Sunday, July 31, 2016

Why didn't more people use the Standpipe and Fire Hoses In World Trade Center during 911

World Trade Center 911 Standpipe and Fire Hose
Why didn't more people use the Standpipe and Fire Hoses In World Trade Center during 911 I don't recall a single FF fighting a single fire on 9/11 inside Tower 1,2 or 7.. Private citizens took lines from Stairwell A and used the Standpipe fought the fires . Each stairway had a standpipe. I don't know how many lines they had.. Oral Histories has few comments. Escape from Tower One by Marianne Millnamow Page 28 "I found two men WITH HOSES (not FF) trying to extinguish the blase, North Tower Stairway A 77th floor 9:00AM. W. GREEN THAT FIRST TEN STORIES THE WATER WAS FALLING DOWN LIKE RAPIDS ANKLE DEEP JAMES MURPHY The sprinkler systems were going, and everything was wet, the sprinkler systems worked fine, the big system W. WALSH SOME WATER COMING DOWN THE STAIRS ASSUME THAT THIS WATER WAS EITHER BROKEN STANDPIPES OR SPRINKLER PIPES THAT HAD GONE OFF The WTC Missing volunteer fire fighting force The Floor Warden

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