Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9/11 Plane Witness Challenge To Debunktards and Truthers

James Henry Fetzer Busted!

None of the video taped witnesses who were filmed talking about the two planes on 9/11/2001 actually support the Official Theory Lie of 9/11.. They never describe the correct plane colors of AA or a UA plane. This fact has been covered up by No Planers and Planers alike i.e (A&E, Judy Wood, James Henry Fetzer) My guess is you the public assume that someone has seen something which supports the Official Lie, well guess again! Only video taped witnesses who were filmed off camera talking or on camera about the two planes on 9/11/2001 are deemed valid responses.. All other replies will be defined as spam.. Administrators should delete the spam replies below which don't meet the outlined conditions above..
    • Daniel M. Plesse
    • Daniel M. Plesse First plane white small, Second plane military larger.. Why do keep making the same mistakes over an over.. Do you get per post or not?

  • Daniel M. Plesse
  • Here is an example of someone who witnessed a military plane first hand.. part 1

    O'Flaherty, Brian (pdf file)Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 1/9/02

    Part 2
    The graphic is an example of how Truth Community's own reading errors has lead them to believe witnesses have supported the Official Lie which fact that is NOT the case..
    I searched 7060 Oral Histories and that document returns only one person who clearly had watched television and had too much details.

    Darnowski, Kevin (pdf file)Paramedic (E.M.S.)
    "Right before the tolls on the Brooklyn
    side heading towards Manhattan at the Battery
    Tunnel, we were sitting in traffic and we watched
    United Flight 175 hit tower two, which was the
    south tower of the World Trade Center."

    9/11 Second Plane photo

    None of the video taped witnesses who were filmed talking about the two planes on 9/11/2001 actually support  the Official Theory Lie of 9/11, They never describe the plane colors of a AA or a UA plane i.e. This fact has been covered up by No Planers and Planers alike i.e (A&E, Judy Wood, James Henry Fetzer)  My guess is you assume someone has seen something which supports the Official Lie, well guess again!

    flight 11

    kkThe official narrative is flight 11 which is a giant silver plane with light grey wings for plane one and flight 175 which is a giant blue plane on the bottom with white wings, red stripe and dark grey..

    Only video tape witness will be accepted as valid replies.. Thanks

    Black Strange Shape Second Plane Evidence

    9/11 Second Plane Black Strange Shape Second Plane Evidence



    9/11 Truth Example 

    No Planer Example
    • Thomas Digan
    • Thomas Digan Simon shack has nothing to do with me. Don't tar us all with the same stick.
    • Daniel M. Plesse
    • Daniel M. Plesse You asked for "Where have no planers covered this up Dan." I answered with video example.. You tarred yourself..

      9/11 Official Theory Example
      • Daniel M. Plesse Sam Haschets Are you agreeing that not a single video taped witness exists which supports the official Theory?

      • Sam Haschets
      • Sam Haschets Are you agreeing you are a brain in a jar?

      • Daniel M. Plesse
      • Daniel M. Plesse Please answer the question..

        • Daniel M. Plesse
        • Daniel M. Plesse You can agree that he's avoiding the question and agree that answer YES or NO is valid.... Maybe he answered with "No I don't" but he misspelled "Don't"..

        • Daniel M. Plesse
        • Daniel M. Plesse I will accept Sam Haschets answer of "No I Don't"

        • Sam Haschets
        • Sam Haschets You are acting like a cry baby, seriously Dan, learn to fight your own battles -- I know you feel extremely over-matched, but if you try, I'll take it easy on you. (editted before Dan can cry)

        • Daniel M. Plesse
        • Daniel M. Plesse Sam Haschets you are misbehaving by not answering clearly, however I already accepted your " No I Don't" " answer..

          If the Official theory is valid, why do you have such a hard time answering questions about 9/11?

          Why do you leave out words and details?

          • Daniel M. Plesse
          • Daniel M. Plesse Sam Haschets You asked me to define "witness".. So I did..

            Can you answer the challenge with valid reply or not?

          • Sam Haschets
          • Sam Haschets Goal posts moved, sorry, when you lie and lose you don't get to reboot.


    As part of the 9/11 Truth Movement, I've been libeled and slandered as "an industrial-strength 9/11 conspiracy theorist." In reality, I'm just another Blues Brother on a mission from God. My directives concerning 9/11 were very clear. "Feed my sheep."
    maxwellbridges.blogspot.com|By Maxwell C. Bridges

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