Tuesday, July 25, 2017

9/11 Seismology Data and WTC Tesla idea

Top 10 Reasons why 9/11 was a bombing 

  • 1. FBI called it PENTTBOM 'Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing 2. Lamon Doherty Reported local explosions right on their seismographs and others reported richter scale activity over 500 miles away from the epicenter while both the bottom 10% core structure and 20% of bottom Parimeter columns still exist. 3. The event of 9/11 caused half or 50% to go completely missing. 4. Body part found 3,000 feet away 5. Nano sized particles 6. High Temperatures 7. Witnesses 8. injuries 9. debris hundreds of feet away. 10. BRNJ.LD.BHE.2001.254.0000-sp google it.

Daniel M. Plesse very high temperatures signals arson George Secher
ACTUAL seismic reports shows bombs very simple. To get the core columns above 2,700 degrees you need magnitudes more heat then the melting point at around 4,000 - 5,000 degrees

Christopher A. Brown But the USGS refused to release the analog seismograph recordings because an FFT analysis of the data would show the frequency of high explosives.

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Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Did Report WTC Explosions and actually wrote "explosion" right on on their seismograph as "local explosion". Source Draft Report With Inside Job Evidence Of Giant Explosion data https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0pxVbXyB9OLb042a3p2X2VqYmM/view?usp=sharing More Data http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/LCSN/WebSeis/24hr_heli.pl?id=&year=2001&jday=254

"The destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude 2.4, a minor earthquake. It was felt in Manhattan and Queens. Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy. "

What Dr. Sykes does not know is that the reported explosions were below 2.4 and not above. Here he says the magnitudes were above 2.4.. How much above 2.4 does Dr. Sykes believe is the real magnitude? that is the question..

Second collapse ML=2.3

11:01:07  Explosion reported 
11:15:04 EDT, Explosion reported 
11:29:46 EDT, Explosion reported 

9/11 2017 Won-Young Kim wrote down Explosion in draft report

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory did report WTC explosions and actually wrote "explosion" right on on their seismograph. Reports of "further collapses" by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory did not exist on 9/11, they were explosions which contributed to the massive amount of gone people, as much as 40.42 percent of the total victims have not been found still in 2017..

9/11 1,113 totally missing no trace 2,753 persons killed 1,640 persons Identified _____________________________________ 40.42 percent were beyond DNA

Q&A Can you name even one demolition company claiming no WTC building collapse was caused by controlled demolition? Answer: Google "Military Control Demolition" Can't Find it Bing it ! Implosion World Hints at Military Controlled Demolition http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2015/02/protec-implosionworld.html?q=Implosion+World+Hints+at+Military+Controlled+Demolition "1976 military study considered controlled demolition, planned WTC air attacks to be piggy-backed on top of "training exercises" " CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 on 9/11’? http://www.snopes.com/cia-agent-confesses-wtc7/ Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory did report WTC explosions and actually wrote "explosion" right on on their seismograph. Reports of "further collapses" by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory did not exist on 9/11, they were explosions which contributed to the massive amount of gone people, as much as 40.42 percent of the total victims have not been found still in 2017.. http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-hunt-for-911-catalogged-seismicity.html
Prepared by:
Seismology Group
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Palisades NY 10964

Version of 9/14/01
Inside Job Evidence ldeo.columbia "many smaller signals were registered" 

"The signals generated by the collapsing North and South towers were much larger than those from the two airliner impacts.  The signals generated by the collapse of Building 7, however, were smaller than those of the impacts.  In addition, many smaller signals were registered at Palisades throughout the rest of the day that may have originated from the further collapse of the Twin Towers and the fall of walls and other debris in the surrounding area.

No "further collapse of the Twin Towers" existed therefore the smaller signals were massive explosions.. 

The depth of the charges should be close to surface, however if the depth reading was much lower then they have fallback "

William Annin Middle School, NJ (BRNJ) 29.10 miles away from World Trade Center

LCSN Seismographic Stations
Broadband seismographic stations (Alphabetical order)
ACCN43.384373.66783402000-06-20Adirondack Community College, NYNorth Hudson Falls School District, NY
SUNY-Adirondack Comm. College
ALLY41.649280.14483902002-05-30Allegheny College, PALCSN/Allegheny College, PADM24-mk1/CMG-3ESP
BRNJ40.682874.5660501999-11-21Basking Ridge, NJLCSN/Willian-Annin Middle School, NJRT72-02/ Trillium-120PA
BRNY41.414074.01192822006-06-22Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, NYLCSN/BRF ConsortiumRT72A-07/CMG-3ESP
CPNY40.791273.9600272002-02-21Central Park, New York City, NYLCSN/Central Park ConservancyQ330S/Trillium-120PA
CUNY40.733573.8178202002-05-23Queens College, NYC, NYQueens College, CUNYRT72A-07/CMG-3ESP
FMPA40.047876.32081212005-02-22Franklin & Marshall College, PAFranklin & Marshall College, PADM24-mk1/CMG-40T
FOR40.863173.8856242002-04-18Fordham University, NYC, NYFordham Univ/LCSNDM24-mk1/CMG-3T
FRNY44.835073.58832232003-11-13Flat Rock, Altona, NYLCSN/Miner Institute, NYRT72A-07/STS-2
HCNY42.696874.39842732006-02-28Cobleskill, NYLCSN/Howe CavernsRT72A-07/CMG-3T
KSPA41.557075.76822982009-07-09Keystone College, PAKeystone College, PART72A-07/ Trillium-120PA
LUPA40.598575.37142362001-01-01Lehigh University, PALehigh University, PART72A-08/CMG-3T
MMNY42.731977.90662412008-05-01Mount Morris Dam, NYLCSN/US Army Corps of EngineersDM24-mk3/CMG-3ESP
MSNJ40.884174.18151322007-11-02Montclair State Univ., NJLCSN/Montclair State Univ./Rifle Camp Park, NJRT72A-07/ Trillium-120PA
MVL39.999276.3506912001-02-15Millersville, PAMillersville University, PADM24-mk1/CMG-3ESP
NCB43.973474.22285751999-10-20Newcomb, NYLCSN/USNSN contributing stationQ730/STS-2
NPNY41.754674.14352162007-09-07Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz, NYLCSN/Mohonk Preserve, NY/SUNY-New PaltzQ330/STS-2
ODNJ41.082974.60561872007-06-23Ogdensburg, NJLCSN/Sterling Hill Mine & MuseumRT72A-07/STS-2
PAL41.005673.9079661999-11-04Palisades, NYLDEOQ330HR/STS-2
PANJ40.376874.70281002008-02-15Princeton Academy of Sacred Heart, NJLCSN/Princeton Academy of Sacred Heart/Princeton Univ.Q330/STS-2
POTS44.663474.97321972006-05-22Potsdam, NYSUNY PotsdamRT130-01/6/ KS-2000
PRNY42.466676.53612052006-03-30Ithaca, NYLCSN/Paleontological Research InstitutionRT72A-07/CMG-40T
PTN44.569974.98231972005-10-28Potsdam, NYLCSN/SUNY PotsdamRT72A-07/ CMG-3ESP
SDMD39.410276.84032122001-11-01Soldier's Delight Natural Environment Area, MDMaryland Geological Survey/Towson UniversityDM24-mk1/CMG-3T
TUPA40.166375.18641122010-05-07Temple University, PATemple University, Ambler Campus, PART72A-07/ Trillium-120PA
UCCT41.794372.22552002005-01-13University of Connecticut, Storrs, CTUniversity of ConnecticutDM24-mk1/CMG-3ESP
WCCN41.068473.79131442006-05-14Westchester Community College, NYLCSN/SUNY-Westchester Comm. CollegeCMG-5TD
WCNY43.981075.65492452007-06-27West Carthage, NYLCSN/Carthage Central High SchoolRT72A-07/CMG-3ESP
* Stations deployed in 2009-2010 are highlighted.

Short-period seismographic stations
ARNY41.303274.11454301993/12/16Arden House, NYLDEO
CRNY41.311873.54822931981/12/01-Cross River, NYLDEO
MANY41.222073.86861331993/12/08Mount Airy, NYLDEO
TBR41.141774.22222611975/08/01Table Rock, NYLDEO
MDV43.999273.18121341970/03/01Middlebury, VTMiddlebury College
FLET44.722772.95173661977/08/01-Fletcher, VTMiner Institute, NY
HBVT44.362373.06503421980/09/01-Hinesburg, VTUniv. Vermont/Miner Inst.
MIV44.074773.53403171984/10/01Mineville, NYMiddlebury College
BGR44.828874.37422971976/11/01Bangor, NYSUNY Potsdam
MSNY44.998374.8620551976/11/01Massena, NYSUNY Potsdam
POTS*44.663474.97321972006-05-22Potsdam, NYSUNY Potsdam
BVD39.7747275.49944581985/02Bellevue State Park, DEDelaware Geological Survey
BWD39.7994475.57667631985/02 Brandywine Creek State Park, DEDelaware Geological Survey
NED 39.7041775.70472471972/11 Newark, DEDelaware Geological Survey
DEMA39.3187175.60979121999/10Delaware Emergency Management AgencyDelaware Geological Survey
SCOM38.6956775.36271121999/10Sussex County Emergency Operation Ctr, DEDelaware Geological Survey
* three-component stations

ANSS Strong-motion accelerograph stations
CPNY40.791273.9600272003-05-20 - 2010-04-05Central Park, New York CityLCSN/Central Park ConservancyGuralp CMG-5TD (T5631)
PAL41.005673.9079662003-08-20-Palisades, NYLDEOGuralp CMG-5TD (T5598), 2009-09-04/ EpiSensor (3311)
FOR40.863173.8856242003-08-21 -Fordham University, NYCLCSN/Fordham UnivGuralp CMG-5TD (T5582)
WCCN41.068473.79141442006-05-18 -Valhalla, New YorkLCSN/SUNY-Westchester Community CollegeGuralp CMG-5TD (T5577)
ERP40.713073.9769102007-11-09-2009-07-01East River Park, Lower Mahattan, New York CityLCSN/USGS Central Hazard Team, Golden, COK2 accelerograph
CUFH40.713073.9769102003-08-20--2005-12-01Columbia Faculty House, ManhattanLCSN/Civil Engineering, CUGuralp CMG-5TD (T5668)
MMNY42.731977.90662412008-05-01Mount Morris Dam, NYLCSN/US Army Corps of EngineersGuralp CMG-5TD (T5581)

Broadband seismographic stations (Instrument replaced / Closed)
PAL41.005673.9079661992-01-01--1999-11-04Palisades, NYLDEOCMG-3/Reftek DASSTS-2/Q380
NCB43.973474.22285751992-10-27--1999-10-20Newcomb, NY; upgraded to USNSN contributing stationLDEOCMG-40T/Reftek DASSTS-2
ACCN44.619773.73793401999-11-09--2000-06-20Adirondack Community College, NYACC, NYReftek DAS/CMG-40TMoved to new vault
LSCT41.6784 73.22443181992-10-27--2000-07-05Lake Side, CT; USNSN contributing stationLDEOQ730/CMG-3NSTS-2
LOZ44.619774.58294401999-11-19--2005-09-30Lake Ozonia, NYLCSN/SUNY, PotsdamGuralp DM24/CMG-3ESPupgraded to ANSS backbone station
CONY42.665874.46884682001-07-13--2006/02/01Cobleskill, New YorkLCSN/SUNY CobleskillReftek DAS 72-02/CMG-40Tmoved to Howe Caverns, HCNY
CTNY43.987975.64531872005-11-08--2007/06/22Carthage, New York; relocated to WCNYLCSN/Carthage Central High School, NYCMG-40T + Reftek DAS RT72A-07moved to WCNY
LSCT41.6784 73.22443182000-07-05--2007/07/01Lake Side, CT; USNSN contributing stationUSNSN/LDEOQ730/STS-2closed for re-location
GENY42.7670 77.81701952001-10-27--2007/07/01Geneseo, New YorkLCSN/SUNY GenesoGuralp DM24/CMG-3ESPclosed and moved to Mt Morris Dam

Short-period seismographic stations (Closed)
GPD*41.017774.46083601976/08/01--Green Pond, NJLDEOclosed
PAL*41.005673.9079661949/01/01Palisades, NYLDEOclosed
RPI*42.732373.66633201993/07/01--1997/12/31Troy, NY Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituteclosed
WCC41.058573.79181001987/06/01--2007/07/01Westchester Comm. Coll., NYLDEOclosed
DHN42.825578.19304911976/1/1--1992/03/23Doyle Hill/ NYSUNY/ Buffaloclosed
MEDY 43.181878.39031871978/12/1--1992/3/23 Medina/ NYSUNY/ Buffaloclosed
SANY43.173878.87031721977/10/1--1991/12/31Sanborn/ NYSUNY/ Buffaloclosed
WVLY 42.470878.56836001977/11/1--1992/3/23West Valley/ NYSUNY/ Buffaloclosed
PNY44.834273.55501771971/08/01--1996/10/22Plattsburgh, NYMiddlebury College, Vtmoved to PNZ
PNZ44.835473.57702151996/10/22--2007/07/01Plattsburgh, NYMiner Institute, NYclosed
PTN44.570074.98191971971/10/01--2007/07/01Potsdam, NYSUNY Potsdamclosed
BRCN44.427575.5830831976/11/01--2007/07/01Bracie Corner, NYSUNY Potsdamclosed
LOZ44.619774.58294401984/11/01--2007/07/01Lake Ozonia, NYSUNY Potsdamclosed
CHIP44.798075.1950971994/07/01--2007/07/01Chipman, NYSUNY Potsdamclosed
FINE44.265075.16703541997/10/01--2007/07/01Fine, NYSUNY Potsdamclosed
Old Strong Motion Accelerometer Sites

Profile photo for Bruce Patin

I asked retired nuclear physicist Charles Bigelow who installed the Tesla nuclear power generation device in the WTC and he said:

"Dr. Melvin Laney PhD MD DO, Esq. was in charge of the installation and demonstration

"He offered me the job to be the Program Manager for the project. My boss Dr. Anupam N. Shah PhD urged me to get with the program. He then showed me the two page centerfold advertisement for the Tesla Project demonstration. The advertisement called for a million witnesses to see this amazing technology.

The Tesla Project system could even convert radioactive waste into non radioactive chemically inert substances.

"The advertisement was also shown to me by Nelson Mensch who had a clipping of it..

"Dr Barry L Butler PhD also briefed me on the project. Barry told me about attending the secret meetings on energy that Dick Cheney was holding.

"Dr Barry L Butler PhD also briefed me on the project. Barry told me about attending the secret meetings on energy that Dick Cheney was holding.

"I need to track down old magazines with the two page centerfold advertisement. I believe Anupam showed me the advertisement in Time Magazine. East coast printing.

Trying to reach a million witnesses to see the demo at the WTC. Powering a skyscraper with a power plants the size of refrigerators.

"Newsweek may have also carried the advertisement 2000-2001

"Squire and Saunders Law firm Washington DC is representing SAIC behind the scenes.

"Melvin Laney explained the fail safes in place in case anything went wrong. 3 levels of fail safes. Last one - demolition.

"My boss Dr. Anupam N Shah was personal friend with Dr. Bob Beyster PhD CEO SAIC. University of Michigan alumni.

Dr. Shah developed TCP/IP for DARPA… true father of the internet

"$1000 dollar reward for magazine with the centerfold two page advertisement. I have not taken the time to look on eBay. I bet it can be found and purchased

"Please share far and wide. I want a hardcopy of 20 year old magazine with the Tesla Project demonstration advertisement.

"Researching Dr. Melvin Laney yields lots. He calls himself the Son of Joseph, leader of the lost tribes of Israel. I have preserved a power point recovery file he accidentally left at university of Baltimore website over years ago. The ppt has been shared with USSS in 2012…

"The power point is about his family history. Megalomaniac. Lots of esoteric stuff.

"I also have a hard copy reprint of 1997 Forbes Magazine article about SAIC my boss Anupam gave me. The difference between online archive and hardcopy is immense. Errors of omission in the online archives. 50% missing

"The hardcopy mentioned their first contract for nuclear reactors and bombs…

"No mention online …

“Mr, Clyde DeWitt, retired Army LTC. Inspector General confessed to me that he was involved in dialing in codes to drop the demonstration tower. Blew up his own buddy…

“I saw his 406 phone equipment on a basement shelf and called him out on it. Got him drunk and he told me his buddy called and said “i am going to try and turn off the equipment, if you do not hear from me in 15 minutes, do it”

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Dear Electronic Seismologist,

 Does any catalog contain 9/11 siesmology data?

ANSS Comprehensive Earthquake Cataloghttp://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:BjprFdXo-OMJ:www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/stat_2010_website/stat-website-pre2010/www.earthquake.ethz.ch/docs/papers/wiemer2001.pdf+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

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