Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mineta Transportation Institute 9/11 Report Recounts Fireballs and Earthquakes BEFORE

South Tower Lobby Witness
Arnold Roma recounts his story of 9/11 when the South Tower collapsed on him and his determined search to locate his son, Keith Roma, who was with Fire Patrol 2 in the North Tower. Music Licensed through Pond5


9/11 Morgan Stanley employees Elevators blowing up before

Jay Jonas Secondary Explosion 9/11 

9/11 Mercury Antimony Oxide http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2014/01/uranium-in-dust-what.html

Brian Michael Jenkins

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M.A. in history, University of California, Los Angeles; B.A. in fine arts, University of California, Los Angeles

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Mineta Transportation Institute 9/11 Report Recounts Fireballs and Earthquakes BEFORE Towers Collapse

 Mineta Transportation Institute Reported 30 Seconds of vibrations
"People inside the South Tower felt the floor vibrate as if a small earthquake were occurring. Instinctively, they sought shelter behind the massive pillars in the lobby, then everything went black. The vibration lasted for about 30 seconds.

The doors were knocked out, and a huge ball of flame created by the exploding diesel fuel from the building’s own supply tank shot from the elevator shaft and out the doors of the South Tower, consuming everything in its path."

Mineta Transportation Institute's 30 Seconds of vibrations BEFORE collapse clearly was not caused by 1. planes 2. fires or  falling debris therefore its something else was used to help the building turn to dust.

this was written by a consultant to RAND corp and KROLL, Brian Jenkins:

this account describes both building 7 tenants, including OEM, DEA, FBI, ATF and CIA -- what was happening at time of WTC1 collapse (10:56am?) -- which was removing of evidence from building -- 

and this curious part in bold face about a diesel-fuel fireball that erupted out of WTC2 lobby.
how does a diesel generator or tank explosion in WTC2 cause a vibration that lasts 30 seconds, then shoots up elevator shaft and out the doors of WTC2 (note that the lobby windows were also broken)/.
then moments later WTC2 collapsed?!
this account does not seem to be present anywhere else /.
how did Biran Jenkins get this information?>

The OEM staff now had to develop responses to what had shortly before seemed unthinkable. As they dispersed to other locations, they observed people jumping to their deaths from the floors of the tower above the fire.

People inside the South Tower felt the floor vibrate as if a small earthquake were occurring. Instinctively, they sought shelter behind the massive pillars in the lobby, then everything went black. The vibration lasted for about 30 seconds. The doors were knocked out, and a huge ball of flame created by the exploding diesel fuel from the building's own supply tank shot from the elevator shaft and out the doors of the South Tower, consuming everything in its path. Minutes later, at 9:59 A.M., the tower collapsed.

Fortunately, the NYPD Command and Control Center was operational. MTA sent representatives to maintain continuity of communications. Almost immediately, the MTA representatives began coordinating the provision of buses to move military personnel and provide temporary shelters. Personal relationships developed during prior emergencies enhanced interagency coordination.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey had representatives at the NYPD Command and Control Center, and activated its own Emergency Operations Center (EOC). It also sent representatives to the NYC OEM in its temporary location.

Was George Tabeek, a witness to another fireball and another 30 seconds of earthquakes referenced in the MTI report?

George Tabeek

"You’re hearing the rumble and you don’t see a thing. Everything is shaking around you.  building is pulling me in"

"Then all the sudden I get hit with a blast of heat like I was being burnt in an oven — like a sun’s rays just hitting you "


Eye witness accounts that support the Mineta Transportation Institute Report

1. Linda Raisch-Lopez "The building was vibrating "
2. EMT RUSSELL HARRIS I looked at the building and it started vibrating
3. EMT JOHN ROTHMUND "The noise and the vibrations."
4. CHARLES WELLS "- a very strong vibration, shaking, and a
loud noise like a subway train coming through a station
at speed,"
5. LIEUTENANT DANIEL WILLIAMS "I heard a deep rumbling, and I felt vibrations."

Hour Later Big Big Explosion

Question about MTI Lesson Learned,

"People inside the South Tower felt the floor vibrate as if a small earthquake were occurring. Instinctively, they sought shelter behind the massive pillars in the lobby, then everything went black. The vibration lasted for about 30 seconds.

The doors were knocked out, and a huge ball of flame created by the exploding diesel fuel from the building’s own supply tank shot from the elevator shaft and out the doors of the South Tower, consuming everything in its path.

Do you have a source for the above statement? Thanks Dan

Which research report are you referencing? We have many.


Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks

""People inside the South Tower felt the floor vibrate as if a small earthquake were occurring. Instinctively, they sought shelter behind the massive pillars in the lobby, then everything went black. The vibration lasted for about 30 seconds.

The doors were knocked out, and a huge ball of flame created by the exploding diesel fuel from the building’s own supply tank shot from the elevator shaft and out the doors of the South Tower, consuming everything in its path."
Does someone know name of this witness?


Hello Dan... That report came from people inside the lobby who successfully evacuated the building. Those who were outside the building also felt the vibration as it passed through the ground.
If I recall correctly from my master's degree classes, there were several diesel tanks stored on the building roof as a precaution following the previous bombing attempt in the underground garage. It was believed that the fuel would be safer on the roof. However, when the planes hit, their own jet fuel combined with the building's diesel supply to rain down a mixture that created an inferno. That fireball, at least in part, brought down the structure.
People died not only from the explosion and demolition, but also from less likely causes, such as concussion shock waves, which traveled into tunnels that otherwise remained relatively intact.
I hope that answers your question.

 I am interested in "That report came from (last few) people inside the lobby who successfully evacuated the building." this is a few minutes before collapse and does not have anything to do with the planes.. Not 56 minutes later at 9:02-9:04.. So only the last few people who left the towers..

Do you happen to know who the last few people were to leave the South towers? I remember one women who fell into a elevator shaft because the ground was moving so much.. However she got out.. I wonder if she was one of these witnesses.. 

Hi Dan. I do not know who those people were.


    Who wrote the report because 30 seconds of earthquakes, and then a fireball from basement explosion and then a few minutes lapsed and then collapse is pretty amazing.. Maybe its from NYPD reports.. Did you know about this before? 

Can you ask the person or person who wrote the report? 

Dan, I am not sure what you are getting at. If you need a minute-by-minute analysis, you will have to find the agency that may have those kinds of details. I do not know who that may be, but I would start with the office of emergency services in NYC or a similar agency that did a detailed investigation.

   I am referring to the stories inside "Lessons Learned.." which did offer
minute-by-minute analysis of the final moments of the South Tower.
I am wondering how it was compiled, who the author was and which witnesses did he use..


  1. I get the impression Donna is being careful not to say something that could get her labeled as a "conspiracy theorist". Even though she did call it a "demolition" which is stopping an inch short of calling it a controlled demo. I assume this is her work email & those are usually monitored by employers.

    1. +Gordon She wrote back with some B.S. here is the last message
      "I will forward your questions to the authors. They are currently out of the country."

      "demolition" was a slip of the tongue..

      Donna, By the way, have you searched the 7060 pages 9/11 Oral histories for witness verifying the official account of plane #1 or plane #2?

      Can you believe it, I can't find a single witness!

      I found two people who spoke about plane #2 in oral histories, however the first one spoke about a military plane first and the other gave the flight number and did not describe the plane directly from the Brooklyn Bridge.

      These are sum total of witnesses

      O'Flaherty, Brian (pdf file) Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 1/9/02
      Darnowski, Kevin (pdf file) Paramedic (E.M.S.) 11/9/01

      7060 Oral History Joined PDF

  2. I hope the http://www.911truth.org
    & http://www.ae911truth.org forwarded all of this important !
