Friday, February 1, 2019

9/11 The Media Cover-up Janette MacKinlay Explosive Evidence

People believe that Oswald brought a gun to his job during the morning hours, then shot three times or more from a sixth floor, hitting multiple people in two locations, through trees, hitting a paused target, that had already moved past his window and heading out of town, killing the president of the United States and enabling already written legislation to continue wars inside a room which was under construction with work being done that very day. My source was and still is Stephen King 11.22.63 and not any JFK truth activist. The 9/11 Truth activists are the same way. You will not find it with them. Someone shared photos with Janette MacKinlay and guess what? No 9/11 Truth member shared! No Loose Change or Alex Jones.

Brian Good
Brian Good has hearty reasons to continue the 9/11 don't share trend.

These PHOTOs are from the "Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11" 2009

These photo are from the “Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up” from 2009. So these photos were published back in 2009 and here is link so you see still see them .. 
Towers of Deception

The tips I shared never went viral, nothing will ever "Go Viral" unless one of the giant media institutions gives it it's blessing.  No grassroots sharing without them and
 they own you

George Carlin - It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It! The American Dream

Janette MacKinlay WTC Towers Bombed Out Before Collapse Photos

Janette MacKinlay WTC Towers Bombed Out Before Collapse Photos

Janette MacKinlay WTC Towers Bombed Out Before Collapse Photos

Dan Plesse

 Janette is dead you fucking moron.

These photo are from the “Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up” from 2009. So these photos were published back in 2009 and here is link so you see them still viable photos you somehow missed. X years ..
Towers of Deception

I don’t believe that a good 9/11 researcher could missed ALL the publicly available information I have found in books and journals and on FDNY display tables of molten samples and still claim to be a apart of finding truth. Sorry but you can’t be what you claim. The evidence is clear. I don’t think anyone can be this bad by mistake.

First off, it was a crime not a topic for scholars.
the photo says “Janette MacKinlay WTC Towers Bombed Out Before Collapse Photos.” by Barrie Zwicker

Brian Good

Dan Plesse

I asked the “9/11 investigating scholars” about 904–555–0004 calls from two flights on 9/11. Then I video taped their reply
9/11 Investigating Scholars Elizabeth Woodworth Confrontation
Brian Good

Dan Plesse
How the media are complicit in hiding the fact that 9/11 was an inside job.
2Barrie Zwicker, Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11 (Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society, 2006). 3Barrie Zwicker ... 2007): 15–139. 4 DavidRay Griffin, “9/11: TheMyth andthe Reality,” available as a DVD on
Edward Hendrie - 2011 - ‎Preview
Hendrie proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the U.S. government's conspiracy theory of the attacks on September 11, 2001, is a preposterous cover story.
Ian Henshall, ‎Rowland Morgan - 2005 - ‎No preview
Considers such topics as the U.S. government's failure to heed urgent intelligence warnings about impending attacks, the unavailability of seized evidence to the public, and the ways in which September 11 enabled the Bush administration to ...

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