Saturday, April 14, 2018

Dr. Judy Wood's The Spire and Empirical Evidence Does Not Exist

 Ryan Dawson 9/11 FBI RDX Evidence ??

DEW direct energy weapons was used to destroyed all towers. Just read the 500 pages book “where did the towers go “ from Dr Judy Wood

Show me one bit of physical evidence which a core column was DEW attacked which IS NOT Photo and IS NOT a video hundreds of feet away.  Show a photo of physical evidence of a core column
that DEW attacked which you can feel and touch.

911Truth Now1 There are still artifacts from the steel structures of the Twin Towers that can be analyzed , but what's the point of explaining something to you if you deny any photos or videos that exist. the photos and videos make it possible to understand that certain columns of the towers were disintegrated and turn in to dust during the collapse of the structure, this should allow you to understand that a hidden technology (like DEW) unknown to the population has been used to destroy the Twin Towers. how can you not ask yourself the question ?? how can you deny so much fact on photos and videos ?? do you have any pressure from a group of people to convince you not to consider what you are seeing and to drop very important research on this subject? other professionals like Dr. Judy Wood have been working on this but you seem to be denying her work?

"Dial-able nukes". TWO PROBLEMS: ONE: THE SPIRE shouldn't have been there afterwards given that the "dial-able nukes" would have been INSIDE the core (the "Spire" was a significant portion of the entire core). TWO: ENTIRE FACADE VISIBLE AFTERWARDS: In the rubble pile immediately afterward, virtually the entire facade of both Twin Towers can be / has been identified - down to which each piece came from. No way could "dial-able nukes" be so dial-able as to wipe out the entire core (of the Twin that didn't leave behind the "Spire"), yet leave the facade so recognizeable afterwards. In other words, nuclear blasts should have shredded the facade to the point of unrecognizeability. IMO.

The spire does not exist.. Its a made-up word, like the phrase "empirical evidence". All Of Judy's Words are made up to avoid attacking the criminals. Not naming names is like not having a body.. 1. "the "Spire" was a significant portion of the entire core" No the spire was the core.. The core looks like it was cut between the columns, but Judy Wood almost sounds like JollyWood or Hollywood looks at another topic. Not the criminal evidence. 2. "No way could "dial-able nukes" be so dial-able as to wipe out the entire core." Cut and blow. All you need is a complete cut Maybe the towers were pre-cut and with a large enough explosion.. If you have been watching my videos with an open mind you woud know that the North Tower core was NOT photographed until I published at least a half photo here I also publish the fireball in the core all the time. What do you think that is? Its NOT a bird? Joking.. The North Tower Core and its much larger then anything Judy Wood Published. But if I am wrong, let me know, I am all eyes.

Do you have the physical evidence or not? Why does Judy Wood avoid using the term physical evidence? Is it because she does not want you to know that physical evidence for DEW does not exist .. She uses empirical evidence which the phrase that also does not exist. She makes an entirely new world based on phrases that do not exist. Like Ryan Dawson and the RDX evidence.. Some towers were disintegrated into red sand and that physical evidence was collected from a shirt. Photos of that red sand can be viewed but also analyzed. You can't view any of Judy Wood physical evidence which also requires third party or peer review to validate the findings, because she never bothered to look for, obtain or display any physical evidence at anytime in her investigation. The videos and photos can only be validated through physical evidence. Empirical Evidence is a decoy for the real thing.
This the 9/11 explosive in van evidence
 Ryan Dawson - YouTube

The Urban Moving System document by the FBI is basically a itemized list of items which could have explosive residue but it needs to be tested and it was made on the 9/12 and therefore not a results document. Its NOT A positive or negative report for explosives document,  which could still exist and could have been released by the NARA.. It could be standard search done by the FBI.

1 comment:

  1. Your baseless claims are complete nonsense. You completely ignore the magnetometer data . You completely ignore the obvious weather modification ie: hurricane Erin. You completely ignored the seismographic evidence. With the lack of debris. You actually seem to have a problem with the truth which is that: the buildings turned to dust before they hit the ground.
