Sunday, September 6, 2015

9/11 Simon Shack And James Henry Fetzer Review Carol Paukner Story

NYPD Officier Carol Pauker is the only witness to have seen first plane material in the North Tower on 9/11. However IF she must stick to a script, could she keep it up over the years? If you were doing a police investigation one could interview them several times with gaps,  and then listen to the same story for inconsistencies which is exactly situation we have today  i.e the audio part was recorded in 2001 and the book comment was much later. 2007 the  same story has very little inconsistencies. The book version might have been embellished a little bit more.

Interview with Carol Paukner Mp3 Audio Interview

+danp5648 It's not unusual for many different people to remember things a bit differently. Some will think they saw part of the plane & actually saw debris. The overall theme is the same though. It stands to reason parts of it would've been in the building while other parts "bounced off" or were broken off & blown out.
The OEM was right there.. Heard the plane fly over and fireball -- Yet no plane

However Carol Paukner, New York, New York, NYPD one block away.  Seen First Plane After impact

Second account Carol Paukner NYPD "They came up out of the subway and saw the street covered with debris. A woman pointed up and that was when they saw the back end of a plane sticking out of the North Tower with the nose buried in the building."

simonshack 1 day ago
+danp5648 You have obviously watched that silly debunking attempt named "September Clues Busted" by Anthony Lawson. The clown accused me of having left out (in my 1st, 2007 version of SC) the part where Theresa says that she was located "in the tallest building in the area". Well, please know that I actually reinserted that part in the 2008 version - i.e. this version uploaded here. Any other questions?

No I have not listened to "September Clues Busted".. No I am talking about ""in the tallest building in the area".. I think she says "it was a small plane" .. The  Bounced off witnesses are few but growing..  Carol Paukner, New York, New York, NYPD one block away.  Seen First Plane After impact

+danp5648 That lady "eyewitness" says that she saw a plane sticking out of the building - in flames. That's a pretty funny "eyewitness report", don't you think? Is she credible to you?

+simonshack She is NYPD and a few people have also witnessed the location of the plane afterwards.. Why don't you contact her yourself? 9/11 First Plane Bounced OFF Witnesses version 2


 Daniel M. Plesse "thermite was present and no one has demonstrated it as a viable CD method." Wrong again Bill Nada

"Demolition of the dome of the Reichstag building with thermite charges."

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