Saturday, November 25, 2017

Does World Trade Center Core Have Lateral Supporting Beams and Flooring

World Trade Center Twin Tower Core Floor Supports

6:02 "it was necessary for NOVA to remove all floor connections with the internal support structure"

Core Missing Example 32

"love your posts... for any engineer like me, it is more than obvious that those core columns could NOT 'pancake' into dust because they were designed to withstand the weight of 100 floors above them... even IF the T˚ was high enough to make a few columns weaker and start folding (folding is not the same as collapsing or disintegrating) and 'explaining' the collapse, even IF the floors above the impact started to fall homogeneously flatly on the floor of the impact (not possible because the damage was asymmetrical), even IF that floor would break under the weight of the floors above (it wouldn't break like there's no resistance, ie at free fall speed anyway), and even IF all the floors under would also magically disintegrate although they are undamaged and designed to withstand the weight of everything above, we would still be left with the core steel columns which in no reasonable circumstance would also collapse/fold/disintegrate like the concrete floors.... the NIST story is an insult to all engineers in the world ... a nuclear blast would not destroy the WTC like we saw

Missing cross bracing inside World Trade Core fraudulent animations by FEMA and others

"Review of videotape recordings of the collapse taken from various angles indicates that the transmission tower on top of the structure began to move downward and laterally slightly before movement was evident at the exterior wall. "

This suggests that collapse began with one or more failures in the central (48 core columns) core area of the building. This is consistent with the observations of debris patterns from the 91st floor, previously discussed. The core columns were not designed to resist wind loads and, therefore, had less reserve capacity than perimeter columns. (fraud)  Are they saying the core was weaker then the perimeter? (undermine the core webbing and focus away from explosive photos and it worked)

The points of the video is the core columns had their own cross bracing and did NOT require the 60 foot and 30 foot span floors to do anything for them to carry the load of the tower..  Animations subtract core section cross bracing and assume hollow inner tube which is fraud. If those any floors were to drop, it would make no difference at all to the core.. The engineering floors spanned over the entire floor plus core area and were designed to arrest any falling floors. Photos of large blast inside the core prove once again that the tower core were focus of very large blasts of explosives.. 

Frank Greening Dust Study 2017
"the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel."

 Belts of flashes and pops explosives 9/11 Oral History has your controlled demolition pops and flashes

 large blast inside the core prove once again the tower core were focus of large explosives..

Jet Fuel Can't heat objects to 2,010 degrees and burns at a lot lower temperatures therefore it's a scam by the History Channel

PART II MIT Says Twin Towers were made of air fraud

Joe Rogan, Opie and Anthony Twin Towers Were Made Of Air

World Trade Column Core Fraudulent Animations and Air Theories by Media, NIST, FEMA and MIT

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