Wednesday, May 16, 2018

How Did Ground Zero get as hot as Kilauea 2,200-degree lava?

molten metal that conspiracy theorists point to on display tables
prove debunking911 lied ! 

Building 6 Molten Trade Center NYPD Museum WTC 7 Swiss Cheese steel beams didn't look like it was the point failure.. The point of ...
Daniel M. Plesse These objects were NOT in the towers, so the "compression excuse" can't be used.. The other objects were assumed to be under the towers, however there location is still unknown and most likely NOT in WTC 1 or 2.

 WTC 7 Swiss Cheese steel beams didn't look like it was the point failure.. The point of failure steel beams is long Gone with Swiss Cheese as a likely get out of JAIL free card..

North Tower Molten Evidence

The science behind Hawaii's Kilauea volcano and 2,200-degree lava
The lava is 2,200 degrees (1,200 degrees Celsius), Mandeville said.
"It literally incinerates anything it touches," he said.


New York City Police Museum

New York Police Museum. ... "During recovery efforts, several handguns were found at Ground Zero, including these two cylindrical gun-casing remains and a revolver embedded in concrete. Fire temperatures were so intense that concrete melted like lava around anything in its path." 

How Did Ground Zero get as hot as Kilauea ?

"Gerry Fornino, FBI bomb technician, says that "heat was 3,000 - 4,000 degrees”. down the street,  in a car. "

"9/11 Museum Scientists determined heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees"

"A descent beneath the World Trade Center is a passage into a grotesque landscape of stalagmites formed by dripping metal, entire office floors"

What were the "New Chemicals/ compounds" released during the collapse and fires mentioned at the ACS meeting? I don't think fused iron spheres count as new compounds. Any new elements releases during or after 9/11

Ellis Edwards 

I'm not challenging your graphic, either. Actually, I'm not even sure what it is, though it appears to be a record of radio interference with a spike at about 10:00 GMT/6:00 EST. I would guess from that it's to show evidence of radiation. WRONG TIME Ellis Edwards and NOT evidence of radiation. BRNJ is a LCSN Station Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.. 

I'm on your side. Please continue. Bullshit

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Daniel M. Plesse Ellis Edwards BRNJ is a LCSN Station Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 

Its Not a radio station. 
...See More


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Daniel M. Plesse Ellis Edwards No  spike at 10:00 GMT and 15:15 convert to 
10:15 A:M NOT 6:00 EST you are pretty much way off..

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Daniel M. Plesse Ulrik Pedersen No 9/11 Truther asked or wondered about GPS location coordinates and depth details for the seismic activity and Ellis Edwards just looked seismic graph above and got the time wrong and assumed it was radio output. So I don't know what the hell happen there. So instead of posting these these stupid graphics and photos, why don't you try and get some answers to these questions no seems to be asking..

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Dear Thomas Cahill


Daniel M Plesse

3:30 PM (3 hours ago)
to Thomas, bcc: Mick, bcc: David, bcc: Beldar, bcc: Frederic, bcc: 9/11, bcc: mark, bcc: Sehrawat, bcc: J
Dear Thomas, what were the "New Chemicals/ compounds" released during the collapse and fires mentioned at the ACS meeting? I don't think fused iron spheres count as new compounds. Any new elements releases during or after 9/11. thanks

Thomas Cahill

Attachments5:02 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Daniel, this report is so bad it is not even wrong (Einstein's comment on an earlier controversy) Work like this this was presented as part of the opposition to our demand to fund health care for 9/11 workers, and was rejected by the court based on peer reviewed papers, some of which I published. It was so bad that even the EPA deleted their own key measurement assuming they were wrong because they were so high, only to re instate then when I showed them my data. .  The statement appears to be derived fro our measurement showing ultra fine aerosols of metals that should not have been present at the modest temperatures of the smoldering pile I researched and found that the same effect had been seen in hospital incinerators, where high temperature metals that should have stayed in the ash escaped up their stacks, What happened there and at the WTC site was  chlorine in the oxygen poor pile formed compounds like VCl4, which is a gas and passes through the pile, and then burns to an ultra fine metallic aerosol when it reaches a burning zone at the surface, with serious cardio vascular impacts.  The EPA even funded Columbia U to challenge my work - they failed.

Daniel M Plesse

Attachments6:32 PM (1 minute ago)
to Thomas, bcc: Beldar, bcc: Mick
Thomas,  the source was
"Dust: The Inside Story of its Role in the September 11th Aftermath"

and not

part of the opposition to our demand to fund health care for 9/11 workers" 
Another quote from another book on 9/11

The museum hired specialists to perform forensic testing and analysis of two large composites and several smaller pieces that had broken off. ... Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit,
The pile was not "
modest temperatures"  "fused iron spheres" FE/MN matches
the alloy of the 
WTC structural steel via Frank Greening.

counterparts, the shape of these particles indicates they were  molten at the time of their formation. 
EDX analysis of these particles showed iron or iron oxide, albeit  with varying degrees of surface contamination from concrete dust. The Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel. It follows that these particles were heated to at least 1500 °C at the time of their formation"

Did you ever look at the molten materials from the towers first hand? I know the DOD
didn't allow you to go ground zero.


12:08 AM (1 hour ago)
to me

 Thomas fails to comprehend that the full evendeince is in the debris that were sent out at cost before the qualified personnel arrived at ground zero. 


12:47 AM (1 hour ago)
to me


One has to understand that 9-11 was planned well in advance, which means that the removal and destruction of the evidence was also planned to be assigned to companies that could be trusted to follow orders and keep secrets.

The World Trade Center is owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey so it stands to reason that Bovis Lend Lease was chosen by Lewis Eisenberg then director of the Port Authority.Eisenberg, as chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, personally arranged the privatization of the World Trade Center property and oversaw the negotiations that delivered the leases into the private hands of Silverstein and Lowy. 

Bovis has been involved in the development of nanotechnology labs, such as those in which the super-thermite used on 9-11 was made.  Bovis company archives indicate that the company has been involved in nanotechnology production since at least October 2000. 

Type in Google - 
Bovis Lend Lease - Americas - Media Corporate IR Net › IROL › asx_us_...

Frank Lampl's connection with Ehud Barak is most telling.  This is the inner circle of 9-11.  These are the key suspects in the false flag terror atrocity of 9-11.  Barak is the senior architect of the terror attacks and Lampl was the loyal Zionist Jew who helped destroy the evidence.  

Sir Frank Lampl was also a friend of Ehud Barak, the Israeli minister of defense who is responsible for the war crimes committed in Gaza in Israel's operation "Cast Lead" of December 2008 and January 2009.  Some 1,400 Palestinian civilians were killed in this criminal assault on the people of the Gaza Strip.  In October 2009, Sir Frank Lampl, a partner of Forum 2000, sponsored an international conference in which Ehud Barak was one of the key speakers.  

Daniel M Plesse

2:52 PM (4 minutes ago)
to Elias, bcc: Mick, bcc: mark, bcc: Manuel, bcc: Frank, bcc: 9/11, bcc: Thomas, bcc: Sehrawat, bcc: Beldar
Dear Elias, 
   I asked "Dr. J. S. Sehrawat" <> about missing and he said he wanted nothing to do with it
while he looked at the 9/11 body fragments for 2018.. Contact him for more information. He could be in NYC right now.

Dr. J. S. Sehrawat <>

Feb 1
to me
Extremely sorry to tell you that it is totally inaccurate and I am not a going or am a part of any such thing. Just misinterpretation and misconstruction of facts in some reports. JS Sehrawat 

         The 50% still missing people goes without explanation and the GPS body part distance mapping totals  (10 miles or more miles of body part distance traveled from epicenter highest parts traveled via GPS was 3,000 feet!)   and Dr. Sykes  HIGHER richter scale readings quotes below then reported by Dr. Kim  and the missing GPS seismic and depth data are all questions are not addressed and like Dr. J. S. Sehrawat said better forgotten then solved.  All these "Dr." want nothing to do with it.. or use swap gas as a means to explain what happened. 

The earthquakes were happening all morning and all evening long.. So it clearly was NOT the planes or the buildings.. 

Estimates of 50 story buildings falling was do earthquakes after the Tower Fell and denied by 9/11 Truth and Denier Community. Its NOT because they are predicting ,, foreknowledge or advanced known of  WTC 7!! 

"Estimated 50 Story building collapsed"


  1. ground zero did not have to be that hot for fusion of materials. Things like the Hutchison Effect can esily explain this

    Weird Fires, Bent Beams, Jellification,Thinning, Transmutation,
    and Rapid Aging, Cars/Lift and Disintegration, Toasted Metal & Effects, Transmutation, Holes, Fuming

    Iron microspheres can also be found in crop circles which are assumed to be created by some kind of energy weapon...

    And what about the anomalies in Earth´s magnetic field in the timeframe of the attacks?

    1. The Hutchison Effect didn't fuse any material, so how and why did you apply Hutchison to fused materials?
