"Richard Lee Armitage (born April 26, 1945) is an American former naval officer who served ... In late 1980, Armitage became a foreign policy advisor to Republican President-elect Ronald Reagan."
Riddle: Who Was This Who Confessed to knowing details about Nano Thermite from the Reagan Administration?
washingtontimes "Four Jewish crime syndicates"
I wonder who the "four Jewish crime syndicates” carried out the Sept. 11 attacks." are ? the Purple Gang is one.. Who are the others ? How come they know something we don't? Who can we ask? Norm chomsky talked about "the master" so a master controls the "Jewish crime syndicates”? Who is that? Is it the same guy who confessed (below) to knowing a small part of 9/11 also "the master"?
Inkjet Printing of Nanocomposite High-Explosive Materials
World Trade Center Pyrotechnical Insider Confession
Hey so I work at a very prestigious hospital... I ran into someone who was under a little sedation and spilled ALOT of info.... Lets just say he has blood ties to some very prominent figures..9/11 and cancer research Separate instances... Info about 9/11 & cancer research using nano technology..... Lets just say his wife's blood line rhymes with the name meagan ... This gentleman was the consultant on the Star Wars project....Yes I'll never forget it Dude was part of the Reagan administration.. He mentioned thermite explosives He also spoke about nano technology being used to cure cancer Dude said a lot more he was obviously under the effects of pain killers so stuff was defiantly flying out... I didn't want to write anything down as u was kinda afraid after the case In fact talking on here Prob isn't such a good idea..This guy worked on the starwars project when Reagan was in office he went on to say the planes where flown into the towers and the was thermite on board the planes.... It was strange to me why after he said that he started talking about nano technology and how they are using it to cure cancer.... Maybe because really what it was is that the thermite was delivered to the towers via nano drones? It's possible... I mean the guy was out of it all hooped up in diauladid....
My Guess is George P. Shultz
Bacteria Are Turned Into Nanobots Inside The Body To “Fight Cancer” [A GeoEngineering connection/Videos]
- December 22, 2012
12/22, 2:19pm
Does he she know Sam Cohen or Joe Douglas?
or is this about Media hoax 9/11 cancer not linked?
- January 12, 2015
- January 13, 2015
- January 13, 2015
He mentioned thermite explosives
He also spoke about nano technology being used to cure cancer
Dude said a lot more he was obviously under the effects of pain killers so stuff was defiantly flying out... I didn't want to write anything down as u was kinda afraid after the case
In fact talking on here Prob isn't such a good idea
That's pretty cool stuff. A positive and a negative. Both technologies use nano materials like carbon nanotubes both thermite and cancer. I played around with thermite myself but not cancer. I don't think anyone cares right now about Sept 11th, but it would nice to all the details. Clintis Curtis came forward against voter fraud and nothing happened and he wrote the program. I discovered strange plane photo on 9/11 again nothing happened. larry silverstein said he "pulled" the building, again nothing happened no investigation. I would not be too worried at this point. The FBI didn't investigate, NTSB nope, Justice Dept was making payments to most of "terrorist" that we know about. To give you a better idea, here is a few clips in one video about the corruption we face.
- January 14, 2015
I would love to see the uncut version of 24 hours. I found this little gem.
This guy worked on the starwars project when Reagan was in office he went on to say the planes where flown into the towers and the was thermite on board the planes.... It was strange to me why after he said that he started talking about nano technology and how they are using it to cure cancer.... Maybe because really what it was is that the thermite was delivered to the towers via nano drones? It's possible... I mean the guy was out of it all hooped up in diauladid....
Nano drones for cancer sounds like that would work. Is the guy dead now? He might of tried confessing but no ones listening. People confessed to JFK and nothing changed. Here's a guy who spoke with Lee Harvey Oswald seconds after the shooting
- January 14, 2015
I know Dan I 100% agree.. It's all self interest and conflicts of interest among the ELITE.... The sheep want to keep on watching there football & paying there taxes while driving gas guzzling SUV's ... I get it 9/11 is a fucking joke no doubt.... The problem is trying to sway the brainwashed population... It's not going to happen. So what do I do? I keep my guns loaded go to work make $ and try to raise my kids to see through the bullshit while understanding they need to build a foundation so they aren't the sheep.... So they can be the ones making policy and exposing the "bad" people.
- January 14, 2015
- January 14, 2015
12/22, 2:19pm
Does he she know Sam Cohen or Joe Douglas?
or is this about Media hoax 9/11 cancer not linked?
He mentioned thermite explosives
He also spoke about nano technology being used to cure cancer
Dude said a lot more he was obviously under the effects of pain killers so stuff was defiantly flying out... I didn't want to write anything down as u was kinda afraid after the case
In fact talking on here Prob isn't such a good idea
That's pretty cool stuff. A positive and a negative. Both technologies use nano materials like carbon nanotubes both thermite and cancer. I played around with thermite myself but not cancer. I don't think anyone cares right now about Sept 11th, but it would nice to all the details. Clintis Curtis came forward against voter fraud and nothing happened and he wrote the program. I discovered strange plane photo on 9/11 again nothing happened. larry silverstein said he "pulled" the building, again nothing happened no investigation. I would not be too worried at this point. The FBI didn't investigate, NTSB nope, Justice Dept was making payments to most of "terrorist" that we know about. To give you a better idea, here is a few clips in one video about the corruption we face.
I would love to see the uncut version of 24 hours. I found this little gem.
This guy worked on the starwars project when Reagan was in office he went on to say the planes where flown into the towers and the was thermite on board the planes.... It was strange to me why after he said that he started talking about nano technology and how they are using it to cure cancer.... Maybe because really what it was is that the thermite was delivered to the towers via nano drones? It's possible... I mean the guy was out of it all hooped up in diauladid....
Nano drones for cancer sounds like that would work. Is the guy dead now? He might of tried confessing but no ones listening. People confessed to JFK and nothing changed. Here's a guy who spoke with Lee Harvey Oswald seconds after the shooting
I know Dan I 100% agree.. It's all self interest and conflicts of interest among the ELITE.... The sheep want to keep on watching there football & paying there taxes while driving gas guzzling SUV's ... I get it 9/11 is a fucking joke no doubt.... The problem is trying to sway the brainwashed population... It's not going to happen. So what do I do? I keep my guns loaded go to work make $ and try to raise my kids to see through the bullshit while understanding they need to build a foundation so they aren't the sheep.... So they can be the ones making policy and exposing the "bad" people.
The TEM analysis paralleled the light microscope results with additional chemical signatures of silicates, kaolinclays, pigments (TiO2), calcites, dolomites, carbonates, metal complexes (sub-micron chromium, aluminum/iron matrices), and chrysotile asbestos.
Nanoengineered explosives
Nanoengineered Reactive Materials and Their Combustion and Synthesis: Yetter Part 1
The fire department produce exactly one video of fire fighting activities. That one video shows strange reactions and secondary reactions never before seen.. If fire fighters have recorded these reactions please leave links below..
thermite or no thermite?
https://off-guardian.org/2016/09/25/jones-harrit-mohr-millette-the-red-gray-chips/comment-page-1/#comment-42727Mark Basile http://www.markbasile.org/Mark Basile Project Status - August 2014.pdf
Steven Jones To Frank Greening
PS -- some time ago, we crushed a concrete sample obtained from the WTC rubble, used magnetic concentration, and looked for iron-rich spheres. There were NONE found.
A fellow with the username "Crazy Chainsaw" posted via the JREF forum on 12-26:
A fellow with the username "Crazy Chainsaw" posted via the JREF forum on 12-26:
Chat Conversation Start
You and Lenny Mulhern aren't connected on Facebook
Lives in Oceanside, New York
Lenny do you have any more 9/11 videos?
FireFighters Verses Active Thermitic Material on Fire Truck
Fire Fighters Verses Ground Zero Thermite Fire on Fire Truck Nano Thermite Confession thermite Matrix Firefighters Verses Thermite Confession http://911truth...
Lenny Mulhern accepted your request.
I just saw your request, I have a 48 minute video. I do not know how much you saw, if you are still interested you can call me at 516-325-5924.
Lenny Mulhern
Are the fires normal? Is the 48 video online?
Talking on the phone may not be a good idea. After all none of the videos were released for a reason..
The first 24 hours 9/11 Nano
Source of video is "9 11 Documentaries Videos WTC The First 24 Hours 2002" http://www.thefirst24hours.com/ other sources Seattle Arsonist - Unsolved Mysterie...
What does your 48 video show and how can I review it? Can you burn it and send to me 37 sunny road St. James NY 11780?
Tritium Studies? Tritium should not have been found at all.
"Since 1910, when a chemistry instructor, the Rev. Edward P. Tivnan, installed a seismograph in the basement of the administration building, Fordham has been the site of the oldest seismic station in New York City." So what did it record on 9/11?http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/20/nyregion/20quake.html?_r=0
The vibrations were picked up on Fordham’s seismometer. Its readings are displayed on a computer in a storage room of Freeman Hall and then relayed over the Internet.. What did these reading say about 9/11?
9-11 An Analysis of the us geological survey
9-11 An Analysis of the us geological survey
Seismic Studies @BRNJ shows more explosions then @PAL why does no one bother to look?
http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=231314 Millette found no nanothermite
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOzh5CbLqBw Mark Basile finds nanothermite
http://www.markbasile.org/ Mark Basile explodes red chips demonstrates nanothermite
http://www.darksideofgravity.com/marseille_gb.pdf Independent study finds nanothermite
https://www.metabunk.org/sk/7TOCPJ.pdf Harrit et al finds nanothermite
Steel Wool?
One enterprising investigator considered the idea that burning steel wool could create iron microspheres. Very clever, but with obvious problems. See the video of their efforts here:
STEEL WOOL experiment used to debunk nanothermite in iron spheres is debunked
The problems are twofold:
(1) The iron microspheres created by burning steel wool have horns -- pieces of the steel threads sticking out of them. These aren't found in the 9/11 dust.
(2) If the thousands of metric tons of iron microspheres were to come from burning steel wool, then there would have to have been thousands of metric tons of steel wool within the fires of the two towers. This proves to be a very unrealistic expectation. It's unlikely that either of the airplanes carried thousands of tons of steel wool for whatever purpose. And that much steel wool is not usually found in the normal business office.
Controlled Demolition?
The only other likely source of iron microspheres is the controlled demolition using thermite or thermate. These use iron oxide (rust) and aluminum. Aluminum is far hungrier for oxygen than iron, so it steals the oxygen creating intense heat, aluminum oxide and elemental iron (metallic). The heat frequently reaches 4500F degrees, far above the 2800F degree melting point, and only 682F degrees below iron's boiling point. Because of the explosive expansion of gases and the constituent materials, reacting thermite will sputter explosively, forcing the iron into the air as tiny droplets -- aerosolized.
Well that was logical failure of yours because the monuments are coated and sealed via clear coat so here we go again off the red herring of thermite that did not exists. Rustproofing is applied before shipping steel so don't go off into 911trurher fantasyland like the whole report you posted does. Yep false confessions with no physical proof and of course this is another paid speaker so he has to make a convincing backstory yes the problem is paint burns when placed in a flame
" monuments are coated and sealed via clear coat"
No they are NOT..
1. Who said they are covered 9/11 memorial columns clear coat?
2. Why does clear coat stop you gathering samples of Rust-proofing?
3. Who said USGS was looking for rust chips?
4. Why did the chips explode?
5. Who is a paid speaker you speak of?
6. Who said "Rustproofing is applied before shipping steel"
7. Why were columns rusty after 9/11 and why did rust-proofing fail?
8. Does rust effect strength levels?
physical proof YES (silver red chips which explode)
confessions YES
Videos YES
William Tucker: Flights 11, 77 and 175 were not scheduled to fly that day and Flight 93 landed and was evacuated in Cleveland. These are hard facts that can be researched and verified. That you do not know this proves the media and airlines are 100% under the control.of the federal government. Ted Olson was not happily married to Barbara Olson. Look him up. It was technically IMPOSSIBLE for him to receive the phone calls he claimed to get from Barbara. A few months later he was married to his 3rd wife and living in a mansion in California that an honest lifetime government lawyer could never afford. Just like J.D. Tippit's murder is the key to solving the JFK assassination, Barbara Olson's disappearance (and possible murdet) is the key to solving 9/11. Ted wanted to get rid of her. Watch his lying about her phone calls and absurd reason for why she took the flight that never existed. He acts like a cold-hearted killer. Also, if you have the time look up the list of passengers of Flight 77. They could not have been on the plane because it never took off and it did not crash into the Pentagon FOR CERTAIN. The official Pentagon 9/11 memorial website is creepy. It is sterile and cold. Look up some of the stories of the "victims". I did one day and it will convince you that it's all a con job. All of the "survivors" talk like fake Sandy Hook and Orlando night club fakers. They say things like "so-and-so would not want people to become angry", "so-and-so was so loving and kind and would want us to celebrate life". It is not at all like real 9/11 victims' survivors like the firefighter widows. They were sad and mad and had to be paid off ($7 billion) to keep them quiet. I personally think that the few real passengers involved were murdered. There has been no explanation of the passengers of the real Flight 93 after they were taken to a "disused NASA hangar". Why would you ever take passengers to a NASA hangar? Who ordered them to be taken there? Who took them? What happened at the hangar? Why has there been zero interest from the media in reporting on this? It was a commercial airline's flight. Do they not know what happened to their flight? The mayor of Cleveland who witnessed the "emergency landing" of Flight 93 is now dead. He wasn't old or sickly. Why is he dead? The woman whose last name was Sweeney whispers at the end of her crystal clear cell phone call "it's a frame". Cell phone alls could not be made from jets in 2001. When it became possible in 2004 the calls are characterized (and still are) by a flooding background noise which is the sound of the jet. The passengers of Flight 93 appear to have been forced to make calls. They apparently were then murdered. They may have been placed aboard another plane that was then crashed into the woods a few miles from the faked hole in the ground that is supposedly the Shanksville crash site. But few people are aware that a second crash site was discovered a few miles from the official hole in the ground. Reporters were banned from the second site. Residents reported seeing multiple planes on 9/11. Cognitive dissonance keeps the overwhelming majority from even considering the idea of a government false flag. And so the false flags continue to dictate policy and public opinion on terrorism, gun rights, gay rights and freedoms of speech and religion. The federal government has been run by rogues in the Secret Service, CIA and military since Nov 23, 1963. ISIS is a product of these rogues. Bin Laden was in dialysis on 9/11. Rumsfeld announced a $2 trillion defense department "discrepancy" on 9/10/2001. On 9/11/2001 no one dared ask about the budget "discrepancy". The Pentagon employees who died on 9/11 were predominantly from the office of finance and budget. Just coincidences?
Chat Conversation Start
Daniel...please read the link below. I tried for 4 years to get the FBI involved in several cases without success.
Who do you think confessed to 9/11?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opg3GMOKOs0 9/11 Hijackers At Dulles international Airport Sept 10th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-SbvVrorw4 Fairbanks University agrees with 9/11 Truth, We Won! Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcvA-bCSzzw 9/11 PNAC Victim Purse Found 501 FEET AWAY Years Later Deutsche Bank Building https://youtu.be/v5llZbIIq-o September 11 Attack Pager Intercepts Operation Phoenix Larry Silverstein said he redesigned WTC 7 a year before 9/11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKbLhkslNcQ Sandy Hook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYOGpoUU71M |
DAn, the woman who called was CeeCee Lyles, NOT Sweeney.
ReplyDeleteInteresting theory. Probably true, or close to it.