Tuesday, November 28, 2017

9-11 Paranoia thinking Is so not Cool by Amanda Hess

 Frank Greening reported that the red sand on shirt was core columns but then said that must have been 40+ year old dust (problem solved)

9/11 Paranoia thinking Is so not cool by Amanda Hess.

The New York Times is not happy with people asking questions about 9/11 so
fire up your Yellow Journalism 101's and How-to's and let the hit pieces fly
 (maybe this time it work) 

Summary on 9/11 Now in 2018
Frank Greening reported that the red sand on lady's shirt was the World Trade Center
core columns, but then said that must have been 40+ year old dust (problem solved) 

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory reported explosions, Nope sorry " Just phantom unknown building collapses" (problem solved)

NIST said "its Finite Element Contract was terminated" can't do "global structural collapse" work Sorry No global structural collapse for you!

Tritium 55 times greater than other 2001 background levels, no problem because we have exit signs, gun scope no problem because we have 
an excuse to cover all problems no matter how bad they are..

Ground Zero World Trade Center Tritium at Ground Zero too High

1. First they removed the debris..melted that down (Video below ) 
2. Then they denied access to the data 
3. Then NIST wrote fraudulent based reports, that have to be continuously updated to fight off complaints..and have been exposed by WTC 7 Evaluation October 2016 Update: ASCE Fairbanks Engineers host Dr. Hulsey 2017 and soon 2018..

Step 2 Notice No data for 9/11

   Date    Time (UTC)    Lat      Lon  Dep   Mag   [Web Page] [Phase Data] [Record Section] [WF] 
2001-09-22 16:01:20.5  38.026  -78.396   2 2.5 M   XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX 
2001-09-16 21:24:54.4  44.945  -72.155   9 1.9 M   XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX 

They scrubbed the data for 9/11

Be COOL Don't Ask Questions

Source Practical Seismic Data Analysis
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory reported explosions, Nope sorry "
 Just phantom unknown building 
collapses" (problem solved)

Be COOL, don't ask questions, obey your scientific genius Gods,  talking heads or whomever looks cool like , Bow your head to the war people, ask your bible Don't scroll down

1. First they removed the debris..melted that down (Video below )
2. Then they denied access to the data
3. Then NIST wrote fraudulent based reports, that have to be continuously updated to fight off complaints..and have been exposed by WTC 7 Evaluation October 2016 Update: ASCE Fairbanks Engineers host Dr. Hulsey 2017 and soon 2018.. But don't be Paranoid

NIST said "its Finite Element Contract was terminated" can't do "global structural collapse" work Sorry No global structural collapse for you! NIST is a Finite Element Analysis Nazi

NIST said "its Finite Element Contract was terminated" can't do "global structural collapse" work Sorry No global structural collapse for you! NIST is a Finite Element Analysis Nazi

9-11 Paranoia thinking Is so not Cool by Amanda Hess.

Daniel M. Plesse Any Topic on Paranoia thinking leads directly to dump-down moron level society wondering how could anyone question anything.. Any discussion about Conspiracy Theory leads the stupid into deep emotional wonderment about how to solve this mystery of these crazy people, right. After all paranoia thinking sounds like a who then a why. Why would anyone ask a paranoia person anything? That's just asking for trouble. Lets look at one detail for a second, if we did ask why and not who.. First level why a Conspiracy Theorist believes the tower were brought down (no not explosives) but by Controlled Demolition (enter Straw guy, Man gal or person) . No Not Military Controlled Demolition but plain old your grand daddy's Controlled Demolition. Look the the glove does not fit, you know the rest. Problem solved. Stupid society feels better. It's that simple. Authors get paid. Everyone's happy, end of debate. CD is dead.., CD's do this flashing and popping thing, followed by big explosions..It did not  not exist on 9/11 and that's the paranoia crazy thinking if it did right? After all the media cleaned up all that shit anyway right, you know all the explosion sounds and that crazy shit., Oral Histories didn't say that shit, right? Searching for that shit would be a waste of time away from porn. Don't leave that playground. And that crazy Dr. Sykes said" the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy at 2.4 " which is NOT the official story. Man another crazy paranoia guy, with a Dr in front of his name too.. Anyway the bottom line is theorist use evidence like everyone else does. Its called evidence and a review of that evidence points to a conspiracy.. Case in point, Joe Rogan had a debate with Brian Dunning, a very heated debate on WTC 7 however the  problem was not because of Leroy Hulsey September 2017 Update showing Truth Community was right all along, no https://youtu.be/vMV8E_83NiI but no the problem was showing the details of what happened to building 7 collapse from street level.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWMJPaftuac oh shit that started the shit storm that broke the internet.. Baseball stopped, wars halted. The sun came out,, and ... and the earth .. well that pancake ...fucking re-inflated man, and that solved that problem but don't tell the paranoia, the government or uncool stupid people.. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..
Joe Rogan Eddie Bravo On 9/11 Explosions Prove Conspiracy 

Joe Rogan Eddie Bravo On 9/11 Explosions Prove Conspiracy…

More 9/11 Paranoia thinking Bullshit with Amanda Hess be COOL Don't Ask Questions

Miguel lopez

911TruthNOW again one big bomb would have created a Shockwave strong enough to blow out windows and be heard clearly on camera it's why demolition crews don't detonate all bombs at once in a crowded area, how do you not understand this? Operation Phoenix" okay so code names count as evidence? You don't do real research you're just a Blue Link Warrior us8ng web sites and other people's words instead of yours try again. Seriously why you guys got to make this conspiracy so convoluted, the government could have just actually use real planes they would have to destroy the building later anyways if the planes didn't take him down do to the structural damage and instability.

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9-11 Paranoia thinking Is So Not Cool, you can get HPV


Do you see the recording of a big bomb or not? So do you believe the seismograph or not.. Your side argument " one big bomb would have created a Shockwave strong enough to blow out windows and be heard clearly on camera" have been addressed in all my videos. If you wish, recordings of shockwaves, explosions etc. are contained everywhere here on my channel and can be viewed within minutes if not seconds.. So Are you avoiding the main issue because you have limits? "it's why demolition crews don't detonate all bombs at once in a crowded area" This is the "America has a love affair with straw man, Mystical creations and God". video I should create... looney tunes characters and proxy arguments.. This time its about why demolition crews don't use big bombs. The World Trade Control Demolition was defined as "Implosion World Hints at Military Controlled Demolition" google that. So right away not all Controlled Demolitions are the same. Professionals have defined the versFion used on 9/11.
"Operation Phoenix okay so code names count as evidence?" Its contained within pager data and there is a phone number to call.. Its not a report. Did you miss the 1. context 2. details? Again Are you avoiding the issue because you have limits? "using web sites and other people's words" Who are these other people? What websites?
Your third point is not even on topic at all.. Straw Arguments, avoidance or no details or a context.. It just sounds like a crazy person replying hoping to avoid what really happened .. Sorry.. The main issue is credentials, as if Implosion World isn't enough or Frank Greening Paper "2017 World Trade Dust Study: Shirt Has WTC Structural Steel" isn't enough. How does the core columns find its way inside the threads of a women's shirt? Frank said it could be old Structural Steel blown out and found its way on its own to this lady. Can this idea be tested? Can other shirts show him he's right just by placing shirts near other building collapses? If building 7 prediction was possible, then shirts can be hung all around future building collapses and we will have our results.

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