for my liking - the one that hit the faa building - It is pure chaos here right now -
2001-09-11 11:26:32 Arch [0987634] A ALPHA From: Erb, Tammye (Exchange)- F-16s forced the plane down headed toward Dulles. It WAS headed for the Pent2001-09-11 23:01:54 Arch [0908108] D ALPHA 2/02:circuits are up. I am down grading status to information and will update resolution in the ticket. Contact Sheikh Khalil 7705226000 x 4102Mohammed Sheikh Khalil extension x 4102 haha dial terror. Which extension please? ALPHA 1/02:****CHG-TKT**** TYPE: Major OP: 09/11/01 20:17:29 Tkt: NOC000000084877 STAT: WIP COMPANY NAME: BellSouth.Net Inc. SITE: Owensboro LOG: Hopkinsville ERS city of Owensboro was ringing busy due 
2001-09-11 18:15:31 Skytel [005125129] C SH/TONE 442001-09-1110:57:39Metrocall[002468283]CALPHAFrom: Joyce Howard Subj: pentagon It was a small commuter plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Part of that building has now collapsed.2001-09-

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