Friday, September 25, 2015

AA 757s Do Not Have on board phones

AA 757s Do Not Have on board phones

The 9/11 Phone calls  were 904-555-0004 and Todd Beamer dialed  (200) 200-xxxx which are both impossible. Area code 200 does not exist and 555 numbers do not work without 1212... No phones on AA 757's 

Marvin Sirbu said Phone calls were possible but 


2. A call from a plane traveling at 550 mph would need to be transferred to a different cell tower every minute or so, which could explain why some callers were cut off then almost 
immediately re- establish connections

3. " But from the air, phones can have a direct path to antenna configured to receive signals from above.. No Cell tower is configured for 550 mph planes

Post Gazette Publishing Company Sep 13, 2001

Betty Ong 904-555-0004  Amy Sweeney 904-555-0004
source T7-B13-Flight-11-Calls-Fdr-Response-From-DOJ-to-Doc-Req-14-Calls-From-AA-11-and-77-and-UA-175-and-93-ATT-Wireless-UA-And-GTE-Airphone-Call-Record

Barbara Olson 904-555-0004

Keep in mind that
2. you can use the airfone for a free call to the reservations desk.. simply dial **44
3. the Boeing 757 Aircraft Maintenance Manual (757 AMM) dated January 28, 2001. This page states that the passenger phone system for the AA 757 fleet had (by that date) been deactivated.24 According to the 757 AMM, in other words, the onboard phones had been deactivated at least seven and a half months prior to 9/11.
4. Almost since their installation in 1996, we've seen a dramatic decrease in the use of these phones," said American Airlines spokesman Todd Burke, who added that the service averages about three calls a day per aircraft. ZDNet
5. Call Domain on some calls lists OSPS and not Claircom   Jacksonville, FL had a OSPS (904-0T)  6. From 9/11 Insider Confessions The planes could have been made from scratch 1. to make calls 2. to explode with nano materials.. Serials numbers removed and but kept the casting numbers.. 7. We had been notified by the FBI some years ago that the calls made from Flight 11 were charged to our phone calling card,” he [Mike Low] said. ~ Arkansas
(From might only be looking at Barbara Olson 904-555-0004.. Also quora claimed that (904) area code was from Claircom however also made the claim that some other piece of equipment being was used.. The chances decrease as the explanations increase )
"American had turned off the front-end boxes in late 2000 because they were phasing out seatback phones. Since seatback handsets were non-functional, why do we see calls coming through the system? The back-end box had multiple interface jacks for future expansion with things like WiFi. This call came through a box plugged into port 4. This is not speculation, the evidence above says so. That box could only have been a cellular base station called a picocell (aka microcell).

This detail is significant because it proves someone other than the hijackers was involved. That party was either spying on or assisting hijackers. The Claircom box and corresponding Verizon boxes were not accessible from passenger compartments.Someone installed picocells in four planes ahead of time."
From 911blogger Who is completely uninterested in 904-555-0004.. 
" Phone companies have records for phone calls. The FBI obtained call records for all four 9/11 flights (AAL 77 pp. 11-24) as part of its investigation and provided them to the 9/11 Commission. American Airlines phone calls were carried by Claircom. In reviewing these records for AAL 11 and AAL 77, it is seen that all calls from the two AAL flights had 904-555-0004 as the originating number. " 

The airfone system 555 phone number from the seat back phones on both flight 11 and some callers on flight 77 (same number) was never assigned to any company.

The PDF title says "Flight 11 Calls_t7b13.pdf", however it reported on all 23 flight calls so that everything.. Flight 11, 77, 93 and maybe flight 175 all 99% 555 numbers i.e fake as fake can get.

Source of 555 numbers


 "AA automatically records a random number of calls for Customer Service quality control. The SERO system was checked to see if FA Ong's call had been captured in this fashion with negative results. " I.e fake calls..

Flight 11 and Flight 77 calls were all made from 904-555-0004 so I asked Nancy at NANPA for help.. Dear Nancy, "555 numbers are in the format 555-XXXX. The line number (XXXX) indicates the particular information service" Now is the XXXX part a "line number" or is that a "Carrier Identification Code" or are they same thing? Could 555-0004 back in 2001 be a computerized informational service like 555-1212 and what happens when you add 904 to the area code part.. Does that mean it was a local information service.. Dan, There is no relationship between CIC 0004 and Tel. 904-555-0004 (555 line number). NANPA is the administrator of the 555 line number resource. I can confirm to you that Tel. 904-555-0004 is not now, nor has it ever been assigned to any company. Nancy Fears - NANPA Nancy - Therefore the number 904-555-0004 is completely made up? thanks Reply (its not a yes or a no) Dan – PLEASE provide your phone number and I will call you. Sometimes it’s easier to explain things in a telephone conversation as opposed to an email. Thank you. Nancy Fears +Gordon Liddy We spoke.. She said call the Baltimore Sun because they had 555-0004 but not for 904 area code... She said only (area) 555-1212 actually works.. Everything else was assigned but not activated..  I asked her why did the DOJ publish this crap and she said "she had no idea.." my guess is no one reads these documents.
from:Dan xxx
to:Pub Inq Web Mailbox <>
date:Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 2:05 PM
subject:Re: 9/11 Plane Parts Were Shipped Out in Secret using Orange Body Bags

The goal is to send you photos of your own employees at ground zero doing what you reported didn't happen, i.e no document on your public facing website contains this data. The ideas is with these photos in hand you could start asking these employees what really happened. The FBI refuses to say the boxes are missing.. An NTSB employee already said they looked at the data (flight 11 and flight 175) ..All this was undocumented.  A few other interesting data points about the seat back calls from the flights in question (flight 11, 77, 93, 175) from DOJ (documented).. They all seem to match even across different planes.. Even 555 Administrator believes something is not right..

1. Betty Ong 904-555-0004
2. Amy Sweeney 904-555-0004
3. Barbara Olson 904-555-0004
4. Many Others

The airfone system 555 phone number from the seat back phones on both flight 11 and some callers on flight 77 (same number) was never assigned to any company.

Nancy Fears -
NANPA : North American Numbering Plan Administration

What is Hani Hanjour seat number again? 

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