Tuesday, September 11, 2018

World Trade Center explosions search

The girl, a student at Smith High School and a Kosovo refugee, shared a brief statement with classmates Wednesday morning. In it, she compared the horrific sight of the World Trade Center explosions to the terror she experienced in her homeland.

Schools officials scrambled early today to notify teachers and students about the World Trade Center explosions as some parents showed up at campuses to taken their children home.

Philadelphia pitcher Nelson Figueroa, whose old Brooklyn neighborhood was showered with ash and debris from the World Trade Center explosions, has several uncles who are New York policemen and firefighters and were active in rescue efforts.

The most recent was a report by KUT this week, which suggests that Pressley believes that the World Trade Center explosions on 9/11 were caused not by airplanes but by explosives that had been planted at the buildings.

The Manatee County's Sheriff's SWAT division was called in to clear Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport after the World Trade Center explosions. Their mission: to ensure that the President got out of the state safely.

Local government met to coordinate their efforts in getting information out to their employees and to figure out how to deal with the psychological impact of the World Trade Center explosions, according to Blackwell. The county is also trying to ensure someone is available for public calls 24 hours a day

Closer to New York, FBI agents and Bergen County Sheriff's Department crime scene technicians spent three hours Thursday night searching the Weehawken headquarters of Urban Moving Systems at 3 W. 18th St.
Investigators first became interested in the business after witnesses reported Tuesday that three men seemed to celebrate the World Trade Center explosions in Liberty State Park, then drove away in a company van.
"To the best of my knowledge, my client Urban Moving Systems and Dominik Suter are not targets," said attorney Jay Hamill of Jersey City. "This is an informational situation. We're cooperating completely and have objected to nothing they've requested."
Agents took pictures inside the company's office Thursday night and seized 13 computer hard drives. They also showed a keen interest in the roof, which had a very clear view of the World Trade Center until Tuesday. A half-dozen agents searched the roof with flashlights and appeared particularly interested in the the sight lines from the roof toward downtown Manhattan.
East Rutherford police stopped an Urban Moving Systems van on Route 3 Tuesday and detained five men inside, at least some of them company employees. The occupants said they were all Israelis. They were being detained because they are in violation of immigration regulations, and all have expressed a desire to leave the country on their own, according to an Immigration and Naturalization Service spokesman.
An employee of Urban Moving Systems, who would not give his name, said the majority of his co-workers are Israelis and were joking on the day of the attacks.

"I was in tears," the man said. "These guys were joking and that bothered me. These guys were like, 'Now America knows what we go through.'"

9/11 Debate: How Strong is the Evidence of a Larger Conspiracy?"
The 9/11 hijackers of  2000 (written about inside the 28 pages etc), failed to fly and had their passports stolen and copies sent the CIA's Alec Station, flew back to the middle east and bombed the U.S.S Cole (USS Cole bombing was an attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole on  October 12th 2000), then had to fly back for 9/11 inside the Saudi Visa Express Program. The hijackers in 1999-2000 were then demoted from pilots to muscle by 2001.

"Planning for the attack was discussed at the Kuala Lumpur al-Qaeda Summit shortly after the attempt, which was held from 5 to 8 January 2000. Along with other plotters, it was attended by future 11 September hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar, who then traveled to San Diego, California"

January 4, 2000, Mihdhar left Yemen and flew to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where he spent the night. The CIA broke into his hotel room and photocopied his passport, which gave them his full name, birth information and passport number for the first time, and alerted them that he held an entry visa to the United States.[17] The photocopy was sent to the CIA's Alec Station, which was tracking al-Qaeda.[16]

In May 2000, he’d take on his most infamous clients.
‘Dumb and Dumber’

The flight instruction of al-Midhar and Alhazmi was set into motion with a phone call from the Middle East. The Saudi men had the funds to pay and the desire to learn, and Sorbi’s Flying Club told them to come on over. To Garza, Al-Midhar looked a bit sinister with what appeared to be a knife scar across one cheek.

On their introductory flight, as they neared landing, al-Midhar began praying aloud in the back seat, not stopping until they’d touched down.

Hani Hanjour would start crying during his lessons. These are not brave strong men at all!

In the Summer of 2001 the 2000 West Coast Hijackers become the 2001 East Coast Hijackers after parting back to parts unknown between. Hani Hanjour maintains his pilot role. Al-Midhar and Alhazmi  drop out and become CIA term the "Muscle" and now West Coast meets with East Coast Florida / New Jersey Hijackers.

YES Not only was the area cleared for controlled demolition, but the areas electrical grid was turn off to limit the damage to electrical equipment.
WTC7 Street Lights Out **cleared for controlled demolition**
  1. Larry “Pull it” Body Language Means Explosives

Fire Did Not Bring Down Building WTC7

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