Sunday, March 6, 2016

NTSB was working in stealth mode at Ground Zero

Someone left a message for NTSB
The photos below shows the local police and NTSB working together around the FBI who hijacked the investigation and blocked hard evidence analysis.. As soon as the FBI ended their investigation the NTSB should have gotten full access and exposed the crimes and cover up by the FBI. NTSB hides behind the fact the FBI had "the lead" but that concept of "the lead" ended at some point..

"Investigations Involving Criminal Activity

In cases of suspected criminal activity, other agencies may participate in the investigation. The Safety Board does not investigate criminal activity; in the past, once it has been established that a transportation tragedy is, in fact, a criminal act, the FBI becomes the lead federal investigative body, with the NTSB providing any requested support. 
The NTSB never picked up the case after the FBI ended their investigation.. "Please contact the FBI" makes no sense.. because they are ones covering up for someone...

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