Sunday, May 28, 2017

Unaccounted for 9-11 September 11th FDNY

Unaccounted for

Top row, from left are: Joseph Agnello, Lad. 118; Lt. Brian Ahearn, Bat. 013; Richard Allen, Lad. 015; Cpt. James Amato, Sqd. 001; Calixto Anaya Jr., Eng. 004; Joseph Angelini Jr., Lad. 004. Bottom row, from left are: Faustino Apostol Jr., Bat. 002; David Arce, Eng. 033; Carl Asaro, Bat. 009; Lt. Gregg Atlas, Eng. 010; Gerald Atwood, Lad. 021; Gerard Baptiste, Lad. 009. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: AC. Gerard Barbara, CMDCTR; Matthew Barnes, Lad. 025; Arthur Barry, Lad. 015; Lt. Steven Bates, Eng. 235; Carl Bedigan, Eng. 214, Stephen Belson, Bat. 007. Bottom row, from left are: John Bergin, Res. 005, Paul Beyer, Eng. 006, Peter Bielfeld, Lad. 042, Brian Bilcher, Sqd. 001, Carl Bini, Res. 005, Christopher Blackwell, Res. 003. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Michael Bocchino, Bat. 048; Frank Bonomo, Eng. 230; Gary Box, Sqd. 001; Michael Boyle, Eng. 33; Kevin Bracken, Eng. 040; Michael Brennan, Lad. 004. Bottom row, from left are: Peter Brennan, Res. 004; Cpt. Patrick Brown, Lad. 003; Cpt. Vincent Brunton, Lad. 105; Ronald Bucca, SCTFAD; Greg Buck, Eng. 201; Cpt. William Burke Jr., Eng. 021. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: AC. Donald Burns, CMDCTR; John Burnside, Lad. 020; Thomas Butler, Sqd. 001; Patrick Byrne, Lad. 101; George Cain, Lad. 007; Salvatore Calabro, Lad. 101. Bottom row, from left are: Cpt. Frank Callahan, Lad. 035; Michael Cammarata, Lad. 011; Brian Cannizzaro, Lad. 101; Dennis Carey, HMC 001; Michael Carlo, Eng. 230; Michael Carroll, Lad. 003. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Thomas Casoria, Eng. 022; Michael Cawley, Lad. 136; Vernon Cherry, Lad. 118; Nicholas Chiofalo, Eng. 235; John Chipura, Eng. 219; Michael Clarke, Lad. 002. Bottom row, from left are: Steven Coakley, Eng. 217; Tarel Coleman, Sqd. 252; John Collins, Lad. 025; Robert Cordice, Sqd. 001; Ruben Correa, Eng. 074; James Coyle, Lad. 003. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Robert Crawford, SFTYB1; Lt. John Crisci, HAZMAT; Thomas Cullen, III, Sqd. 041; Lt. Edward Datri, Sqd. 001; Michael D'Auria, Eng. 040; Scott Davidson, Lad.118. Bottom row, from left are: Edward Day, Lad. 011; BC. Thomas DeAngelis, Bat. 008; Manuel Delvalle, Eng. 005; Martin DeMeo, HMC. 001; David DeRubbio, Eng. 226; BC. Dennis Devlin, Bat. 009. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Gerard Dewan, Lad. 003; George DiPasquale, Lad. 002; Lt. Kevin Donnelly, Lad. 003; Lt. Kevin Dowdell, Res. 004; BC. Raymond Downey, SOC; Gerard Duffy, Lad. 021. Bottom row, from left are: Michael Elferis, Eng. 022; Lt. Michael Esposito, Sqd. 001; Francis Esposito, Eng. 235; Robert Evans, Eng. 033; BC. John Fanning, HAZMOP; Cpt. Thomas Farino, Eng. 026. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Terrence Farrell, Res. 004; Cpt. Joseph Farrelly, Div. 001; Lee Fehling, Eng. 235; Alan Feinberg, Bat. 009; Michael Fiore, Res. 005; Lt. John Fischer, Lad. 020. Bottom row, from left are: Andre Fletcher, Res. 005; John Florio, Eng. 214; Lt. Michael Fodor, Lad. 021; Thomas Foley, Res. 003; David Fontana, Sqd. 001; Robert Foti, Lad. 007. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Andrew Fredericks, Sqd. 018; Lt. Peter Freund, Eng. 055; Thomas Gambino, Jr., Res. 003; Lt. Charles Garbarini, Bat. 009; Thomas Gardner, Hmc. 001; Matthew Garvey, Sqd. 001. Bottom row, from left are: Bruce Gary, Eng. 040; Gary Geidel, Res. 001; BC. Edward Geraghty, Bat. 009; Denis Germain, Lad. 002; Lt. Vincent Giammona, Lad. 005; James Giberson, Lad. 035. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Ronnie Gies, Sqd. 288; Paul Gill, Eng. 054; Lt. John Ginley, Eng. 040; Jeffrey Giordano, Lad. 003; John Giordano, Hmc. 001; Keith Glascoe, Lad. 021. Bottom row, from left are: James Gray, Lad. 020; BC. Joseph Grzelak, Bat. 048; Jose Guadalupe, Eng. 054; Lt. Joseph Gullickson, Lad. 101; David Halderman, Sqd. 018; Lt. Vincent Halloran, Lad. 008.(AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Robert Hamilton, Sqd. 041; Dana Hannon, Eng 026; Daniel Harlin, Lad. 002; Lt. Harvey Harrell, Res. 005; Lt. Stephen Harrell, Bat. 007; Cpt. Thomas Haskell, Jr., Div. 015. Bottom row, from left are: Cpt. Terence Hatton, Res. 001; Michael Haub, Lad. 004; Lt. Michael Healey, Sqd. 041; John Heffernan, Lad 011; Ronnie Henderson, Eng. 279; Joseph Henry, Lad. 021. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Thomas Hetzel, Lad. 013; Cpt. Brian Hickey, Res. 004; Lt. Timothy Higgins, SOC.; Jonathan Hohmann, Hmc. 001; Thomas Holohan, Eng. 006; Joseph Hunter. Sqd. 288. Bottom row, from left are: Jonathan Ielpi, Sqd. 288; Cpt. Frederick Ill Jr., Lad. 002; William Johnston, Eng. 006; Andrew Jordan, Lad. 132; Karl Joseph, Eng. 207; Lt. Anthony Jovic, Bat. 047. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Angel Juarbe, Jr., Lad. 012; Vincent Kane, Eng. 022; BC. Charles Kasper, BATSOC; Paul Keating, Lad. 005; Richard Kelly, Jr., Lad. 011; Thomas Kelly, Lad. 105. Bottom row, from left are: Thomas W. Kelly, Lad. 015; Thomas Kennedy, Lad. 101; Lt. Ronald Kerwin, Sqd. 288; Michael Kiefer, Lad. 132; Robert King, Jr., Eng. 033; Scott Kopytko, Lad. 015. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: William Krukowski, Lad. 021; Kenneth Kumpel, Lad. 025; Thomas Kuveikis, Sqd. 252; David LaForge, Lad. 020; William Lake, Res. 002; Robert Lane, Eng. 055. Bottom row, from left are: Peter Langone, Sqd. 252; Scott Larsen, Lad. 015; Lt. Joseph Leavey, Eng. 015; Neil Leavy, Eng. 217; Daniel Libretti, Res. 002; Par. Carlos Lillo, 7981.(AP Photo)

Robert Linnane, Lad. 020. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Michael Lynch, Eng. 040; Michael Lynch, Lad. 004; Michael Lyons, Sqd. 041; Patrick Lyons, Sqd. 252; Joseph Maffeo, Lad. 101; William Mahoney, Res. 004; Bottom row, from left are: B.C. Joseph Marchbanks Jr., Bat. 012; Lt. Charles Margiotta, Bat. 022; Kenneth Marino, Res. 001; John Marshall, Eng. 023; Lt. Peter Martin, Res. 002; Lt. Paul Martini, Eng. 201.

Top row, from left are: Joseph Mascali, TSU2; Keithroy Maynard, Eng. 033; Brian McAleese, Eng. 226; John McAvoy, Lad. 003; Thomas McCann, Bat. 008; Lt. William McGinn, Sqd. 018. Bottom row, from left are: Dennis McHugh, Lad. 013; Robert McMahon Lad. 020; Robert McPadden, Eng. 023; Terence McShane, Lad. 101; Timothy McSweeney, Lad. 003; Raymond Meisenheimer, Res. 003. (AP Photo)

Top row from left: Charles Mendez, Lad. 7; Steve Mercado, Eng. 40; Douglas Miller, Res. 5; Henry Miller Jr., Lad. 105; Robert Minara, Lad. 25; Thomas Mingione, Lad. 132. Bottom row from left: Lt. Paul Mitchell, Bat. 1; Capt. Louis Modafferi, Res. 5; Carl Molinaro, Lad. 2; Michael Montesi, Res. 1; Capt. Thomas Moody, Div. 1; BC John Moran, Bat. 49. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Vincent Morello, Lad. 035; Christopher Mozzillo, Eng. 055; Richard Muldowney Jr., Lad. 007; Michael Mullan, Lad. 012; Dennis Mulligan, Lad. 002; Lt. Raymond Murphy, Lad. 016. Bottom row, from left are: Lt. Robert Nagel, Eng. 058; John Napolitano, Res. 002; Peter Nelson, Res. 004; Gerard Nevins, Res. 001; Dennis O'berg, Lad. 105; Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan, Lad. 004. (AP Photo)

Top row from left: Douglas Oelschlager, Lad. 15; Joseph Ogren, Lad. 3; Lt. Thomas O'Hagan, Bat. 4; Samuel Oitice, Lad. 4; Patrick O'Keefe, Res. 1; Capt. William O'Keefe, Div. 15. Bottom row from left: Eric Olsen, Lad. 15; Jeffrey Olsen, Eng. 10; Steven Olson, Lad 3; Kevin O'Rourke, Res. 2; Michael Otten, Lad. 35. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Jeffrey Palazzo, Res. 005; Orio Palmer, Bat. 007; Frank Palombo, Lad. 105; Paul Pansini, Eng. 010; BC John Paolillo, Bat. 011; James Pappageorge, Eng. 023. Bottom row, from left are: Robert Parro, Eng. 008; Durrell Pearsall, Res. 004; Lt. Glenn Perry, Bat. 012; Lt. Philip Petti, Bat. 007; Kevin Pfeifer. Eng. 033; Lt. Kenneth Phelan, Bat. 032. (AP Photo)

Top row, from left are: Christopher Pickford, Eng. 201; Shawn Powell, Eng. 207; Vincent Princiotta, Lad. 007; Kevin Prior, Sqd. 252; Lincoln Quappe, Res. 002; Michael Quilty, Lad. 011. Bottom row, from left are: PAR. Ricardo Quinn, 7990; Leonard Ragaglia, Eng. 054; Michael Ragusa, Eng. 279; Edward Rall, RES002; Adam Rand, Sqd. 288; Donald Regan, Res. 003. (AP Photo)

Top row from left: Lt. Robert Regan, Lad. 118; Christian Regenhard, Lad. 131; Kevin Reilly, Eng. 207; Lt. Vernon Richard, Lad. 7; James Riches, Eng. 4; Joseph Rivelli Jr., Lad. 25. Bottom row from left: Michael Roberts, Eng. 214; Michael Roberts, Lad. 35; Anthony Rodriguez, Eng. 279; Matthew Rogan, Lad. 11; Nicholas Rossomando, Res. 5; Paul Ruback, Lad. 25. (AP Photo)

Top row from left: Stephen Russell, Eng. 55; Lt. Michael Russo, SOC; BC Matthew Ryan, Bat. 1; Thomas Sabella, Lad. 13; Christopher Santora Eng. 54; Gregory Saucedo, Lad. 5. Bottom row from left: Dennis Scauso, HMC 1; John Schardt, Eng. 201; BC Fred Scheffold, Bat. 12; Thomas Schoales, Eng. 4; Gerard Schrang, Res. 3; Gregory Sikorsky, Sqd. 41. (AP Photo)

Top row from left: Stephen Siller, Sqd. 1; Stanley Smagala Jr., Eng. 226; Kevin Smith, HMC 1; Leon Smith Jr., Lad. 118; Robert Spear Jr., Eng. 26; Joseph Spor, Res. 3. Bottom row from left: BC Lawrence Stack, Bat. 50; Gregory Stajk, Lad. 13; Jeffrey Stark, Eng. 230; Benjamin Suarez, Lad. 21; Lt. Christopher Sullivan, Lad. 111; Brian Sweeney, Res. 1. (AP Photo)

Top row from left: Sean Tallon, Lad. 10; Allan Tarasiewicz, Res. 5; Paul Tegtmeier, Eng. 4; John Tierney, Lad. 9; John Tipping II, Lad. 4; Hector Tirado Jr., Eng. 23. Bottom row from left: Richard Van Hine, Sqd. 41; Peter Vega, Lad. 118; Lawrence Veling, Eng. 235; John Vigiano II, Lad. 132; Sergio Villanueva, Lad. 132; Lt. Robert Wallace, Eng. 205. (AP Photo)

Top row from left: Jeffrey Walz, Lad. 9; Capt. Patrick Waters, SOC; Kenneth Watson, , Eng. 214; David Weiss, Res. 1; Timothy Welty, Sqd. 288. Bottom row from left: Eugene Whelan, Eng. 230; Edward White, Eng. 230; Mark Whitford, Eng. 23; Capt. David Wooley, Lad. 4. (AP Photo)


Undated handout New York Police Department photos, Top row from left: Sgt. John Coughlin, ESS-4; Sgt. Michael Curtin, ESS-2; John Dallara, ESS-2; Vincent Danz, ESS-3. Bottom row from left: Jerome Dominguez, ESS-3; Stephen Driscoll, ESS-4; Mark Ellis, TD-4; Robert Fazio, 13th Precinct. (AP Photo)

Undated handout New York Police Department photos, top row from left: Sgt. Rodney Gillis, ESS-8; Ronald Kloepfer, ESS-7; Thomas Langone, ESS-10; James Leahy, 6th Precinct. Bottom row from left: Brian McDonnell, ESS-1; John Perry, 40th Precinct; Glen Pettit, Police Academy; Det. Claude Richards, Bomb Squad. (AP Photo)

Undated handout New York Police Department photos, top row from left: Sgt. Timothy Roy, Traffic Division; Moira Smith, 13th Precinct; Ramon Suarez, TD-4; Paul Talty, ESS-10. Bottom row from left: Santos Valentin, ESS-7; Det. Joseph Vigiano, ESS-3; Walter Weaver, ESS-3. (AP Photo)

Flight 11 Broadcasting In the clear

Air traffic controllers could have assigned 7500 hijack to each flight and report that Flight 11 was off course starting at 8:14 after the right turn was not corrected. What the ATC should have known that no scrambles were possible during the summer of threat of 2001 after the hijack procedure was adjusted to slow mode. The FAA needed to follow was a Coup Protocol drill and contacted the Canadian Air Force.

Broadcasting In the clear page 259 code word possible hijacker NOT in the cockpit.

Touching history assessment for 7500 HIJK

 "Are you broadcasting in the clear"
 "Delta 1989 is broadcasting in the clear"

Flight 11 should have been given HIJK 7500 assignment starting at 8:14 when Flight 11 continued on its 20 degree right path. Also ATC  wrongly assumed NORDO condition because flight 11 was not squawking 7600.. 

"controllers shall assign Code 7500 to the aircraft" AFIO (Authority For Intercept Operations) was never declared i.e squawk AFIO, “quad sevens,” 7777" FAA will control an intercept unless APIO is declared. 2

AA 11 Pilot Talking 9:33

He said the pilot on American 11 was talking to him, having a rough time telling him what's going on. There was threats in the cockpit being made. This was the initial—hijack information that we got on American 11, the 767 from Boston to Los Angeles. Proposed route—he was headed towards JFK at the time that they lost contact. But that was not the aircraft headed—into the World Trade Center,
that hit it—

There were established protocols in place on 9/11 for the interaction of the FAA with the military. Those protocols had been developed in response to the hijackings of the 1970s and 1980s, which typically resulted in hostage negotiations, and although they had been revised at Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's direction to increase his authority over the process, those revisions to the protocols reflected none of the intelligence reporting with respect to the increased domestic hijacking threat or the growing prevalence of suicide terrorist attacks, however it does reflect an clear inside job.

NORAD’s Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) runs a training exercise called Fertile Rice "
scenario of Osama bin Laden attacking a prominent target in the Washington, DC, area, using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)"

Page 40
"Okay, I'm going to give you the Z-point, "Nasypany tells the Weapons director, referring to a set coordinates techs can use to create a tag on their monitor to help them identify the location of New York City. He calls out the coordinates. "It's just north of New York City .. Head 'em in that direction."

"Joe McCain Shouts the location of American 11 to the whole Ops floor" 16 miles of JFK heading down the Hudson"

American Airlines Emergency line 

"Don't spread this around""I don't want this spread all over this office right now."Betty Ong, on 555 number, called the American Airlines Southeastern Reservations Office in Cary, North Carolina, at 8:18 a.mAmy Sweeney, on a 555 number,  made three phone calls to the American Airlines flight services office at Logan International Airport in Boston, and in them described the catastrophic events on her plane. The first two calls, made at 8:25 a.m. and 8:29 a.m

American Airlines Southeastern Reservations Office and or  American Airlines flight services office see the 904-555-0004 number on there caller ID? 

3.5 minutes unable to establish to radio contact, or when a plane deviates from its flight plan to call in the military. There will be a plane up to investigate within 15 minutes. The flight controller does this all on this own. He does not need the president’s approval.

Red Flags

       Page 31 "Authority to scramble fighters must come from secretary of defense"

Order to Engage: Aries noted that previous to 9/11 the authority given to intercept a commercial airliner with a military flight would have to come from "upwards of the Secretary of Defense."

   Quote 2003 nytimes
        "Before Sept. 11, the Pentagon had no formal rules on how the military should deal with airliners taken over by suicidal hijackers bent on using them as weapons."

9/11 NORAD Radar Coverage
Flight 11 Review of Touching History by Lynn Spencer Chapter 2 and 3 are more of the same but with a few key points 7500 hijack assignment and other possible false blips.

Things she got wrong, Red Flags and other point of interest.

  1. She confuses NORAD Radar and NEADS Radar

   "The system was designed to monitor the shorline"
NEADS Radar coverage


NORAD-USNORTHCOM_9-11_Tapes.pdf (This file) 139.0 KB 45.5 MB 44.8 MB 47.1 MB 45.0 MB 34.8 MB 44.8 MB 44.2 MB 44.3 MB 44.3 MB 44.4 MB 44.6 MB 44.3 MB 40.5 MB 45.8 MB 44.4 MB 46.2 MB 29.2 MB 45.8 MB 44.3 MB 7.9 MB 44.2 MB

Actors include

Dan Bueno supevisor
Colin Scoggins

other sources 
air traffic manager Glenn Michael 
Mike McCormick "ATC Zero," 

page 35 "On the large radar-tracking screen at the front of the room at American's System Operations Control, the radar blip of American 11 has been specially tagged so that it is readily identifiable. "

Comment: It sounds like ATC finally assigned 7500 hijack to the aircraft.. 8:38  "controllers shall assign Code 7500 to the aircraft" page 40 MSgt Joe McCain, the mission crew commander technican, makes a note of a particular blip. McCain is not a controller, but he knows that planes tend to fly very specific routes, like highways in the sky and this particular target seems not to be on any of those regular routes. It's also very fast moving. I've got a search target that sees to be on an odd heading here," he says to Scoggins, then describes its location. its about 20 miles north of Manhattan. "Yeah, I see that one," Scoggins responds, noting the target he's referring to, which is not American 11, but an aircraft just next to it on radar. But he realizes that American 11 is right behind the target McCain has identified "There's a target 4 miles behind it," That's the one! That's American 11" The blip is 16 miles north of JFK.. (The identity of the other fast-moving aircraft McCain had noticed, four miles ahead of Flight 11, is unstated.) 4 John Jester this is a major event. We have to establish control and find out what occurred and make sure we have all of the appropriate response coming to assist us fire and medical and rescue personnel. The phones were ringing off the hook. The guys in there were jumping on them. People were calling from throughout the Pentagon. I tried to get a security camera up on one of the television monitors to get a picture of what had happened. But all of the cameras in that area had been destroyed.
Exercise Name: Vigilant Guardian 01-1
  Exercise Date: 16 Oct 00
  Participants: HQ NORAD/Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center/CONR/
        Canadian NORAD Region/Sectors
  Scenario: Due to recent arrests involving illegal drug trafficking in 
        Maine, an individual steals a Federal Express plane and plans a 
        suicide attack into the United Nations Building in New York 
  Synopsis of actions: Exercised command and control, coordinated with 
        external agencies and followed hijack checklists.

 Exercise Name: Falcon Indian 00-1
  Exercise Dates: 5 Jun 00
  Participants: CONR/Sectors
  Scenario: Communist party faction hijacks aircraft bound from western 
        to eastern United States. High explosives on board. Intends to 
        crash into the Statue of Liberty.
  Synopsis of actions: Cross-sector hand over. Exercised command and 
        control, coordinated with external agencies and followed hijack 
        checklists. Federal Aviation Administration requested 

Exercise Name: Falcon Indian 00-1
  Exercise Date: 6 Nov 99
  Participants: CONR/Sectors
  Scenario: China Air from Los Angeles to JFK airport hijacked east of 
        Colorado Springs by five terrorists. If not intercepted, 
        intends to crash into United Nations building.
  Synopsis of actions: Cross-sector hand over. Exercised command and 
        control, coordinated with external agencies and followed hijack 
  Exercise Name: Vigilant Guardian 01-1
  Exercise Date: 23 Oct 00
  Participants: HQ NORAD/Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR)/Sectors
  Scenario: Weapons of Mass Destruction directed at the United 
        Nations--an individual steals a Federal Express aircraft and 
        plans a suicide attack on the United Nations Building in New 
        York City.
  Synopsis of actions: Conducted an interception, exercised command and 
        control and coordinated with external agencies.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Flight 11 Review of Touching History by Lynn Spencer

chapter 2 and 3

page 13 "the plane's transponder signal is turned off"

Correction: Flight 11  transponder signal is turned off at 8:20, 6 minutes after 8:14 off course turn the right..

Off Course flight Paths on 9/11

Off Course total time 2 hours and six minutes 

"to his amazement, he sees the target making an abrupt turn toward the south, taking significantly off course"

Clearly Lynn Spencer has no idea that Flight 11 intended route or intended flight path was, which is simply  straight ahead. The 20 degrees right at 8:14 was significantly off course". the Southern route was actually a correction.

"The last thing a pilot would do when out of radio contract is to divert from the flight plan"

Zalewski diverted flight 11 at 8:14 off its flight plan and knows the plane is a runaway train from that point on.. Clearly the dogs are not barking. In its path is NEADS. however NEADS has three radars RIV, REM and GIB

GIB Gibbsboro

REM Remsen

RIV Riverhead

Page 19 she goes on to first caller ONG (904-555-0004) no timeline is given. She refers to the cabin as the whole plane.

Nydia Gonzales is Reservations but "responsibilities include monitoring any emergency situations"

The incoming call should have read 904-555-0004 Marguis thinks its a hoax for good reason.

"Marquis calls an aide to notify the FAA Command Center" No time or name given..

Sliney gets notice but no time given.
"give the pilots what that need" Which pilots is he referring too?

Sliney continues with his day.. "commences with his briefing"

"the aircraft has turned south and is now 35 miles of New York city. " 35 miles = 08:39:01  

"Ong then fills Gonzales in that the hijackers came from 2A, 2B, 9A and 9B"

2A , 2b Wail, Waleed Alshehri
9A was Edmund Glazer
9B was Daniel Lewin

I believe there was a hijacker swap out

Flight 11 Hijackers Name Switch List

The Bukhari brothers Abdul and Ameer where switched with the Alshehri brothers 2A, 2b then Abdul Al-Omari switched out and Abdulaziz al-Omari switched in.. added more four letters to  Abdul to create Abdulaziz who was not listed on any seating chart..

King Abdulaziz University
University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

 Abdulaziz and in the West as Ibn Saud, was the first monarch and founder of Saudi Arabia, the "third Saudi state"

Abdul Rahman Alomari or  Abdul Rahman al-OmariThe FBI then named Abdulaziz al-Omari as a hijacker, who may have used the alias "Abdulrahman al-Omari" when boarding American 11, the probable reason the FBI named the wrong Omari.

However Abdul Al-Omari, in  
seat 8G is still listed as a hijacker  on the seating chart..

Ameer Taiyb Kamfar

Officials confirmed that also Ameer Taiyb Kamfar was alive in Saudi Arabia.
(Palm Beach Post, 9/21/01)
The FBI wasn�t looking for him anymore.
(Palm Beach Post, 9/15/01)

Abdul AlOmari is listed on the passenger list..  
Bukhari brothers were seem to be fake news..

NEADS was completely none pro-reactive. If the FAA never called them they would be completely useless which they were on 9/11. North American Air Defense should be looking and alert for triggers like NORDO or out of control planes like Flight 11.. They should have been calling the FAA NOT the other way around.. Their SIMS should have turned off as soon as flight 11 continued off its flight path at 8:14 and by 8:20 NEADS should have contacted Otis and given the scramble order.  The idea that NEADS is completely deaf and blind until prompted by FAA and then asks for details like location is completely unexceptionable given the radar coverage they had and yet didn't use.. Its sad that society is not smart enough to cast a critical eye in there direction.
Right now the "confusion defense" is the only reason given for 9/11..

Thursday, May 25, 2017

US pulls the plug on Muslim websites Monday 10 September 2001

US pulls the plug on Muslim websites
Islamic groups have condemned a government crackdown on a Texan telecoms company as part of a "witch-hunt", writes Brian Whitaker

Monday 10 September 2001 11.38 EDT
Five hundred websites - many of them with an Arab or Muslim connection - crashed last Wednesday when an anti-terrorism taskforce raided InfoCom Corporation in Texas.
The 80-strong taskforce that descended upon the IT company included FBI agents, Secret Service agents, Diplomatic Security agents, tax inspectors, immigration officials, customs officials, department of commerce officials and computer experts.
Three days later, they were still busy inside the building, reportedly copying every hard disc they could find. InfoCom hosts websites for numerous clients in the Middle East, including al-Jazeera (the satellite TV station), al-Sharq (a daily newspaper in Qatar), and Birzeit (the Palestinian university on the West Bank).
It also hosts sites for several Muslim organisations in the United States, among them the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Students Association, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.
In addition, InfoCom is the registered owner of ".iq" - the internet country code for Iraq.
A coalition of American Muslim groups immediately denounced the raid as part of an "anti-Muslim witch-hunt" promoted by the Israeli lobby in the United States.
Mahdi Bray, political adviser to the Muslim Public Affairs Council, said: "We have deep concerns that this once again is an attempt to rush to judgment and to marginalise the American Muslim community. There is a pattern of bias that often permeates all of these types of investigations."
The FBI, meanwhile, insisted the search had nothing to do with religion or Middle East politics. "This is a criminal investigation, not a political investigation," a spokeswoman said. "We're hoping to find evidence of criminal activity."
Several Muslim groups have linked the raid to an article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on August 13. Written by Daniel Pipes, director of the foreign policy research institute in Philadelphia, it called on the US to "support Israel in rolling back the forces of terror" by shutting down websites belonging to the Islamic Association for Palestine and the Holy Land Foundation.
"The federal authorities should use the tools it already has in closing down these websites and organisations," the article said.
Daniel Pipes appears regularly in the US media, where he is regarded as an authority on the Middle East. Arab-Americans, on the other hand, regard him as a Muslim-basher and a staunch supporter of Israel.
In one magazine article Pipes wrote: "Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene... All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most."
In 1995, after the Oklahoma bombing (for which former war hero Timothy McVeigh was eventually executed) Pipes wasted no time in pinning the blame on Muslim extremists. He told USA Today: "People need to understand that this is just the beginning. The fundamentalists are on the upsurge, and they make it very clear that they are targeting us. They are absolutely obsessed with us."
It is unlikely, however, that the FBI could have obtained a warrant to search InfoCom on the basis of Daniel Pipes's remarks in the Wall Street Journal. They would have to demonstrate "probable cause" to a judge, but in this case the reasons may never be known because the judge ordered the warrant to be sealed.
InfoCom's lawyer, Mark Enoch, said that whatever the company was suspected of, the FBI had "bad information"; InfoCom was innocent of any wrongdoing.
According to the New York Times, citing unnamed government officials, the purpose of the search was to discover whether InfoCom has any links to the militant Palestinian organisation, Hamas.
Under an anti-terrorism law introduced in 1996, it is illegal in the US to provide "material support" for Hamas or other organisations on the state department's banned list. Although Israeli sympathisers in the US have been clamouring for prosecutions, there have been no major cases so far and some lawyers question whether the 1996 law is constitutional.
Just across the road from InfoCom's offices, in Richardson on the outskirts of Dallas, is the headquarters of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). Apart from their physical proximity, InfoCom and HLF are intimately connected through two brothers: Ghassan and Bayan Elashi. The Elashis are of Palestinian origin and of a religious disposition. Ghassan is chairman of HLF and vice-president (marketing) of InfoCom.
InfoCom is a small but apparently successful company with a global business in computers, networking, telecommunications and internet services. Established in 1982, it moved to the area of Texas known as "Telecom Corridor" nine years ago. Its business in the Middle East has been expanding largely because of its expertise in Arabic-language databases. It recently won a contract in Jordan for a website where people can buy and sell cars.
Asked about the company's ownership of ".iq", the Iraqi national internet address, Ghassan Elashi said: "We were one of the pioneers of the internet at a time when all the upper domain names were available for everyone. We searched the lists and found Iraq was available for registration."
To avoid any trouble over sanctions, InfoCom informed the state department that it had registered ".iq", Elashi said. The state department replied with a "ridiculous" list of restrictions which mean that the company has never been able to make use of the Iraqi domain.
He said he had no idea what the task force was looking for in raiding InfoCom's offices, though the staff were giving them full cooperation. He added: "Over the last four to five weeks we have experienced some unusual hacking - mostly by pro-Israeli hackers."
The HLF, on the other side of the street, is a tax-exempt charity established in 1989. Most of its efforts are focused on helping Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon and the occupied territories, but it has also sent humanitarian aid to Bosnia, Kosovo and Chechnya, as well as earthquake relief to Turkey and flood relief to Mozambique.
According to its website, the HLF has provided sponsorship for more than 1,800 Palestinian orphans and 450 families living in refugee camps. It has funded several medical projects, including Dar al-Salam hospital in Gaza, al-Razi hospital in Jenin, al-Ahli hospital in Hebron and a rehabilitation center for the handicapped located in Amman, Jordan. In Lebanon, it provided safe water supplies for 72,000 refugees in the Palestinian camps.
For several years the HLF has been the target of attacks by Israeli sympathisers. A letter sent to news organisations by New York senator Charles Schumer accused it of "raising millions of dollars for the Palestinian cause in the Middle East, some of which has been knowingly channelled to support the families of Hamas terrorists."
A more specific claim, mentioned on the website of a Jewish organisation, the Anti-Defamation League, is that it has provided "monthly stipends to the families of terrorist suicide bombers in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza".
The evidence against the HLF presented by the League in a 1998 press release was somewhat tenuous. It said that Israel had banned a Jerusalem-based organisation called the Holy Land Foundation (which it described as the "apparent counterpart" of the Texas charity) on the grounds that it was a front for Hamas.
Also, the League said, the Texas-based Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) had urged its members to send donations to the HLF. The League noted that the IAP had also "distributed official Hamas literature in the United States" and that its fundraising letter described the Palestinian struggle as "jihad" - "a term regularly used by Hamas".
More recently, HLF and several other Muslim charities have become the target of a $600m (£409m) lawsuit by the parents of David Boim, an Israeli-American student who was shot dead in the West Bank in 1996. Using the 1996 anti-terrorism law, the family are claiming compensation from the charities, alleging that they provided "material support" to Hamas and were therefore responsible for David's death.
Ghassan Elashi dismisses all these allegations. "The Holy Land Foundation is as clean as crystal water," he says. "We have never been bothered by any government agencies."
But to the alarm of America's Arab and Muslim minorities, there are signs that the climate may be changing. Assistant New York state attorney general Karen Goldman has recently been pressing for a tax audit of HLF to "enforce the laws applicable to exempt organisations". Another Muslim charity, the Islamic African Relief Agency, is engaged in a legal dispute with the state department after it revoked US aid grants worth $4.2m.
It is, of course, a duty of governments to ensure that charities maintain financial probity. The concern is that some charities may be getting singled out for discriminatory reasons.
The catch-all nature of the 1996 law against providing "material support" to banned organisations is also arousing controversy. "It makes any support whatever a crime," one Arab-American said last week. "Simply giving blankets to the wrong kind of hospital could be a violation of the law."
Edited  by Steven Gaal

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Flight 11 The Dog That Did Not Bark

According to the Tom Brokaw interview with Boston controllers who first noticed problems with Flight 11 they began moving other planes out it's way at 8:20 am and considered it to be a "runaway plane". At that point NORAD NEADS in Rome , New York should have seen on it's own radar scopes what was happening and could monitor the radio transmissions of all the planes being orderded out of the way. 
NORAD at Griffiss AFB was on exactly the flight path Flight 11 had turned toward when it went of it off course which should have raised suspicions with transponder being turned off and all the radio traffic concerning it. None of this should have required a phone call from the FAA.
Since the pilot of Flight 11 was an air force veteran he would have known where NORAD was located and may have still been flying at that point deliberately trying to get NORAD's attention. It makes no sense for the hijackers to have turned northwest when they wanted to go south to New York.
Fighters at Syracuse might not have been "on alert" but could have been sent up within ten minutes in an unarmed mode yet were not. Since a "traditional hijack" did not require a shootdown but merely an intercept and tailing five miles behind why bring in armed fighters from Otis when Syracuse was much closer to Flight 11 and unarmed planes were all that was necessary under standard hijack procedures? Once unarmed fighters were up with on-board targeting radar to lock onto the hijacked planes it would be easy to vector in the armed fighters if necessary.

8:13: Boston Ground control loses contact with Flight 11. First red flag for Flight 11. 8:20: Flight 11 reaches the Hudson River in NY and stops transmitting its 8:20 am and considered it to be a "runaway plane".  Second Red flag IFF signal. third Red flag for Flight 11 RIV M3: 1443

8:24: Hijackers on Flight 11 accidentally broadcasts warning to the passengers over its radio: "Everything will be OK. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet." Third Red Flag for Flight 11 Since Sept. 11, 2001, NORAD fighters have scrambled or diverted from air patrols in the U.S. Northern Command Area of Responsibility more than 2,000 times to respond to possible air threats, and have combined with Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) and air-to-air-refueling aircraft to fly more than 40,000 sorties. At some unknown point after the hijacking begins, Flight 11's talkback button is activated, which enables Boston flight controllers to hear what is being said in the cockpit. It is unclear whether John Ogonowski, the pilot, activates the talkback button, or whether a hijacker accidentally does so when he takes over the cockpit. A controller later says, “The button [is] being pushed intermittently most of the way to New York.” An article later notes that “his ability to do so also indicates that he [is] in the driver's seat much of the way” to the WTC. Such transmissions continue until about 8:38 a.m. [Christian Science Monitor, 9/13/2001MSNBC, 9/15/2001] However, Ogonowski fails to punch a four-digit emergency code into the plane's transponder, which pilots are taught to do the moment a hijack situation is known (see (8:13 a.m.-9:28 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Christian Science Monitor, 9/12/2001CNN, 9/13/2001Boston Globe, 11/23/2001] Hello I am reviewing your "PROTOCOLS FOR RESPONDING TO HIJACKINGS " and I am wondering why at 8:14 ATC directed Flight 11 to take a 20 degrees right taking flight 11 off course and off its intended flight path and into incoming traffic? Why then did ATC only address the communication issue? The issues of flight 11 was having were many and the response seemed muted and based on only one issue i.e the communications issue There seems to be completely blind to the direction i.e heading flying out of control, midair disaster .. So far no one seems bothered by the fact that Flight 11 flying to Canada and directly at NEAS and the 109th Airlift Wing... 8:20 was the time the beacon was lost.  8:14 was both the turn and the last communications.. I still don't know the reason of the 20 degree turn.. controllers shall assign Code 7500 to the aircraft.

 CJCSI 3610.01A - i June 2001: The NORAD Stand Down Order of 9/11" by John Page Interestingly, only three months before 9/11, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued Joint Staff Instruction CVJCSI 3610.01A, instructing NORAD on how to deal with “AIRCRAFT PIRACY (HIJACKING) AND DESTRUCTION OF DERELICT AIRBORNE OBJECTS.” i.e Stand down order "The instruction specified that NORAD will provide “escort service” when requested by “the FAA Hijack Coordinator,” and specifically excluded the “use of military aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter) or other vehicles as platforms for gunfire or the use of other weapons against suspected hijackers.”   FACT: In the decade before 9/11, NORAD intercepted only one civilian plane over North America: golfer Payne Stewart's Learjet, in October 1999 Response According to the Calgary Herald, in 2000 there are 425 “unknowns,” where an aircraft’s pilot has not filed or has deviated from a flight plan, or has used the wrong radio frequency, and fighters are scrambled 129 times in response. 

F-15 fighters jets intercepted two planes from Barnes Air National Guard which was 18 miles from flight 11 at 08:16:03 Reinf 2015 

1990-2001: NORAD Regularly Launches Fighters to Intercept Suspicious Aircraft before 9/11

CJCSI 3610.01A - i June 2001: The NORAD Stand Down Order of 9/11 Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Nasypany, mission-crew commander, on the "ops" floor at the Northeast Air Defense Sector Check out the beacon for Flight 175, 11, 77 and 93

Flight 175 beacon

08:23:51 Reinf M3: 1470 08:45:48 Reinf Radar: RIV M3: 1470 08:46:36 Reinf Radar: RIV M3: 3020 midair switch 08:51:24 Reinf Radar: RIV M3: 3321 switch again 08:57:59 Reinf Radar: RIV M3: 3321

Flight 11 beacon

08:12:51 Reinf Radar: RIV M3: 1443 08:20:38 Search Radar: RIV M3: M2: Mode C (ft): Height (ft): 31200 beacon lost remained lost

Flight 93 beacon

08:44:24 Reinf Radar: GIB M3: 1527
09:40:13 Search Radar: DTW M3:  M2:  Mode C (ft):  Height (ft): Altitude (m): 0
09:40 total loss of radar

Flight 77 beacon

08:34:46 Reinf Radar: PLA M3: 6553
08:40:55 Reinf Radar: PLA M3: 3743 beacon switch 
08:50:27 Reinf Radar: PLA M3: 3743 total loss after 8:50

The DOJ documented 904-555-0004 as the number which multiple people called from while on different planes on 9/11.. Thousands of people went missing without a trace.. None of these issue were addressed.. The black boxes were found and looked at by the NTSB and when missing again after the NTSB did look at the data.. So fuck you and your "silly theories" concept.. Flight 175 Fuselage FEMA Gary Steficek verses popular mechanics. 9/11 - Firemen Insist Aircraft Black Boxes Were Found Cockpit Voice Recorder for UA 93 not made public.. popular mechanics "FACT: On 9/11 there were only 14 fighter jets on alert in the contiguous 48 states." Response Griffiss Air Force Base, in Rome, New York, which was otherwise mothballed in the mid-90s. neads's mission remained in place and continues today: 

Radar REM

J-55 Z-312 Remsen NY ARSR-4 43°20′43″N 075°14′56″W EADS AEA Eastern New FAA/USAF JSS radar site; replaced Watertown AFS, NY (Z-49). Also called 'Starr Hill. Response " Flight 11 flew right at Northeast Air Defense Squadron on 9/11 in Rome New York and the dog did not bark.. Flew in the wrong direction for 8:14 until 8:26.. Then turned for home near Northeast Air Defense Squadron Rome New York and the 109th Airlift Squadron - Wikipedia did nothing.. popular mechanics "from cockpit recordings to forensics".. Response The flights were off their flight paths for over 2 hours 6 minutes. We should have exactly 2 hours and 6 minutes of records and we don't.. Total Flying Time by Hijackers on 9/11: 2 hours and 6 minutes. Passenger windows on a piece of Flight 175's fuselage.. Wrong color to be flight 175.. conclusion every word of popular mechanics is total junk..

Its limited to one topic and it does not contain private photos of NTSB, NYPD or any agency like my photo collection... The document does not ask the right questions.. are all phone calls 904-555-0004 all the time on every plane or only on 9/11? Did ATC light up the targets with 7500 hijack code? Flight 11 Did Not Bark Any Dogs as it flew off its flight plan starting at 8:14 and ATC defended its 20 degrees right turn which just so happens to fly right at Rome NY the home NEADS and military air national guard stations which did nothing. Why is debris a different state everytime its video taped or photographed Why can't employees tell the difference between flight debris? Why do photos of second plane on video look black and photo look normal? Is there a single photo of the black plane? i.e darkened by a random burst of smoke which happens to block out sun at 9:00 A.M at the exact moment identification is required. No photos exist of the plane from all areas in a city of NYPD cameras and choppers on alert. No one asks about the dark chopper following around a circle plane.
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