Monday, March 12, 2018

Flight 77 was a fake: No ELT signal


 Flight data recorder expert Dennis Cimino, commercial pilot with more than 2000 hours, reveals government's claims about a flight data recorder found at the Pentagon from Flight 77 are totally fraudulent, with zeros instead of the plane's identification number and flight number! The recorder did not come from an airliner but was apparently created at a workbench and was also missing data that an actual flight would have, such as mandatory barometric adjustments and even any record of the cockpit door opening. The talk was given June 17, 2012 at the Vancouver 911 Hearing. The video was made by pointing a camcorder at the crude live stream image on a monitor, so it is of low quality, but the audio is mostly high quality and it is the only video online at this time of Dennis revealing this important new evidence that the official 911 story is a big lie. The other video available online of Dennis talking on this subject is by Jim Fetzer made April 2011 but it is only an audio recording. Hopefully Fetzer will manage to put online his Vancouver hearing soon and it may well be of better quality.

The No ELT's for Flight 175, 11, 93 or even 77 is a big hint at what did or did not happen 9/11 and should be included on the "red flag" list. The problem is Truthers no one seem to not want to leave the script behind. Operation Northwoods Not Flight 175 Witness
 E.L.T Detroit Metro Area 121.500 AM Siren sound.wmv

American Airline stamp and not the manufacture?  FBB1218 what is that?

I saw the big "AA" printed in red on the side of the plane??? said Mike Walter.. The problem?
The AA's are blue and red and are only found on the tail section. So what they ALL saw was a fake.

Flight 77 PARTs fragments should have a silver area some place.

Charles Bigelow SAIC did 911 and coverup/ my company... turned down job at WTC to run Tesla project demo... glad I did...

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Houston, we have a problem with CCTV and Mike Walter Flight 77

CCTV No Red means it was NOT Flight 77
CCTV DOES matches crash debris However but its NOT AA Flight 77

this peece with the number on it is cevlar-carbon composit not used on the boing of this time. this is used on airbus 380 today.or on cruise missles or on gliders.....

Covering Catastrophe: Broadcast Journalists Report September 11
Allison Gilbert - 2002 - ‎Preview
As I approached the Pentagon, the traffic was clogged. I was listening to the radio, but I needed a visual. I got one. As I rolled down the window, I heard the roar of the jet engine. I looked up and saw the sleek, silver fuselage. The plane was banking over my car, and it was very low. I watched it gracefully turn. I saw the big "AAprinted in red on the side of the plane. The American Airlines jet began to dip lower. The engines began to hum; whoever was piloting this jet had cranked up the ...
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You and Mike Walter aren't connected on Facebook
Worked at WDAF-TV
Lives in Washington, District of Columbia

Sorry for asking this question so late 17 years too late, but where did you remember seeing the AA's.. News reports just say "On the side" thanks dan

Has anyone asked you to do a drawing of the plane you witnessed. So far red AA's don't match the logo, so I wonder what other things don't match up

Truth and Shadows Founder Craig McKee!

Barbara Honegger on 9/11 Truth to 9/11 Justice, Revelations on the Kennedy Assassination, Black Ops Link Between the OK City Bombing & the Pentagon Attack...and More!

You can stay with your attacks on the Pentagon no plane/plane arguments... but this investigation is actually way beyond hypothesis and theories... names, connections, whistleblowers, photographers, thousands of engineers, pilots, firemen, architects, etc;

David Chandler

1:37 PM (9 hours ago)
to me
Right.  The red and blue mix to form purple.  The stripe is not resolved in the tiny image.
--David Chandler

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911Truth Now

4:03 PM (6 hours ago)
to MattDavid
Serial looks like "FBB1218" via Matt N. and other points of interest below..
I don't see "purple" or the red stripe and Mike Walter said Red AA's ..

Tail section is only area the Red Blue AA's.. I asked Mike to draw the plane..



David Chandler

Attachments5:15 PM (5 hours ago)
to me
Here is the actual image.  The pixel resolution is too coase to separate the red white and blue, so the color values are merged.  Hence Purple.  Original image attached.

Attachments area

911Truth Now

6:44 PM (4 hours ago)
to David

For me the line looks blue and the swatch picker agrees.. debris also has to agree
and a blue line has been discovered and that is why i included it. The plane debris has to agree with images..
The debris so far has not turned up with a red or white line.. You'd figure 757 would have
yielded something by now..


Yes, I watched those before and watched them again, thanks. I have lost 100% faith in Chandler's rendition of the Pentagon and the original footage of the security cameras don't show what they are showing. The excuse is that the new ones are 'high resolution' and therefore we can see it. I won't maintain the myth an airliner sized plane hit the P and Chandler and his buddy Jenkins keep claiming it was actually 77
BTW I have spoken with Jenkins twice on the phone years ago and was admiring him for his details. He was the one that explained the first two floors of the P and how they were contiguous and not walled off like the the upper I followed him for a while...but not anynore!

I did not get a notice you responded, I wonder why.
"Chandler's rendition of the Pentagon and the original footage of the security cameras don't show what they are showing." So there are TWO versions of the same video?
Well, the two originals and the one where they added the blue streak, right?
I had assumed that I blocked out the blue streak or missed it the first time and or made a mistake.
Here are two original camera shots. Anyone who thinks they see a an airliner here, needs it ti be true.
I think they added a reverse fish eye
and yet at 150 mph faster than physics will allow, too. By a pilot who can't fly a Cessna. A 5'5" pilot who had to kill a 6'2" military trained pilot who conducted hijack training for other pilots and yet never sent out a hijack code, in a tight compartment and then lift the body over the console and take his seat and fly a 'disappeared' plane performing a miracle downward spiral and on and on... But if you want to look for the RED strip, please be my guest. I left that one behind years ago.
I am sure no red stripe exist at any of the locations and is the point of posts..
Or blue one for that matter. Anyway. good luck
well blue was found
unless it was added....I don't see it on the original until someone alters it.
I don't get the showing of debris that doesn't and can't be confirmed....except by those pushing the official story.
I see it on both and I send you photo.. Camera A has a booth in front right?
But please forgot all the points I mentioned above...I guess it is impossible for those who pulled off 9/11 to alter photos...that might just be too difficult a technology...
I am arguing for an alternative to flight 77 I am not sure what you arguing for..
where's the debris at the Point of Impact? Now, that would be a good argument...
The plane was said to have been met by an explosion and the rumbling was NOT the plane..
The rumbling was a 9/11 constant. It happen everyplace..
Not following that...
Rumbling/earthquake was reported at WTC, PA, and the Pentagon.. They assumed it was plane every time ..

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