Tuesday, November 13, 2018

September 11th Chips Oxide Earthquakes and Judy Wood

Dan Plesse

Problem #1

The only recordings on the graphs so far are explosives, because quarry blasts as you know they use explosives, right? I doubt all this quarry blast activity just so happens to be on 9/11.
Notice at #18 - #22 two-three things happen 1. the cause is dropped i.e “very weak” and the location is trimmed i.e 40.71 and 74.01
Depth is “Zero” when depth could be < 0.1 they use less then sign! NOT DETAILED
All this editing is clear signs of criminal activity!
problem #2
One problem with your data is that every earthquake should have a detailed GPS location. Since each earthquake labeled “quarry blast” does not have a accompanying GPS location signal, you can’t rule what it is unless you do have those details.. Judy is writing in “quarry blast” right? For Example 40.711??? and 74.013??? i.e  the question marks are missing details Judy didn’t provide, right?. Your data shows 40.71 -74.01 is Broadway & Cortlandt another “1″ on each data point array would have the signal placed right under the Twin towers. Notice they cropped off numbers or trimmed off location details but only for the towers. HOWEVER if you provided “40.711 and -74.013” this gives you WTC Cortlandt, New York, NY 10006, USA i.e you are basically under the towers.
problem #3
Top graph is PAL and everything is larger so 100.00 K on BRNJ graph means its smaller gain. So you wrong with the K 100.00 gain concept.
problem #4
no “quarry” exists at 40.71 -74.01 Broadway & Cortlandt St, New York, NY 10007, USA or under the Twin Towers and more details numbers would place the blast right at the World Trade Center location i.e the explosions i.e explosives and are not “quarry blasts” on 9/11. “quarry blasts” use explosives! The starting time #18 at 11:00 AM is after the trade center fell. 11:15 is BRNJ PAL 11:20 or seems edited two different times that close? . BRNJ should have been later at 11:20 and PAL should have 11:15 because its closer to WTC. So they deleted the spike on PAL. All other signals on each graph match perfectly! in time and size but ONE! Can you see that. You keep pointing to other graphs. Stop doing that.
Problem #5 No oxide was reported the USGS in their dust study.
A search of that document returned ZERO RESULTS!!
The chips however DID contain Copper Oxide. So WHY IS Judy Wood conflate the Chips with the WTC dust? Why would she do that? Can you answer that? thanks Why did Judy leave out the cause of blasts #18 - 22? and trim the GPS numbers?
Carlo Landolfi

Dan Plesse

WTC 7 was reported as being “ATTACKED” on the news.

What else would be “attacking” WTC 7 but explosives?
The GPS location details were trimmed enough so you can’t find out for sure. Do you have the rest GPS numbers?
Problem #2 They trimmed the GPS i,e shorten the length of GPS signal so you can’t find the exact location of the signal. i.e WTC 1 or WTC 2 WTC 6 or WTC 7
Judy wood then removed the CAUSE OF SIGNAL! with “ “very weak” in her graph.
problem #3 look at the two graphs this proves it btw
please provide the link to where you took the PAL vs. BRNJ graphs. Select 2001
LCSN Catalog Archive
“You say they edited/deleted the spikes.” one spike one spike
15:15 spike of BRNJ was deleted
“It is true if you search the USGS fact sheet no iron oxides are found but then why did Steven Jones find iron oxides in the dust?” HE DID FIND IT IN THE DUST. HE FOUND IT THE CHIPS !!!!! JESUS
Fe2O3 is Hematite its NOT even RED! Hematite
Iron + Water + Oxygen = Rust
i.e. 4 Fe(s) + 6 H2O(l) + 3 O2(g) → 4 Fe(OH)3(s)
Then Fe(OH)3 dehydrates to produce Fe2O3.nH2O(s).
Thereby, the chemical formula for rust is Fe2O3.nH2O.
So you didn’t even get that right!

Dan Plesse

1. Oh yes, the news said it so it must be true! Sure! BRNJ graphics back the BCC news report up which was the point! Early news reports are correct, not the news in general. You are grouping the two together. Stop doing that!
2. GPS coordinates are most commonly expressed as latitude and longitude
3. latitude and longitude numbers are trimmed and no this is NOT true “I don’t have the rest because thay are complete and are the available ones provided by Columbia University and reported in the NIST report.”
4. Your seismic graph proves nothing. Answer not my graphs!
5. ” No one from the truth movement raised this alleged editing out. “ They don’t do much of anything. Sorry!
6. “They couldn’t find the exactly location?” really and you believe that all stations in NY could find the location. All 13 stations! FOR is 12.51.19 miles away!
AMNH 5.15 miles away
CPNY 6.15 miles away
CNY 8.37 miles away
CUNY 10.19 miles away
 FOR    12.51.19 miles away
MONJ 13.25 miles away
N61a 13.25 miles away
NIST, USGS, Judy Wood and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory couldn’t find the details with all these closer stations?
I published the third number already BTW
40.711 and 74.013
somehow you missed that. So the third number does exist. The forth number and fifth number does not exit. You are only on the second number.
Others might have forth and fifth digital latitude and longitude coordinates .

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